I have a wealth of resources that are aimed primarily at KS4 and KS5; however, there are some useful KS3 tasks that have been uploaded this year. Topics at KS5 include: Russia and its Rulers, 1855-1941; Later Tudors, 1547-1603; Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries; Italian Unification, 1830-1870; and Germany, 1890-1990.
As well as History, I also have a few resources relating to Geography and ICT that some users may find helpful.
Students will examine a timeline of Stalin's rise to power and must answer relevant questions. This was intended for the AQA GCSE History B Topic: Stalin's Russia, 1924-1941; however, it can easily be adapted for any GCSE or A Level topic on Stalin's rise to power.