Stand by Me 1986 is a poignant and nostalgic coming-of-age film about four young boys who set out on a journey to find a missing teenager’s body in the summer of 1959. Along their adventure, they confront personal fears, family conflicts, and the trials of friendship, ultimately learning invaluable life lessons and cementing their bond. The journey not only leads them to their physical destination but also to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.
Product Content:
- 30 Questions requiring full-sentence answers.
- 20 Multiple choice question.
- Word search puzzle.
- Crossword puzzle clues from the movie
- Students draw their favorite character from the movie, with four questions for that choice.
- Compare and contrast.
- Three coloring pages.
- Movie review with 5 stars.
You will receive A PDF that includes:
- A PDF file includes 16 activity pages.
- Size: 8.5 x11 In.
- Total pages 24 and Answers Included.
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