I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience.
As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!
10 worksheets with answers (as worksheet and as a list) - Difficultly increases from 1-1 to 1-10
ONE IDEA IS to cut them out into individual questions to they could be easily stuck into books so ALL the working out could be shown. Shuffle them up and distribute at random within the difficulty range
Even more difficult if made non-calc work!
Creative Commons "Sharealike"
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Loads of practice and answers well set out.<br />
Thank you
4 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to review my resource. I have had over 62 000 downloads of my various resources but less than 100 reviews, so not everyone bothers.
Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user