John Bayley sits in on KS3 and KS4 lessons to observe an award winning MFL teacher as she brings French grammar alive with an imaginative and innovative approach.

Former Teacher of the Year, Helene Tulodieski from Twynham School in Christchurch, shares her expertise on creating fast paced and well structured lessons, using ICT teaching materials she has designed herself. Y8 practice the construction of Level 6 text with interactive whiteboard presentations, supported with a step-by-step framework to guide them through the tricky conjugation of verbs. Helene intersperses grammatical techniques with games designed to introduce the necessary repetition whilst ensuring the children have fun. At each new learning point she encourages mixed ability pairs to discuss and feedback their understanding in French. In her Y10 class John observes the same rigour and structure, fun and enjoyment are all evident as the children practise their conversation skills in preparation for an oral exam.

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6 years ago

great work. definitely going to try these techniques.<br /> thanks for sharing.


11 years ago

Really enjoyed watching this. Admire her ICT skills and her ideas. Will try out some of her ideas.


13 years ago

Yes this is a dream lesson. The enthusiasm shown by the pupils is incredible and the pace is so fast there is no time for breathing. But can you keep up this thoughout all lessons? j&#39;en doute


13 years ago

this is well and done but a top set is very well behaved. We all thrive with classes like these. But this is not the reality. Desole d'etre un pessimiste!


13 years ago

Sorry to be a cynic, but is this a top set? It's all very well having fantastic lessons but we don't all get classes to be this cooperative do we? Having said this, I will definitely nick some of her stuff and live in hope that I can regularly deliver lessons like this.

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