High quality and varied English teaching resources, from KS3 to A level. I've got single and pack resources which cover language and literature from KS3 to IGCSE, AQA GCSE and A level Literature and Language. Thanks for stopping by.
This bundle has a lot of material to help you get your students enthused about Shakespeare's best known villain. It contains three PowerPoints which introduce and contextualise the history of Richard III, explore his use of language, introduce new linguistic techniques and finally leads students up to writing a full essay on his use of language to control others. Also included in the bundle is a great introduction to Shakespeare slideshow which, ideally, starts off the topic, and a handy guide to Shakespearean grammar. Finally, I include the worksheet for a Shakespearean insults tournament, which the kids love as Richard has so many opponents they can script for. This last task is great value as it works well with lots of plays besides this one.