Year 2 Reading and Writing Poetry Preview
Suitable for GD readers and promote quality reading experiences for all Expected pupils.
This is a preview of resources available in the shop. It has an array of classic poetry with comprehensions.
The sound collector has targeted comprehension for higher ability (working at greater depth) and then differentiated down so that all the class can access and enjoy classic poetry. Children answer literal, inference and evaluative questions about the poem. After that , they spend a day creating their own verses using similar pattern structures.
There are also other many fun and enjoyable poems to learn and perform by Roger McGough, and Valerie Bloom- such as The River, and other sound poems. Children can recite these poems from memory, perform them to an audience and answer comprehension questions. Children will learn how to identify rhyming words and generate their own. They will understand language techniques used by the poet and identify the patterned structures to write their own verse in a similar style. This fun resource can also be used as a poetry unit during English main teaching or guided reading.
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