A Drama and English resource which summarises the plot and key characters of William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. Uses the whole class and teacher to bring the story to its feet within the classroom.
A large (ish) space is required for the task as the class need to be sat in a circle.
Includes a homework or extension design task at the end of lesson - costumes for four key characters.
Can be used as both an introduction or consolidation task.
Ideal for KS3 and as a way to allow students to access Shakespeare through modern language and adaptation.
['Whoosh' text not my own.]
A large (ish) space is required for the task as the class need to be sat in a circle.
Includes a homework or extension design task at the end of lesson - costumes for four key characters.
Can be used as both an introduction or consolidation task.
Ideal for KS3 and as a way to allow students to access Shakespeare through modern language and adaptation.
['Whoosh' text not my own.]
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Exactly what is says on the tin. Superb. Comes in both word and PowerPoint
Creative and motivating tool. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you
My classed love it and saved me time - thanks
Great for my year 7 English group
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