Jadyn Thone
Jadyn Thone
4.405 reviews

I'm Jadyn Thone, a middle and high school teacher for grades 7 to 12. I create resources for English, Science and Mathematics.

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pdf, 1.71 MB

With 23 pages of chapter questions and activities to accompany the novel Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden, this novel study contains a “student booklet” that is ready to print!

Designed with novel study questions that task the students to think, write, draw and otherwise excite them about the text, this resource is one you can immediately utilise in your classroom with ease: over 100 chapter questions, individual student work tasks, self-paced activities, comprehension testing and even practice essay topics! Take the stress out of teaching!

British English, suitable for Australian classrooms :)

This resource is a complete time saver, with quick and easy worksheets just ready to print. Check out the preview for a glance at the chapter questions!

Chapter Question Examples
Questions that make the student think in fun-to-answer worksheet formats for all chapters (1-22) and epilogue. Some question examples:

  • The author of this novel wrote the book in . Since then technology has significantly improved. In what ways has technology changed?
  • What does Corrie’s choice in future career say about her character?
  • “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron in the traditional sense. Can you create an oxymoron to explain the conditions of Wirrawee?
  • What set of skills do these characters have that convince their parents that they can “go bush” independently? Write a list of at least 5 skills.
  • Teacher Prep Instructions*

The chapter questions are in chronological order but ultimately it’s up to you to pick and choose which chapter pages you would like students to complete! Just simply print off the relevant page. Alternatively, you could print the entire booklet and work through sections as a class or provide as homework for students. So many topics and ideas are explored in questions that you could even use it as your piece of assessment as an ongoing formative/summative task.



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7 years ago

Layout was extremely professional. Variety of activities engaged my class. The questions asked evoked significant discussion.

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