Transformations Pack: Students must reflect, rotate and translate different shapes to reveal the secret pictures!
Pack contains:
Translations Mystery Picture
Suitable for younger students just learning translations and vectors.
Reflections Mystery Pictures 1 & 2
Also suitable for younger students just starting to learn about reflections in a mirror line. The second version uses the co-ordinates axes and the line y = -x as mirror lines.
Rotations Mystery Pictures 1 & 2
Students will need to be able to rotate 90 degrees and 180 degrees about a point. Most students will need tracing paper. The first version is on the co-ordinate plane and all rotations are about the origin.
Mixed Transformations Pictures 1 & 2
These activities require students to use translations, reflections and rotations.
Combined Transformations Pictures 1 & 2
These are the most difficult pictures to complete and require students to do multiple transformations to each object in order to find its place. The second picture takes place on the co-ordinate plane.
Answers are included and can be checked at a glance, making it easy for students and teachers to know whether things are on track!
Pack contains:
Translations Mystery Picture
Suitable for younger students just learning translations and vectors.
Reflections Mystery Pictures 1 & 2
Also suitable for younger students just starting to learn about reflections in a mirror line. The second version uses the co-ordinates axes and the line y = -x as mirror lines.
Rotations Mystery Pictures 1 & 2
Students will need to be able to rotate 90 degrees and 180 degrees about a point. Most students will need tracing paper. The first version is on the co-ordinate plane and all rotations are about the origin.
Mixed Transformations Pictures 1 & 2
These activities require students to use translations, reflections and rotations.
Combined Transformations Pictures 1 & 2
These are the most difficult pictures to complete and require students to do multiple transformations to each object in order to find its place. The second picture takes place on the co-ordinate plane.
Answers are included and can be checked at a glance, making it easy for students and teachers to know whether things are on track!
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We are pleased to let you know that your resource Transformations Mystery Picture Pack!, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured in in December 2024 on Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.
Great resource. Thank you very much !
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