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This is a detailed and differentiated 6 week Y4 unit on the book Varjak Paw, developing pupils’ creative wriiting through a highly scaffolded approach. Pupils build confidence with new vocabulary and specific grammar targets through repeated opportunities to practice and edit sentences on whiteboards. This approach was hugely impactful with my Y4 classes and I hope it works for you too.

The zip files includes everything you need to teach the six week unit: Weekly Plans, Daily Notebooks, differentiated worksheets and activities, differentiated success criteria, Word-mats, Reading Comp, Art task, extracts, scanned pictures from the book, guided reading tasks, grammar tasks, key vocabulary

The unit results in the following writing outcomes:
• First Person Recount of Garden Scene
• Narrative based on the book

Learning objectives covered include:

To use adverbials of place and time.
To use apostrophes to show possession.
To use the correct features of a writing genre.
To use commas to mark clauses.
To identify pronouns.
Read extensively; experiment with other types of text.
To use fronted adverbials.
To use evidence to answer comprehension questions.
To interrogate texts to deepen and clarify understanding and response.
To use knowledge of different organisational features of texts to find information effectively.
To summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources to write convincing and informative non-narrative texts.
To identify different word-classes
To use prepositions as openers.
To use apostrophes to show possession.
To plan a piece of writing in detail.
To identify determiners.
To read extensively; experiment with other types of text.
To select precise and powerful verbs.
To edit and amend a piece of writing.
To create a story-map.
To use speech punctuation.
To use the correct verb tense.
To select correct determiners (a/an)
To use evidence to answer comprehension questions.
To use the correct features of a writing genre.
To describe a setting.
To collect and define vocabulary.



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7 months ago

Hi there, just downloaded this resource and can't open notebook files- can you send as PPT's please? Looking forward to using this with my class.

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