txt, 597 Bytes
txt, 597 Bytes
txt, 926 Bytes
txt, 926 Bytes

Is e paradocs a th’ ann gu bheil daoine a’ diùltadh cron a dhèanamh air eòin ach chan e daoine.

Bidh iad a 'freagairt ann an dòigh fhoirmeil an aghaidh eadhon cron nàdarra dha eòin.

An uairsin bidh na faireachdainnean aca a ‘dol a dh’ ionnsaigh fulangas dhaoine.

Bidh stiùirichean carasmatach a’ tagradh innleachdan gus eòin agus daoine a chuideachadh.

Bu chòir seo a bhith toilichte leis a h-uile duine.

Is e tòimhseachan a th’ ann mar a bhios daoine a’ gearain mu bhith a’ dèanamh cron air eòin ach chan e daoine.

Bidh iad a 'freagairt ann an dòigh stoc an aghaidh eadhon cron nàdarra dha eòin.

An uairsin bidh na faireachdainnean aca a 'dol air falbh gu fulangas dhaoine.

Bidh stiùirichean tarraingeach ag iarraidh atharrachaidhean gus eòin agus daoine a chuideachadh.

Bu chòir seo a bhith toilichte leis a h-uile duine.

It’s a paradox people decry harming birds but not people.

They respond in a formulaic way against even natural harm to birds.

Then their feelings subside towards people’s sufferings.

Charasmatic leaders advocate innovations to help birds and people.

This should please everyone.

It’s a riddle how people complain about harming birds but not people.

They respond in a stock way against even natural harm to birds.

Then their feelings get tucked away towards people’s sufferings.

Attractive leaders call for changes to help birds and people.

This should please everyone.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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