txt, 588 Bytes
txt, 588 Bytes
txt, 831 Bytes
txt, 831 Bytes

Bha an t-àrd-ollamh agam buailteach a dhol air adhart.

B’ e an reusanachadh mion-fhiosrachadh a mhìneachadh.

B’ e ruaig fhiadhaich fhiadhaich a bh’ ann airson a leantainn.

Tha mi cinnteach, cha robh beothalachd sam bith an sàs ann.

Dh’fhaighnich mi gu modhail, am biodh e comasach atharrachadh;
gus stoidhle derivative de neach-labhairt nas soilleire a chleachdadh?

Bha e coltach gun robh an t-àrd-ollamh agam a’ falbh bhon chuspair.

B’ e an t-adhbhar mion-fhiosrachadh a bha doirbh a thuigsinn.

Bha e mar ruaig gèadh fiadhaich a leantainn.

Tha mi cinnteach, cha robh droch thoil sam bith an sàs ann.

Dh’fhaighnich mi gu modhail, am biodh e comasach atharrachadh;
airson stoidhle leth-bhreac de neach-labhairt nas soilleire a chleachdadh?

My professor was prone to digressions.

The rationale was to explain abstruse details.

It was a figurative wild goose chase to follow him.

I’m sure, no animosity was involved.

I asked politely, would it be feasible to change;
to use a derivative style of a clearer talker?

My professor was likely to wander off topic.

The reason was to explain hard to understand details.

It was like wild goose chase to follow him.

I’m sure, no ill will was involved.

I asked politely, would it be possible to change;
to use a copied style of a clearer talker?

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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