The four resources in this bundle are all suitable for children in upper KS2 and KS3.
These presentations are an introduction to Shakespeare’s rich, Elizabethan language. They consist of:
1. William Shakespeare - His Rich Language and Rude Words and Insults. (PowerPoint lesson) Here the children look at ‘The Tempest’ and ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ and the focus is on the end rhymes of the songs. It’s a different activity for each song, but the invitation to young readers is to do the editing and in so doing, play with and engage with the language in an active, creative way.
2. Edit Shakespeare's Language and Become a Wide-Eyed Waffle-Cake. (PowerPoint lesson) Here the children look at ‘The Tempest’ and songs from ‘Cymbelene’ and ‘Hamlet’. The problem is that the songs’ lines and their verses have been hopelessly jumbled. The challenge is to edit these line and verses into their correct order.
3.William Shakespeare - Lost Treasures and a Shopping List. (PowerPoint lesson) Here the children look at songs in ‘The Winter’s Tale’ and ‘Twelfth Night’. In one case the t lines from two songs have somehow become mixed up and entangled and must be both re-ordered and separated into two separate pieces. Then we look at a song rich in items of the Elizabethan age. The draft gives these items in a separate list but unfortunately, they are missing from the text. The students are asked to insert them into the correct places to complete the song.
4. William Shakespeare - Man of Mystery. We know very little about Shakespeare’s life. We know he was born in 1564, but we don’t know the exact date. He is buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-Upon-Avon but we don’t know exactly when he died. This PDF explores further this ‘Man of Mystery’ and his work.
All the money raised from the sale of this resource goes to MedEquip4Kids. This is a local charity for children that works with medical staff, community nurses and other registered charities to provide equipment and improve facilities in hospitals.