The Tes Author Code
Tes Resources is a community website for the teaching profession. As resource authors and users of Tes, we trust you will:
Support other educators by sharing resources you believe are of a high standard and will assist their work with students.
Only upload original resources you have created yourself, featuring material that is either your own or correctly licensed.
Help other teachers to find relevant materials by tagging resources accurately and truthfully, whether to subjects, age groups or curriculums.
Help protect the quality of material on Tes by reporting any resources you see containing material you believe is inappropriate, offensive, plagiarised or infringes copyright.
Support a culture of honest feedback by leaving meaningful reviews, and by soliciting only genuine purchases, downloads and reviews from Tes members.
Interact with other authors respectfully in the spirit of a supportive community of professional educators.
If you see authors acting in a way that infringes the Tes author code, please contact As a community site we cannot take responsibility for content uploaded but we can act swiftly and decisively in situations where content is reported to us. Please familiarise yourself with our updated content standards and guidance on licensing along with our terms.