Assessment in the history classroom

Assessments, tests and help sheets that can be used to examine how students are progressing

Tes Resources Team

History Assessment Test Classroom

Hand-picked resources to help you assess your pupils' subject knowledge this term

Whether quickly testing fact retention, or challenging your students to write a balanced argument, checking that your class understand what they have been taught is a vital part of teaching. To support you in identifying the progress your pupils are making, we’ve selected some time-saving topic-specific assessments, resource packs and preparation activities.


Castles Assessment

Castles Assessment

This assessment draws conclusion to the Year 7 topic of castles. The assessment is interpretations based (new AQA spec) and wholly GCSE style questions. This resource includes the student question booklet/materials and support materials are included as well as the mark scheme (which can be customi...
ASSESSMENT: First World War Source.

ASSESSMENT: First World War Source.

ASSESSMENT: First World War Source. LO: To use source skills to explain the conditions in a trench during the First World War. Know the conditions of a trench through a Source. Be able to use a source to explain the conditions of a trench during the First World War. Use the source to explain both ...
Slavery Assessment

Slavery Assessment

The assessment is targeted at year 8 and follows a unit on the transatlantic slave trade. The assessment is broken down into the assessment objectives used at KS4.
Tudors end of topic assessment

Tudors end of topic assessment

An end of topic assessment for the Tudors, suitable for 11-14s. 3 questions based on GCSE style questions; 1. Describe two features 2. How useful is source a? 3. How far do you agree... (includes analysis of portraits of Elizabeth I!) **Includes a mark scheme and AFL sheet.** This is part of SOW...
History Baseline Assessment

History Baseline Assessment

A simple and effective way of ascertaining what students already know from Key Stage 2 in the subject. Progress can then be mapped against this.
Causes of WWI assessment and feedback

Causes of WWI assessment and feedback

This powerpoint is an example of how you can make a really effective assessment feedback lesson. You can model excellent explanation and layer the development of answers using a powerpoint like this and also have lots of additional activities to keep students busy. I have also included my feedback ...


AQA History Interpretation USA assessment

AQA History Interpretation USA assessment

This includes assessment for the new style questions 1 - 3 (and Q4 to bring the paper out of 20). 2 interpretations on women are offered and the 3 new style questions to accompany. In addition the paper also incorporates a feedback and review lesson helping students (and teachers convert grad...
The Normans: Conquest and Control: Assessment

The Normans: Conquest and Control: Assessment

AQA GCSE History specification Britain: British Depth Studies: Norman England, c1066 c1100 - The Normans: Conquest and Control. The topics considered are: Causes of Norman Conquest, including the death of Edward the Confessor, the claimants and claims. Military aspects: Battle of Stamfo...

Whole School 

History Assessment Without Levels, Key Stage 3

History Assessment Without Levels, Key Stage 3

Assessment criteria for Years 7, 8 and 9. GCSE specification skills have been consulted and broken down to create assessment criteria for Key Stage 3 students. Many hours of hard work! Can easily be adapted to suit your school if necessary.