Exploring sustainability at secondary

Discuss, examine and reflect upon environmental sustainability with secondary students using this collection of lessons, activities and games

Tes Resources Team

Secondary Sustainibility Lightbulb Using No Natural Resources

Lessons, activities and engaging games to stimulate critical thinking and reflection about sustainability

As our presence on the planet continues to have impact on a range of important biological systems, it is no surprise that sustainability has remained a cross-curricular focus. As well as being all-encompassing in the classroom, it is at the forefront of young peoples’ minds as they think about their future and the next generation.

To help your secondary students understand the importance of sustainability and biodiversity, we’ve gathered together a selection of stimulating lesson ideas, activities and games from the Tes community for you to explore.

EC Resources


**Sustainability - why do we need to consume our resources responsibly? ** A detailed, editable 1 hour lesson all about sustainability and the reasons why we need to consume our planet's resources responsibly. Created to fit an 'adaptive teaching style' the lesson is influenced by Rosenshine's pr...
Introduction to Sustainability

Introduction to Sustainability

Introduction into sustainability, finite and non-finite resources and the impact these resources have on our planet. This video will cover many key points that could appear within your Design technology exam. The video has been designed for easy Design Technology revision. Ideally for both Design T...
Sustainability - Escape Room
H Louise

Sustainability - Escape Room

An interactive escape room lesson that explores the meaning of 'sustainability'. There are seven fun task cards that include activities relating to sustainability and why it is important. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to the various issues and key issues surrounding sustaina...