KS2 Sats revision resources

Sats revision lessons, activities and practice questions for Year 6 English and Maths tests this year

Tes Resources Team

Class Working On Engaging Activities & Revision Lessons Ahead Of The Year 6 Sats

Engaging activities, games and revision lessons to help your Year 6 class thrive in their Sats

We all know that getting pupils ready for the KS2 national curriculum assessments in May is a priority among Year 6 teachers, however learners can quickly become disengaged at the mention of Sats revision. That’s why we’ve hand-picked some of the best revision lessons, games and practice questions to help you out.

Explore even more KS2 Sats resources in our primary national tests collection.

Reading resources

Looking for more KS2 reading resources? Find more hand-picked resources here

SATS Reading Revision

SATS Reading Revision

SATS - 100 reading questions organised by content domain, created for SATS revision. This is a popular revision tool for the Y6 Reading SATS test! The resource can be used all year round to help prepare pupils for the requirements of the KS2 test or as a last minute revision tool. Get ready for t...
Year 6, Guided Reading, SATs style text and questions, Fiction.

Year 6, Guided Reading, SATs style text and questions, Fiction.

Hi all, Here is a short story with a set of SATs style questions. You can use this as a guided reading, teacher lead session or as a simple SATs style revision where the children work in silence and you go through it afterwards - it's up to you. It's also completely editable so you can add/ch...
Practise SATS Tests (Changes) 9-12 years

Practise SATS Tests (Changes) 9-12 years

Between the ages of 9 and 12, children have to complete Standardised.Assessment.Tests (Sats). To help them practise for these tests, we have produced a new series of comprehension booklets. The Standards and Testing Agency states that the child has 1 hour to complete the test, answering the question...
Y6 SATS Reading Poetry Practice

Y6 SATS Reading Poetry Practice

Y6 SATS Reading Poetry Practice This download is a Year 6 SATS poetry sample questions resource. There are two sample poems, each with 10 questions. The SATS style questions range from 1-3 marks, and I have provided answer sheets for each text. Included in this resource is an editable version and ...
Year 6 SATs Reading Comprehension - Seasons

Year 6 SATs Reading Comprehension - Seasons

A poem about the individual beauty of each season within a year. The poem explores all aspects of the seasons and transitions between them using evocative and complex language, perfect for inference and vocabulary deepening! **This document has the following features:** An individually, purpos...
Year 6 Tier 2 Words: Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Cards

Year 6 Tier 2 Words: Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Cards

Tier 2 words are ones which children might encounter in text but are less likely to use in everyday conversation. As these words are often unfamiliar to children, they can sometimes act as a barrier to reading. We have chosen 48 Tier 2 words for this Year 6 pack. The Tier 2 words in this pack (prov...

Spelling, punctuation and grammar resources

Looking for more KS2 Spag resources? Find more hand-picked resources here

Y6 SATS: SPAG Revision

Y6 SATS: SPAG Revision

SATS 2020 - 100 SPAG questions organised by topic to revise for the KS2 tests. This is a helpful revision tool for the Y6 SPAG test. The tool can be used all year round to prepare students for the requirements of the 2020 SATS or as a last minute revision activity. Get ready for the 2020 KS...
English SATS Grammar Revision

English SATS Grammar Revision

This resource contains a set of eleven worksheets containing 66 SATS style questions on grammatical terms and word classes. The resource includes questions (and answers) on the following: Verbs Adjectives Conjunctions Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Relative Pronouns Adverbs Prepositions Det...


Y6 SPELLING - Wk 1 to Wk 6 spelling words and tests (inc. teacher version.) Spelling words and tests are: \- Taken from NC2014 Y5&6 Word Lists \- Cover spelling objectives from previous year groups as a revision tool. \- Are tested in the context of a sentences as per SATs SPAG Test.
Spag Game Year 6 SATs
Donna Upton

Spag Game Year 6 SATs

SPAG Master is a game I use with Year 6 in the last few weeks before the SATs. You know how it feels - when you've done past paper after past paper and you still need to work on retrieval but you need some ENERGY! This is a quiz which involves partner work, team names and unlimited points and my c...
Year 6 spag revision activities
Blossoming Minds

Year 6 spag revision activities

A collection of 10 worksheets, 10 activities and 10 starters (in the form of a PowerPoint) to use with your year 6 class in the run-up to SATs. The ten topics covered are those that my class were finding difficult, so I decided they needed a bit of extra revision! The worksheets use questions that...

Maths resources

Looking for more KS2 Maths resources? Find more hand-picked resources here

KS2 Maths (Worded Questions)

KS2 Maths (Worded Questions)

These topic-focused SATs questions at the end of a unit will help to test and extend students' understanding as well as helping them to prepare for SATs next year. These questions have **fully-worked solutions** which can be displayed on a whiteboard making feedback with students more efficient. Cli...
KS2 Arithmetic (SATs paper 1) Practice test including answers

KS2 Arithmetic (SATs paper 1) Practice test including answers

One full practice test for the KS2 maths paper 1. Paper saving - full test fits on 5 sides of a4 with the sixth page being the answer sheet. Test has been designed to save paper. Questions are on 5 sides of A4 with the answers on the sixth page. If you want more of this resource I have a pa...
SATs Revision Practice Pack KS2 Maths -  "One Page Wonder!"

SATs Revision Practice Pack KS2 Maths - "One Page Wonder!"

A pack of 5 revision worksheets - Each one containing 46 different past paper SATs style questions, all fitted onto one double sided A4 sheet Great for keeping photocopying down whilst practising loads of past questions!There is a record sheet (including key skills) for each pupil to record the...
Year 6 maths SATs revision
John Bee

Year 6 maths SATs revision

30 activities and resources to prepare your year 6 children for SATs. Useful for classroom revision, starter activities, developed as part of whole less sequences, booster classes or homework.
KS2 SATS Maths

KS2 SATS Maths

KS2 SATS Maths There are 8 worksheets with a total of 86 questions. These worksheets are perfect practice for the KS2 SATS Maths Paper 1. All answers are included, as well as a front sheet for the children to record their scores. Topics include: Basic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide wit...
SATS Arithmetic Test

SATS Arithmetic Test

This resource contains a Year 6 SATS arithmetic test with 36 questions and answers. The test includes addition, subtraction, long multiplication, long division, fractions, percentages, decimals. *If you purchase this resource and are happy with it, please leave a review. As a token of appreciation,...