Red Nose Day resources

Resources for primary and secondary students to embrace Red Nose Day 2025 and do something funny for money

Tes Resources Team

Red Nose Day 2025 logo Go Big, Give Big, Feel Good logo Comic Relief teaching resources for primary and secondary

Get involved with Comic Relief with these assemblies and video resources

For Red Nose Day, this Friday 21 March, capture your primary and secondary students' energy and get them fully involved in fundraising. Encourage them to join the party and do something funny for money to go big, give big and feel good, whilst learning about how the money they raise helps Comic Relief change lives for good, with this range of resources for schools.

Now, let the fun commence ...

Primary Assembly
Red Nose Day

Primary Assembly

Let s get serious about being silly for a minute. As well as being loads of fun, Red Nose Day can help your pupils learn too. Engage your class with our Red Nose Day assembly.
Primary Film
Red Nose Day

Primary Film

When you do something funny for money on Red Nose Day, the donations make their way to the communities that need them most, via the people and projects who know them best. Show this film to your pupils to let them know how their brilliant fundraising makes a difference. We have popped it into our P...
Secondary film
Red Nose Day

Secondary film

When you do something funny for money on Red Nose Day, the donations make their way to the communities that need them most, via the people and projects who know them best. You can show this film to your students to show them how their fundraising makes a difference. We have popped it into our Secon...
Secondary Assembly
Red Nose Day

Secondary Assembly

Let s get serious about being silly for a minute. As well as being loads of fun, Red Nose Day can help your pupils learn too. Engage your class with our Red Nose Day assembly here.