Safeguarding Awareness Week

Resources to support Safeguarding Awareness Week 2024

Tes Resources Team

2 teachers doing their safeguarding checks

Safeguarding Awareness Week takes place from 20-26 May; throughout the week we’ll be sharing best practice from leaders and experts in the field along with advice, offers and even more events

Our annual Safeguarding Awareness Week aims to highlight that everyone has the right to feel safe. Whatever your role in a school or educational setting, safeguarding is a vital area to be informed and confident in. During our dedicated week, we'll share best practice from around the country and beyond with the aim to start a national conversation in schools about safeguarding and its importance. 

To help kickstart this conversation in your classroom, we’ve created and gathered together some of our best resources including worksheets, displays and discussion activities.

Find out more about the week and sign up for updates here.

People I can talk to  KS1 worksheet
TES Resource Team

People I can talk to KS1 worksheet

**New for 2024!** A fantastic PDF worksheet designed to help KS1 primary pupils think about the people in their lives they could speak and confide to. This is perfect to use with your pupils during Safeguarding Awareness Week. This is a single page worksheet created by the Tes team which be could ...
People I can talk to - KS2 worksheet
TES Resource Team

People I can talk to - KS2 worksheet

**New for 2024!** A fantastic PDF worksheet designed to help KS2 primary pupils think about the people in their lives they could speak and confide to. This is perfect to use with your pupils during Safeguarding Awareness Week This is a single page worksheet created by the Tes team which be could u...
KS3 Safeguarding discussion activity
TES Resource Team

KS3 Safeguarding discussion activity

**New for 2024!** An exciting PDF worksheet designed to help KS3 students think about and discuss the people in their lives that they could safely talk to and share any problems or concerns they might be having. It is a single page worksheet that is designed to be a conversation starter either as ...
What is a safeguarding lead     school poster
TES Resource Team

What is a safeguarding lead school poster

A handy poster for your classroom, corridor or staff room explaining what a safeguarding lead is and is responsible for. It also leaves a space for you to edit or add to the poster with the name of your safeguarding lead and how best to reach that person should anyone children, parents or staff ...
Sharing your concerns poster for students
TES Resource Team

Sharing your concerns poster for students

A helpful, illustrated poster perfect for your classroom or school corridor which encourages students to share any concerns they may have and then lists some of the safeguarding concerns which should be shared. This professionally designed poster includes illustrations to highlight a range of pote...
   What is safeguarding    poster for parents
TES Resource Team

What is safeguarding poster for parents

This helpful PDF poster is designed to be displayed in a classroom or school area where parents would be able to access it and read it. The poster includes useful advice and definitions for parents to help create a wrap-around culture of safeguarding in your school and local community. The poster ...
Safeguarding concerns and social media poster
TES Resource Team

Safeguarding concerns and social media poster

This informative poster lists a range of social media channels and the potential safeguarding concerns that can arise from use of those channels. The poster details those concerns, what they can appear as and how they might take place on certain channels. Useful for parents to be aware of what the...
Preventative education poster for staff
TES Resource Team

Preventative education poster for staff

This informative PDF poster lays out what is meant by preventative education and lays out the foundational elements your school or educational setting should have in place. It s a useful reminder for staff about what should be in place and where staff can look to find out certain informati...
Child criminal exploitation poster for staff
TES Resource Team

Child criminal exploitation poster for staff

A useful and informative poster to be displayed in your staffroom or office space which offers a good summary of child criminal exploitation. The poster lays out what is meant by the term child criminal exploitation and with the use of handy illustrations it also highlights some of the warni...