Scaffolding learning in science

Workbooks, activities and revision mats to help less-able science pupils to consolidate their understanding of key scientific concepts

Tes Resources Team

Student jumping into learning with Scaffolding Learning In Science resources for secondary biology chemistry and physics

Supporting materials to help struggling students make sense of topics in biology, chemistry and physics

The subject of science plays host to a multitude of theories and laws that explain why and how natural events or processes occur. While some learners thrive on getting to grips with these notions, they can be enough to put others off.

For those that struggle to get their heads around some of these ideas, we’ve picked out a selection of resources to support and extend learning in different topic areas.


KS3 Science homework

KS3 Science homework

3 Resources
35 homework tasks for KS3. Each presentation has 3 slides. Slide 1 is the pupil sheet, slide 2 contains the mark scheme and slide 3 has suitable comments to use give a target on how to improve scientific knowledge. Taken by an OFSTED inspector to give to a school as an example of good practice ...
Natural selection lower ability

Natural selection lower ability

Worksheet I have made using giraffes to help pupils understand natural selection better. To be used in conjunction with textbooks. Credit to Longman's worksheet where I adapted it from.
B1 Revision Placemat - Support

B1 Revision Placemat - Support

A simple revision placemat for lower ability sets covering basic animal and plant cells, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, specialised cells, stem cells and mitosis. Suitable for AQA Combined Science or similar.


The History of the Atomic Model support sheet

The History of the Atomic Model support sheet

Support worksheets covering the history of the atomic model and Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment. The worksheets are designed to be visual to promote an in depth understanding of the changing ideas about the atom. They have allowed some of my lower prior attainment students to gain a better ...
Ionic Bonding Support Sheet
Sarah Smith

Ionic Bonding Support Sheet

Support sheet for lower ability sudents. Print out to A3 to allow more room to draw electrons. It helps if they have colours to draw the electrons on different atoms. This worked really well with my bottom 9's.
5.3 Bond Energy Calculations, AQA Chemistry
David Hutton

5.3 Bond Energy Calculations, AQA Chemistry

This superb resource on bond energy calculations can be used for all abilities. It includes a more demanding version in which students need to determine the bonds in the reactants and products, and also a support sheet to help those who find it more challenging. The bond energy calculations resource...


Matter calculations support sheets

Matter calculations support sheets

5 printable worksheets to support students with calculations on specific heat capacity, latent heat and density calculations. The first three sheets are designed to get students using the equations and following a logical set of steps towards getting an answer, with lots of scaffolding that is ...
Revision mat: Light & e.m. spectrum

Revision mat: Light & e.m. spectrum

GCSE Edexcel revision mat for physics topic 5 (light and the electromagnetic spectrum). Intended for use as a super-condensed revision guide. Can be used for assessment revision, as scaffolding for students who are struggling, or given to support revision at home. Mats for the other physics topic...
GCSE Physics Revision Quiz

GCSE Physics Revision Quiz

50 Question multiple choice revision quiz for GCSE Physics. Ideal class activity testing knowledge and understanding of content from across the specification. Suitable for students who have completed or nearly completed the course as part of a revision lesson and helps with developing memory recall ...