Supporting students with dyslexia

Familiarise yourself with dyslexia and support students with the help of these information packs and handy tools

Tes Resources Team

Letters coming from a head profile showing dyslexia and literacy

Top tips and lesson resources to help dyslexic pupils flourish in the classroom

Approximately 10% of the world’s population have dyslexia, a common specific learning difficulty that can have a profound impact on learning and literacy skills. We've hand-picked a selection of tools and information packs to help you understand and support students who are affected by dyslexia.



A mindmap on some of the struggles a child with Dyselxia faces and a few classroom strategies to help them
Long AI Sound - Dyslexia Support

Long AI Sound - Dyslexia Support

The booklet is aimed at students who struggle to learn phonic sounds and read or write these sounds incorrectly within a word, It offers a unique visual approach in which students draw the word so that they can memorise the key spelling pattern. This particular unit focuses on the long AI sound. A...
Dyslexia spider diagram
Hannah Morrell

Dyslexia spider diagram

provide these to the NQT s at my school. They are really handy to keep in your planner / diary / folder for information about Dyslexia and students you may be working with. Recommended : print on A4, colour
Dyslexia Awareness Poster

Dyslexia Awareness Poster

A colourful, quick glance poster to raise awareness of the different aspects of dyslexia. Includes strengths, barriers, what to look out for in the classroom, tips for teaching, effective strategies and general facts about dyslexia. Handy for staffrooms.