Introduction to solving equations
Lesson presentations and activities
This lesson is an introduction to equations by analogy with the balance scale. The animations show what happens when we try to find the mystery weight x, and what to write down in algebra. At the end of the powerpoint is a group activity where students have to solve the equations and spot the pattern in the numbers they find.
mejagiello5 years ago
thank you, very useful.
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
dilli997 years ago
A series of lessons taking students through 'I think of a number' problems to simple equations, equations with brackets to letters on both sides to equations with fractional parts.
MrsSmithSKC2 years ago
gintera2 years ago
excellent presentation, step by step guidance
ka_yuen2 years ago
Based on Manoj Mistry (manojm03)'s excellent Mathonopoly idea, this is an adapted version I've made. The questions are designed for Year 7 students being introduced to solving equations. I&'ve also created some humerous chance and community chest cards (although some references may need to change to suit your school).
geniusdevelopment84 months ago
aymanahmadhaaziqa year ago
imtoran3a year ago
Reales Goodyear!
Practice questions, homeworks and assessments
Worksheets, activities and lesson plans. The topic of Linear Equations from the Year 7 book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: Algebra, Equation, Solve, Unknown, Linear, Formula, Code, Function Machine, Input, Output, Operation, Inverse, Reverse, Process.
zunghoang07073 years ago
Thanks for your contribution
rjibromah3 years ago
Excellent resource - plenty of practice questions with the mark schemes included. Thank you!
crs1234 years ago
It's fantastic that so much high quality content is available free of charge. For those of us with woefully underresourced departments, it's a godsend. Thank you!
pupils write the algebraic equation from the function machine.
jamescollett6 years ago
Very useful, thanks!
Vladi156 years ago
profsoko6 years ago
Designed for lower ability year 7s, this includes examples on how to write and solve the equations ('I think of a number' type questions).
The balance method is used to solve the equations but you can adapt to use other methods.Reviews
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
Three different codebreakers covering solving equations of increasing difficulty as you go through them. Solve the equations, find the letter and complete the anagrams of films.
cuddlegrey3 years ago
The questions are good, but the phrases spelled out are a little dark for the classroom.
elysiaallen4 years ago
Really good. Although in the sheet 3, word 2 letter 3 works out to be 1.5 not 0.5 giving the wrong letter. Easy to change when downloaded. One mistake is worth the rest of it for free! Thank you :)
kiranjha4 years ago