Secondary maths collection
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Units of measurement
Lesson presentations and activities
A lesson plan that is an animated PowerPoint presentation that introduces a very simple method to convert metric units of measure.
hankboot2ua year ago
Thank you for sharing.
dapidapcharm2 years ago
thank u .....
fritz_carumbana3 years ago
Thank you
20 question and answer cards to print out. Each child has a card and the challenge is to complete all the cards as quickly as possible. My Year 5/6 class love to try to beat their previous time.
Practise converting cm/m, g/Kg, ml/l know how many days in a year, hours in a day etcReviews
janeted6 years ago
Rey19676 years ago
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
Great activity for getting students used to units of measure and also actually practicing their measuring skills.
Get together all the faculty's metre sticks first and have some 30cm rulers to hand as well. Also allows students to make use of sensible estimates while including the challenge of making sure to use a different object for each line.Reviews
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
dsc5057 years ago
A really nice activity to help students develop a better understanding of measurement.
bmoses17 years ago
Very useful for getting the class started
Practice questions, homeworks and assessments
Revision activity on Reading Scales and Converting Units of measure. Differentiated from Level 3 to 5 tasks, including ‘checking understanding&’ levelled SAT questions. Starter activity for sorting units into groups and talking about relationship between units.
RST61454 years ago
OnAndOn4 years ago
Thank you, I am a D&T teacher with FS Maths. This is really helpful. Thank you for sharing.
GMThoni4 years ago
Very short handout for an activity asking students to estimate the length/volume/weight of various things, such as phones, chairs, distance from school to home etc.
Students can then be asked to measure some of these things to find out how close their estimates were.Reviews
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
Two cross numbers; one checking a pupil's ability to convert between metric units, the other using imperial to imperial, metric to metric and imperial to metric approximations. Slightly more interesting than a page of questions from the textbook...
drchrisjohn4 years ago
nice compact resource, thanks for sharing
Daverson5 years ago
love this!
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
A tarsia puzzle to convert between mm, cm, m and km; mg, g, kg, t; ml, cl, l. This could be used as a plenary or revision.
** error corrected from 32km to 3,200m **Reviews
volleyballrules7774 years ago
The resource looked great but I was unable to open it once I downloaded it because of the format it was in.
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
alfiegalley1238 years ago
Suitable for KS4. worksheets and activities. The topic of Units of Measurement from the Year 8 book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: Metric, Imperial, Length, Mass, Capacity, Volume, Area, Metre, Centimetre, Inch, Mile, Kilometre, Hectare, Kilogram, Litre, Millilitre, Conversion, Squared, Cubed.
kooldude4 years ago
Thank you.
h2osborne5 years ago
Just brilliant and so detailed
hil_hughes5 years ago
Very cohesive collection of resources :)