Secondary maths collection

Welcome secondary maths teachers! Are you looking for quality assured resources, designed to make lesson planning easier? Spanning across multiple topics and key stages, this extensive collection, hand-picked by members of the Tes maths panel, is the perfect starting point...

Hand-picked by:

colm1405Jo MorganDaveGaleInteractive MathsCraig Barton

    Introducing right-angled trigonometry

    Lesson presentations and activities

    • The PowerPoint is a full sequence of lessons on introducing trigonometry and how to use it. The Recording Ratios document is needed for the discovery lesson, and the Loop Cards are useful as a plenary to this topic of work. Let me know what you think.

      • Introduction to Trig - Discovering.pptx
      • Recording Ratios.docx
      • Loop Cards angles and lengths.pdf


      iwijenje4 years ago4

      Just what I needed at short notice

      annamak4 years ago5

      Thank you

      Robert Farquhar5 years ago5

      Thank you, an excellent resource, will be really useful for remote delivery

    • Two complete lessons with differentiated activities on discovering trig ratios at GCSE, including using a table of tangent ratios (before getting used to the calculator method). There is a practical activity to try as well as a problem solving activity taken from an OCR specimen paper. (The differentiation is labelled as shape groups from lowest ability to highest: triangle, square, parallelogram, trapezium, pentagon, hexagon respectively). Resources within the lessons are a mixture mixture of my own and other people's - happy to credit individuals if they let me know.

      • Discovering the Trig functions.flp
      • Discovering Trig Functions.ppt


      joka_makram446 years ago4

      londonsecondary6 years ago5

      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

    • PowerPoint presentation to introduce the topic of trigonometry, either at KS3 or GCSE level maths. Includes background behind why we use trigonometry, some examples with answers, with a question for students to complete at the end. Includes a recap of everything learned.

      Brilliant for students with no previous understanding of trigonometry, or those looking to revise/re-learn the basics.

      • Introduction-to-Trigonometry.pptx


      kayleighannecharlton3 years ago5

      Easy to understand. Thanks

      NP234114323 years ago5

      Nicely laid out and informative.

      fabwonderfulsuper4 years ago5

      Perfect! Just what I was looking for. Thank you so much!

    • Complete lesson to introduce trigonometry and finding the missing sides. Hopefully you will find it of use. Please let me know what you think?

      • Extension.docx
      • Starter - Pythagoras.docx
      • Task 1.docx
      • Task 2 - Missing Sides.docx
      • missing sides trigonometry (b).pptx


      scariddi4 years ago5

      Great images and position of triangles for our Geometry class. Thanks for sharing and saving me time in creating my own images. Love when we help one another.

      kiranjha5 years ago5

      anneteasdale665 years ago5

      Excellent resource, just what I was looking for. Thank you for saving me time and sharing yours.

    • A bingo style activity to reflect on which trigonometric ratio to use given certain sides/angles within right-angles triangles.

      To be used as a plenary to a start lesson or as a main reflection activity when putting trig ratios into practice.

      N.b. I am an NQT so all feedback is welcomed for my shared resources.

      • Identifying-trig-ratios-bingo.ppt


      kpugsley1a year ago5

      Thanks for sharing

      Anon634582930909849505 years ago5


      maryjaneosunga6 years ago5

      this is very helpful thanks...

    Practice questions, homeworks and assessments

    • Used this for an interview lesson. Give a third of the group the sin sheet (print on blue), a third cos sheet (print on yellow) and a third the tan sheet (print on white). Get the students to measure the angles in the triangles and two of the sides (dependent on which sheet they have). Then get them to put the values into the calculator to discover the sin, cos, tan features. Introduce SOH CAH TOA and build from there. Updated with PDFs as requested

      • Cosine.docx
      • Intro to Trigonometry.ppt
      • Sine.docx
      • Tangent.docx
      • Cosine.pdf
      • Sine.pdf
      • Tangent.pdf


      wstep45 years ago4

      Thanks for sharing

      Beakhe5 years ago5

      Thank you. I gave me the brilliant idea

      C-REDHEAD6 years ago5

      Brilliant Powerpoint for introducing trig following on from pythag. - I was able to adapt it easily to use with both a foundation and higher class - thank you!

    • These two worksheets should be printed out. It has been scaled so that when pupils measure with a ruler each 'box' is 1cm x 1cm. Pupils take the required measurements and are asked if they have observed any similarities between O/A. The tan ratio is then introduced! Lots of calculator use is encouraged. Find out the tan of 30º, what about 45º? 1? What does that mean? Feedback would be appreciated as I am a student teacher.

      • 18º.docx
      • 27º.docx


      girlpower763 years ago5

      Great way to secure relational understanding of trigonometry as opposed to just a procedural approach.

      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

      sbatllor7 years ago4

    • This is a worksheet that covers all 3 ratio step by step. good for student who need to process reinforcing.

      • Trigonometry step by step sheet.docx


      Jasonwatton75 years ago5

      great resource laying out all the things need to think about to solve a trig problem. Thanks

      12325 years ago5

      Good for my foundation group. thank you.

      miss shoes6 years ago5

      Excellent structured worksheet suitable for my foundation class. Thank you for sharing!

    • Suitable for KS4 and Core 1 revisionThe topic of Trigonometry from the Year 9 book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Sin, Cos, Tan, Hypotenuse, Ratio, Pythagoras, Trigonometry, Right Angle Triangle, Angle, Theta, Elevation, Length, Height, Calculate, Functions, Formula, Inverse, SOHCAHTOA.

      • 1. Practice Book.pdf
      • 2. Activities.pdf
      • 3. Activities - Solutions.pdf
      • 4. Extra Exercises.pdf
      • 5. Lesson Plans.pdf
      • 6. Mental Tests.pdf
      • 7. Overhead Slides.pdf
      • 8. Practice Book Answers.pdf
      • 9. Revision Test.pdf
      • 10. Teaching Notes.pdf


      henryclaisse4 years ago5

      This is an amazing set of resources.
      Well done.

      becurious4 years ago5

      Great. Thank you for the share

      jemvivi6305 years ago5

      thank you for sharing this!! ^_^