Secondary maths collection

Welcome secondary maths teachers! Are you looking for quality assured resources, designed to make lesson planning easier? Spanning across multiple topics and key stages, this extensive collection, hand-picked by members of the Tes maths panel, is the perfect starting point...

Hand-picked by:

colm1405Jo MorganDaveGaleInteractive MathsCraig Barton

    Introduction to vectors

    Lesson presentations and activities

    • A series of lessons introducing Vectors and the notation surrounding this. The aim of the lessons is to deepen students thinking about Vectors introduce the ideas around parallel and perpendicular vectors and finding resultants.

      There is some Vectors with Geometry questions at the end which are not very difficult.

      Pupils would need to go on and attempt exam style questions are this series of lessons.

      Please use and let me know what you think.

      • 9MA1-Vectors-Introduction.ppt


      mc1717 years ago5

      Excellent resource! Thanks for sharing!

      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

      scorpiosami9 years ago5

      Saves me a lot of time. Thank you.

    • A three way matching card resource in the Standards Unit style - the first cards have images of two vectors labelled either a and b or a and -b, the second set of cards give the column vectors of a and b to match to the pictures (note b is given even when the picture shows -b for added difficulty) and then the third set has the result of the vector addition/subtraction to match to the previous two. There are 6 additions and 6 subtractions altogether. Use an alternative resource to introduce or revise column vectors or adding and subtracting with vectors at GCSE or A-Level.

      • Adding-and-Subtracting-matching-cards.docx


      Uakbayev_nurbol4 years ago5

      bleasej6 years ago5

      quick to administer in class when time is a precious commodity - just takes time to produce (and laminate!!)

      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

    Practice questions, homeworks and assessments

    • Lesson introducing vectors, with several activites. Included on one out worksheet differentiated into 3 levels, allowing pupils to choose how they work. The answers to each level are the same which allows them to move between levels as they improve or take it easier if they get stuck.

      • Vectors.pptx
      • Vectors Odd One Out.docx


      Newbie015 months ago5

      Brilliant resource. Thanks for sharing.

      xteachx4 years ago5

      simon915 years ago5

      Great resource, thanks

    • Sequence of 6 Lessons looking at all things Vector for the new OCR GCSE specification.
      From: What is a Vector, Adding, Scaling, Magnitude, Exam style questions. I have added some hints to m y thinking on some of the notes pages on the main PowerPoint. All additional resources referred to in the ppt are included.

      • Adding-Column-Vectors-Handout.docx
      • Adding-Vectors-Handout.docx
      • Multiplying-a-Vector-by-a-Scalar.docx
      • Notation-handout.docx
      • Notation-handout.pdf
      • Vector-notation-handout.jpg
      • VECTORS-GCSE-Question---Yr-9---Extension-Sheet.docx
      • VECTORS-GCSE-Question---Yr-9---Extension-Sheet.rtf
      • Year-9---vectors--TES.pptx


      carolin06063 years ago5

      jingbham3 years ago5

      Great presentations. Shanks for sharing

      aoverington214 years ago5

    • The topic of Vectors from the GCSE (14-16 year olds) books of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: Vector, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Scalar, Product, Magnitude, Direction, Length, Application, Expression, Matrices, Co-ordinates, Component, Resultant, Anchor Point.

      • 1. Pupil Practice Book.pdf
      • 2. Pupil Practice Book Answer Set 3.pdf
      • 3. Activities.pdf
      • 4. Activities - Notes and Examples.pdf
      • 5. Lesson Plans.pdf
      • 6. Overhead Slides.pdf
      • 7. Revision Tests.pdf
      • 8. Teaching Notes.pdf
      • 9. Extra Exercises - Express and Special.pdf
      • 10. Extra Exercises Answers.pdf


      tuvshinjar10 months ago4

      Thank you

      AATTRR4 years ago5

      Comprehensive range of activities. Thank you for sharing

      adios1477 years ago5