Secondary maths collection

Welcome secondary maths teachers! Are you looking for quality assured resources, designed to make lesson planning easier? Spanning across multiple topics and key stages, this extensive collection, hand-picked by members of the Tes maths panel, is the perfect starting point...

Hand-picked by:

colm1405Jo MorganDaveGaleInteractive MathsCraig Barton

    Rounding to nearest whole, 10, 100 etc.

    Lesson presentations and activities

    • Used to introduce rounding with year 3 students - 3 differentiated worksheets attached. Achievement of LO: All children able to round a two and three digit number. Higher achievers went on to rounding decimal numbers. Note: If I was to repeat this lesson I would given slightly more questions during independent activities as all were finished faster than expected. Hope this helps other students!

      • Rounding numbers!.pptx
      • rounding worksheets - 3 ability  levels.doc


      banane13 years ago5

      Wonderful! Thank you.

      FraserLGandhi4 years ago5

      Brilliant, I loved the jokes.

      bonniegraham5 years ago5

      A really useful resource. Thanks for sharing :)

    • Targetted at levels 3 to 5 this looks at rounding to the nearest whole number, nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and to 1dp.

      • Rounding.ppt


      sharonc4 years ago5

      Great thanks.

      morounfoluwasho14 years ago5

      Excellent work

      Nyctalusnoctula4 years ago5

    • A Tarsia activity on rounding to nearest 10, 100, 1000 etc. These type of activities can be used to consolidate understanding of a given topic, and foster positive group work and co-operative learning. For more ideas on how to use these types of activities (including twists!) and to download the latest version of the wonderful free software to open this resource (and create your own), just click on the web-link. If you have any comments, or spot any (non deliberate!) mistakes, please share them below. Many thanks to all the teachers who have helped me assemble these Tarsias over the years.

      • Rounding nearest 10, 100, 1000.fjsw


      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

      jenfred7 years ago5

      Perfect for my HA year 5s, thank you so much.

      francestc8 years ago5

      Great little resource, thanks for sharing

    Practice questions, homeworks and assessments