Secondary maths collection

Welcome secondary maths teachers! Are you looking for quality assured resources, designed to make lesson planning easier? Spanning across multiple topics and key stages, this extensive collection, hand-picked by members of the Tes maths panel, is the perfect starting point...

Hand-picked by:

colm1405Jo MorganDaveGaleInteractive MathsCraig Barton


    Lesson presentations and activities

    • Complete Stratified sampling lesson made for my Year 10, top set, GCSE class.
      Lesson includes definition and builds the difficulty of examples which my class found insightful.

      Worksheet includes 3 past GCSE questions.

      • Stratified-Sampling_WS.docx
      • Stratified-Sampling.pptx


      f_abdulsalam-mustafa3 years ago5

      Good explanation and well design slide that focus students learning. Thanks

      StuartMLindsay4 years ago5

      Thank you!

      eh18dta5 years ago5

      brilliant resource to teach the topic. Thank you for sharing

    • This is a simple PowerPoint I made for my Year 11s to teach the relatively straightforward new topic of Capture Recapture. It has a link to a video featuring Jonny Ball demonstrating it in practice which is quite good. I tried to embed it as a flash vide but I've included the YouTube link if that doesn't work.

      I've also included the joke codebreaker I got my Year 11s to do, seeing as they seem to enjoy doing these! The joke should be "How do you keep an idiot in suspense?"

      • Capture-Recapture-Codebreaker.pptx
      • Capture-Recapture.pptx


      nokec7 months ago5

      Thank you!

      reshmia year ago5

      excellent resource..Thank you

      ms_asante3 years ago5

      Excellent resource

    • Give different groups of students different sampling techniques to use (for lower sets this could just be simple random sampling and systematic), but for higher sets you can include stratified, quota etc). Students use their technique to come up with the numbers of 10 squares. Each group then gets to come up to the computer and see the 10 squares they have selected. They then use this info to estimate the number of grasshoppers in the field. The answer is at the end of the smart file. Students can present their technique and solution to each other. Prize for the closest answer?

      • 10y1 c sampling grasshoppers.notebook
      • 10y1 ccc Grasshopper sampling instructions.docx


      TES Resource Team7 years ago5

      Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.

      sudha-a7 years ago4

      cornishhalfpint10 years ago5

    • This lesson includes a data handling language starter (2 types included with solutions), looking at strand 1 of the coursework in more detail and going through each sampling method in detail. It is not the most exciting lesson to teach but it provides the students with most of the terms needed to be used in Strand 1 and 2 of the coursework. I found the sampling method sheet particularly useful using our school as an example and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

      • Hypothesis--Strategy-and-Sampling.pptx
      • Types-of-Sampling.docx
      • Data-definitions-match-1.doc


      londonsecondary6 years ago5

      arazak6 years ago4

      subowie6 years ago4

    Practice questions, homeworks and assessments