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KS4 and KS5 Science Resources

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I currently teach IGCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Also A level Biology. The resources I produce for my lessons are carefully planned and I try to involve a lot of self-learning to allow students to develop these important skills needed for further education.




I currently teach IGCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Also A level Biology. The resources I produce for my lessons are carefully planned and I try to involve a lot of self-learning to allow students to develop these important skills needed for further education.
GCSE - Introduction to the Eye + Dissection

GCSE - Introduction to the Eye + Dissection

A whole lesson plan allowing students to discover the structure and function of the eye. This lesson is following the double award IGCSE for Edexcel and students need to describe the structure and function of the eye. I have not included information about accommodation. This lesson is a lovely introduction to the eye and includes an eye dissection task plus a 3D image starter activity; exam question and brief investigation into the response to bright light.
Plant Reproduction - Double Fertilisation

Plant Reproduction - Double Fertilisation

AS Biology lesson on the process of fertilisation in flowering plants from pollen tube formation to fusion of nuclei. Contains a useful video I found on youtube which explains the process. I have also included a starter activity of labelling the plant parts (IGCSE) and an exam question with mark scheme for self assessment activity.
(I)GCSE Plant Transport - structure and function of xylem and phloem

(I)GCSE Plant Transport - structure and function of xylem and phloem

A PPT which introduces the role of both xylem and phloem. The first activity is a research activity (8 minutes) where students use resources available to determine characteristics and roles of phloem and xylem. The next 20 minutes is a circus of activities with microscope work (drawing xylem and phloem); observing dye in celery; dendrochronology (tree rings) and transpiration and translocation.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

A level Biology lesson looking at the structure of ATP and its role in cells Lesson objectives: Describe the structure of the molecule ATP Explain why ATP is used by organisms Describe the role ATP plays in the cell There are a series of exam questions included to check understanding
IGCSE 9-1 Role of the root in transpiration

IGCSE 9-1 Role of the root in transpiration

This is a whole lesson on a power point slide. I have included a recap of the root hair cell. Students will then watch the video on transpiration to give an overall idea of how water and minerals are transported to the leaves. I have set a mini research task for students to find out how water and mineral ions enters the root hair cell and passes to the xylem. Finally - 2 exam questions (grade 5 - 8)


A PPT presentation which explains how pharmacogenomics is being developed as a new tool in treating disease. It links directly to A2 Biology Edexcel specification “discuss how the outcomes of the human genome project are being used to develop new drugs and the social, moral and ethical issues this raises”. I have also included scenarios that students can discuss, developing an absolutist and relativist point of view for both.
IGCSE Covalent Bonding

IGCSE Covalent Bonding

A lesson to introduce the concept of covalent bonds through PPT and animation. Students learn the rules of how to draw dot cross diagrams to represent covalent bonds and apply their knowledge to draw hydrogen chloride, chlorine, oxygen, ammonia, methane, ethane, ethene, water and carbon dioxide.
IAL New Spec 2018: 1.2 (b) Polysaccharides for storage

IAL New Spec 2018: 1.2 (b) Polysaccharides for storage

Specification link: 1.2 (b) relate the structures of polysaccharides to their role in providing and storing energy A lesson designed to promote independent learning. There is a video students use the video to extract information about amylose and amylopectin and the difference in structure. Students find out independently how each molecule can be broken down to release energy. Exam circus of questions to work through with a partner. Check points provided after each task to ensure learning/correct information collected.
A2 Anaerobic respiration/production of lactate

A2 Anaerobic respiration/production of lactate

A PPT which includes all the activities of the lesson. Starter activity - students watch a brief video of sprinting and discuss what type of muscle fibres are likely to be present. The presentation takes them through the process of anaerobic respiration and there are check points along the way which promote discussion and check understanding. Finally, exam questions and mark scheme for self/peer assessment.
Climate Change and Evolution

Climate Change and Evolution

A level biology lesson exploring how a changing climate can lead to the evolution of a species. Learning outcomes Understand how evolution can come about through gene mutations and natural selection Understand how isolation reduces gene flow between populations, leading to allopatric or sympatric speciation This is a complete lesson which includes individual and group tasks for students. There are also exam questions to check understanding.
(I)GCSE Photosynthesis Introduction

(I)GCSE Photosynthesis Introduction

A power point full lesson allowing students to understand the role of photosynthesis in producing glucose for energy storage. Student should be able to understand the process of photosynthesis and its importance in the conversion of light energy to chemical energy Write a word and balanced symbol equation for photosynthesis Describe adaptations of a leaf for efficient photosynthesis There is a six mark exam question and mark scheme for self/peer assessment.
Human Transport Formative Assessment

Human Transport Formative Assessment

A formative assessment which can be completed in class or as homework. This is an independent task where students can use their own knowledge and resources for guidance, to complete an assessment which focuses on part of the GCSE specification for transport in humans. The assessment focuses on: Blood vessel structure and function Heart disease and effect. Students can peer assess the work and there is a worksheet to help them complete this task.
Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres

Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres

A PPT with information regarding the 2 types of fibres. Students collect information about the fibres from around the room (included in PPT) and complete a table stating the differences. They can then use their knowledge to predict the types of fibres found in different animal muscles. There is an exam question and mark scheme to determine understanding of subject material. I have included the lesson plan I provided when I was observed so feel free to tweak it to suit your group.
Mitosis Worksheets

Mitosis Worksheets

These worksheets offer a comprehensive review of the cell division process, tailored for advanced students. The worksheets include detailed diagrams and exam-style questions that challenge students’ understanding and application of mitosis. Perfect for homework or classwork, these resources help students master the stages of mitosis, the role of cell division in growth and repair, and the regulation of the cell cycle. Ideal for reinforcing classroom learning and preparing for exams. Can be used for higher level GCSE and A level
Gene Pool and Genetic Diversity using Hardy-Weinberg equation

Gene Pool and Genetic Diversity using Hardy-Weinberg equation

A level lesson focusing on the following objectives: Understand that changes in allele frequency come about as a result of mutation and natural selection Understand how the Hardy-Weinberg equation can be used to see whether a change in allele frequency is occurring in a population over time I have included many tasks which can be performed individually or in pairs. Students have 2 exam style questions to attempt using the Hardy Weinberg equation
A2 Controlling the Heart Rate - cardiovascular control centre

A2 Controlling the Heart Rate - cardiovascular control centre

A lesson which explores the effect of exercise and heart rate on the body. Students learn how to calculate cardiac output. The power point explores the role of the cardiovascular control centre. Students complete a diagram showing how both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems can increase/decrease the heart rate depending on blood pressure, need for oxygen and glucose. There is a little practical activity when students observe the effect of adrenaline on heart rate and how quickly heart rate changes.
International A level Biology Unit 3 Core Practical Revision

International A level Biology Unit 3 Core Practical Revision

I have produced a website for year 12 students to support their studies as they prepare for the unit 3 exam. The website will be supplied on a word document and can be shared with allof your students. Any updates to the course over time will be updated on the website. The website includes video support for each experiment Exam-style questions for each core practical A summary of previous core practicals examined from 2019-2022