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Bradford Maths Challenges
A variety of maths resources linked to the City of Bradford based on percentages and data handling.

Peloponnesian War Eyewitness Account/Recount (Soldier's Perspective)
A informal, 'chatty' eyewitness account of the Peloponnesian War. Suitable to use during a topic on The Ancient Greeks.
We used this as a Talk 4 Writing Text.

Strong Man Maths Challenge
Find different combinations of numbers (weights for a strong man's weight bar) which add up to a certain amount. Differentiated three ways.

Reading Roles PLUS Generic Reading Comprehension Activity (for use with any text)
Reading Roles PLUS Generic Reading Activity
The aim of this activity is to help children gain a better understanding of a text. It focuses on using 5 of the main widely-acknowledged reading strategies. Although the activity itself has a goal of enabling understanding of one text, the cumulative effect of doing several of these activities is intended to be that children begin to use these strategies automatically when they read any text.
For more on Reading Roles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/reading-roles-plus-teaching-metacognitive-reading-comprehension-strategies-11890964 & http://www.thatboycanteach.co.uk/2018/04/reading-roles-metacognitive-reading-strategies.html

Editable numberline and column method word docs for addition and subtraction
Includes a sequence for teaching subtraction using numberlines and a sequence for teaching addition using column addition.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapters 3 - 11 Comprehension Questions
With various focuses on vocabulary and retrieving and inferring information, particularly about characters.
Colours/symbols linked to Reading Roles: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/reading-roles-plus-teaching-metacognitive-reading-comprehension-strategies-11890964

Why You Might Be Getting Feedback Wrong! PowerPoint for staff training
A powerpoint version of these two blog posts: http://thatboycanteach.blogspot.com/2017/12/why-you-might-be-getting-feedback-wrong_15.html
This is a presentation about marking and is based on the EEF document:

Criminal Case Division
A cross-curricular resource using real Victorian criminals based on their crime and their time!
Children have to use written methods of division to answer the questions ' Which criminal got the hardest sentence?'
'How many days punishment did each crook get per shilling they stole?'
Formatted as posters to go up in the classroom so it can be quite an active activity.

Veyron Vs. Venom - compare and contrast text
A very boy-friendly compare and contrast text about supercars which can be used in a transition unit at the end of year 6.
An HMI inspector was very impressed that children were being taught how to compare and contrast as this is the basis of many secondary school and university essays.
The structure of this one is simple: intro, similarities, differences, conclusion.

Fagin's Gang Maths Problems
Cross Curricular Maths/History activity. Word problems involving the four operations.