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AberOutreach's Shop

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These are outreach resources adapted for the classroom. We offer many workshops and activities in person to primary and secondary school groups, as well as at public events.




These are outreach resources adapted for the classroom. We offer many workshops and activities in person to primary and secondary school groups, as well as at public events.
Gweithdy Calonnau (Dydd San Ffolant)

Gweithdy Calonnau (Dydd San Ffolant)

Detholiad o heriau wedi’u seilio ar galonnau ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd. Mae’r pecyn hwn hefyd yn cynnwys templedi ar gyfer gweithgaredd ‘Plethu Calon’. Dim ond un o’r gwasanaethau allgymorth rhad ac am ddim y mae Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn ei gynnig i ysgolion ac athrawon yw hwn I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/indexCy.html
Hearts Workshop (Valentine's Day)

Hearts Workshop (Valentine's Day)

A selection of heart-shape based challenges for primary schools. This pack also includes templates for a ‘Heart Weaving’ activity. This is just one of the free outreach services we offer to schools and teachers For more information please visit: https://fbaps-outreach-hub.dcs.aber.ac.uk/index.html