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KEY TERMS SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 4 Demography

KEY TERMS SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 4 Demography

Alphabetical key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Family Topic 4 Demography that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. Includes some sentence starters and two definitions for more difficult key terms. Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  5 Changing patterns (divorce) 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 5 Changing patterns (divorce) 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on divorce (family -topic 5 changing family patterns). Models how to use the item to select points or arguments to answer the question. *** Based on AQA specification** Supports students with planning the 20 marker - using planning success criteria. Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills.
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  2 Childhood 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 2 Childhood 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on divorce (family -topic 2 childhood. Models how to use the item to select points or arguments to answer the question. *** Based on AQA specification** *Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills. PAGE NUMBERS From Webb et al Book 1 textbook included for 3/4 of paragraphs in main body.
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  3 Theories of the family 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 3 Theories of the family 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on the family being beneficial (family -topic 3 theories of the family). Models how to use the item to select points or arguments to answer the question. *** Based on AQA specification** Supports students with planning the 20 marker (using the item) - using planning success criteria. Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills.
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  4 Demography (position of old) 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 4 Demography (position of old) 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on whether the posiiton of the old is changing for the better. (family -topic 4 demography). *** Based on AQA specification** Models and students with how to use the item to answer essays. Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills.
WRITING FRAME  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic  6  Family diversity 20 marker

WRITING FRAME - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topic 6 Family diversity 20 marker

Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on evaluating the view that individual choice in personal relationships has made family life less important in the United Kingdom today (family -topic 6 family diversity). *** Based on AQA specification** Models and supports students with how to use the item to select points or arguments to answer the question and how to plan essays using planning success criteria. Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question. Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills.
WRITING FRAMES (for improving essay writing)  - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topics 2-6  20 marker

WRITING FRAMES (for improving essay writing) - AQA A-level Sociology: Families – Topics 2-6 20 marker

5 Resources
Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on: Topic 2 - Childhood - evaluate explanations of childhod Topic 3 - Theories of the family - whether the family is beneficial Topic 4 - Demography - position of the old Topic 5 - Changing family patterns -divorce Topic 6 - Family diversity - whether individual choice in personal relationships has made family life less important *** Based on AQA specification** *** Supports students with planning the 20 marker (using the item) - using planning success criteria. ** *** Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A** *** Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question.** *** Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills. **
PREPARING FOR THE EXAM - Family Revision and Essay Writing Bundle

PREPARING FOR THE EXAM - Family Revision and Essay Writing Bundle

13 Resources
Bundle includes: Family PLC - EDITABLE - Personal Learning Checklist for the Families and Households unit in the the AQA A-level Sociology syllabus. PLC includes topic and page numbers from the Westergaard and Townsend book one for content students my find hard to locate. Revision lessons that recaps content and/ or focusses on developing exam techniques for family topics 1-7: -Topic 1 - Couples - also focusses on exam techniques - AO1, AO2 & AO3 -Topic 2 - Childhood -Topic 3 - Theories of the family - focusses on AO1 & AO3 -Topic 4 - Demography - briefly focusses on all AOs but mainly AO2 for 10 markers -Topic 5 - Changing Family patterns - focusses on AO2 -Topic 6 - Family diversity -Topic 7 -Families and Social policy - focusses on planning essays using the item. Five writing frames for 20 markers on family topics 2-6: Detailed writing frame that scaffolds (from introduction to conclusion) a full answer for a 20 marker on: -Topic 2 - Childhood - evaluate explanations of childhod -Topic 3 - Theories of the family - whether the family is beneficial -Topic 4 - Demography - position of the old -Topic 5 - Changing family patterns -divorce -Topic 6 - Family diversity - whether individual choice in personal relationships has made family life less important Writing frames: Supports students with planning the 20 marker (using the item) - using planning success criteria. Outlines the success criteria and provides sentence starters for the full essay (intro, main body and conclusion). Success criteria used for paragraphs in main body of essay is PEELE/A** -Outlines the key terms, sociologists, theories that can be used when answering the question.** -Supports students who need support and guidance with writing essays whilst providing students who are already good at writing essays opportunities to further improve their essay skills. **
AQA A-level Sociology: Theories of the Family Revision lesson -How to further develop exam answers?

AQA A-level Sociology: Theories of the Family Revision lesson -How to further develop exam answers?

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that: recaps the key sociologists students learn in this topic and what they say about the function(S) of the family. recaps the main umbrella theories that students learn in year 12 (structuralism vs interactionism, modernism vs postmodernism and conflict vs consensus theories), how they view society and how this influences functionalist, marxist, feminist and personal life perspective approaches to the family. how the knowledge above can be applied to exam questions to demonstrate both analysis and evaluation (AO3), e.g. by highlight the similarities and differences between the different theories of family or using knowledge of the umbrella theories to evaluate theories of the family. supports students with planning a 20 marker on theories of the family using the item. **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. *** **ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE ** INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material deprivation & racism in society

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material deprivation & racism in society

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson on how a. material deprivation and b. racism in wider society might cause ethnic differences in achievement. Makes reference to key terms material vs cultural factors, external vs internal factors, the meaning/ patterns of ethnic differences in achievement. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences -  Negative labelling and teacher racism

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Negative labelling and teacher racism

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that explores the following so students are able to understand and explain how negative labelling and teacher racism might cause ethnic differences in achievement: Ideal pupil​ identity , Pathologised pupil​ identity, Demonised pupil​ identity, Colour-blind​ teachers, Liberal chauvinist​ teachers, Overt racist​ teachers, Rebels subcultures, Conformist​ subcultures, Retreatist​ subcultures, Innovators subcultures Differentiates between Gillborn and Youdell (or Bourne or Olser), Sewell, Mirza’s view of how teachers might be racist and how this might affect achievement for different groups. Lesson makes links to the following terms that students should have covered before completing this lesson: Labelling, Self-fulfilling prophecy, Streaming, Streams  ​​A-C economy,  Educational triage,  Interactionism vs Structuralism, Stereotype, Ethnicity  Cultural deprivation  Collectivism vs individualism. **NOTE – Students will need to have basic to reasonable knowledge of labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy. ** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology Revision lessons for family unit

AQA A-level Sociology Revision lessons for family unit

7 Resources
Detailed and differentiated (up and down) revision lessons for each topic within the family unit of AQA specification. Includes: Topic 1 - Couples - also focusses on exam techniques - AO1, AO2 & AO3 Topic 2 - Childhood Topic 3 - Theories of the family - focusses on AO1 & AO3 Topic 4 - Demography - briefly focusses on all AOs but mainly AO2 for 10 markers Topic 5 - Changing Family patterns - focusses on AO2 Topic 6 - Family diversity Topic 7 -Families and Social policy - focusses on planning essays using the item.
KEY TERMS SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 5 Changing family patterns

KEY TERMS SHEET - AQA A-level Sociology Families: Topic 5 Changing family patterns

Alphabetical key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Family Topic 5 Changing family patterns that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. Includes some sentence starters for more difficult key terms. **Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. ** **BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 4 ‘Demography’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 4 ‘Demography’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson created to help students recap key ideas examined in the demography topic of the family unit, make revision materials based on this content and be able to apply this knowledge to exam questions, particularly 10 markers that makes links between topics - This lesson is very helpful for developing the skills students need for to answer ‘Outline and explain’ 10 markers which requires students to demonstrate the ability to connect two elements, aspects, subtopics, or topics to answer the question. Lesson also recaps the assesment objectives (but can be used to introduce students to the assessment objectives) (AOs – AO1, AO2 & AO3). The lesson requires students to answers questions based on each AO and then provides guidance and support for students to use the AOs to make flashcards (with questions and answers). **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 5 ‘Changing family patterns’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 5 ‘Changing family patterns’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that recaps changing family patterns learnt of Family Topic 5 and the reasons for them. allows students to develop their AO2 (application) and AO3 (analysis) skills by considering the relationship changing family patterns might have with other aspects of the topic, as well as other topic in families and household, such as the domestic division of labour (couples), experiences of childhood (childhood), the characteristic of populations (demography). ***This part of the lesson is very helpful for developing the skills students need for to answer ‘Outline and explain’ 10 markers which requires students to demonstrate the ability to connect two elements, aspects, subtopics, or topics to answer the question. * concludes by requiring students to apply this knowledge to ‘outline and explain’ 10 markers and one item 10 marker.   RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.   ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences -  Cultural deprivation

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Cultural deprivation

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that introduces students to ethnic differences in achievement and explores how different aspects of cultural deprivation (language, attitudes and values, and parental structure) might cause ethnic differences in achievement. To do this, the lesson explores the following key terms: ethnic group, ethnic differences in achievement, cultural deprivation, compensatory education and makes reference to other key terms students should have previously learnt (restricted code, working-class subculture, meritocracy, internal vs external factors, cultural vs material factors) Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITY CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE *STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 4 MARKER INCLUDED
AQA A-level Sociology: How to further develop exam answers using the AOs? -  Couples Revision

AQA A-level Sociology: How to further develop exam answers using the AOs? - Couples Revision

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that teaches exam skills and recaps ‘Couples’ content of AQA specification; recaps the main sociologists and themes in the ‘Family’ unit, Topic 1 – Couples WHILST teaching students how to use the Assessment Objectives (AOs) -AO1, AO2, AO3- to further develop their answers using MODEL ANSWERS and examples.   NOTE – Students will need to have gone over or have a basic understanding of using a set success criteria or writing format for their paragraphs TO BE ABLE TO GAIN THE MOST OF OUT THIS LESSON – this lesson using set success criteria PEELE/A (for 20 markers) and PERD (for 10 markers).   **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **  **ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE **
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 6 ‘Family diversity’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 6 ‘Family diversity’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that aims to recap and consolidate student’s knowledge and understanding of: key sociologists (Parsons, Murray, Chester and Benson, Stacey, Beck, Giddens and more) key terms (Rapoports’ different types of diversity, neo-conventional Pure relationship​​, Risk society​​, negotiated family​​, individualisation thesis​​, Divorce-extended family​​, 'Families of choice’​, Fragmentation and diversity​​, Connected thesis and more) in the family diversity topic of the family unit. the main difference in modernist and postmodernist views of: society, the family AND explanations of family diversity. INCLUDES STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 10 MARKER ON THIS TOPIC RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MOST ACTIVITIES (Recap and planning activity) INCLUDED AND CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 7 ‘Families and Social policy’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 7 ‘Families and Social policy’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that: briefly recaps the main theories (Feminism, The New Right, Conflict theory, Functionalism) and theorists (Donzelot,Murray, Fletcher, Land & Leonard) and their views on the function of social policies and the relationship between families and social policies and. models and supports students in using this knowledge to plan (using a planning success criteria) and answer (using a paragraph success criteria) a 20 marker USING THE ITEM. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE **
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 2 ‘Childhood’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 2 ‘Childhood’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that supports students in recapping the main theories, views and explanations of the position of childhood; examines how march of progress, conflict, child liberationists and postmodernist theories’ view society and how this might influence their approach or view of childhood and its changes over time. Also highlights the key sociologists (Katz, Postman, Aries, Palmer, Jenks, Gittens) in this topic. The lesson then requires students to apply this knowledge to plan (using a success criteria) a 20 marker and write at least one paragraph for it. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. MODEL PLAN AND ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITY CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE