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AQA GCSE Sociology: Family-Changes in the family over time

AQA GCSE Sociology: Family-Changes in the family over time

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand changes in the family over time. -Includes a ‘teaching to all’ activity -ANSWERS TO MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDED -Includes a item 4 marker on Young and Wilmott’s study with lots of scaffolding to help students answer it. Covers the following key terms: Pre-industrial society, Industrial society, Unit of production, Asymmetrical family, The Principle of Stratified diffusion, Home-centered, Work-centered, Child-centered. Covers the following key terms that you should already know: Pre-industrial society, Industrial society, Contemporary society, Agriculture, Industries, Industrial revolution, Unit of production, Unit of consumption, Extended family, Social mobility, Ascribed status, Means of production, Geographic mobility, Symmetrical family, Commercialisation of housework. Covers the following sociologists:Young & Wilmott. ANSWERS TO MOST MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Makes references to key terms students should know – Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson.
AQA GCSE Sociology Education - Education policy before 1988

AQA GCSE Sociology Education - Education policy before 1988

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand Education reforms before 1988 (e.g. The main educational policies before 1988, the impact of educational policies before 1988, how to apply sociological perspectives to educational policies and evaluate them). Cover the following key terms: Education policy Education reform The tripartite system Secondary modern Comprehensive system Secondary moderns State-run schools Eleven- plus exam Compulsory [state] education Selective schools ANSWERS TO ALL MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED . Key terms students should know: Grammar vs comprehensive schools , Academies/ free schools, State-run education/ schools, Working-class subculture, Culture Norms, values, setting Mixed-ability classes, Banding Local Education Authority (LEA), Independent/ private schools RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists begin their research?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologists begin their research (e.g. what is meant by research design, hypothesis, research questions, aims , pilot study, the first two stages of research process and assessing its usefulness. Covers the following key terms: Research design, Hypothesis, Research questions, Research aims and Pilot study Makes links to key terms that students should have already covered the following key terms: Respondent, Response rate, Participants, Sociological research, Research process and Data Answers to all activities included resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Institutional racism

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences - Institutional racism

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that explores the following so students are able to understand institutional racism and explain how it might cause ethnic differences in achievement: Institutional racism, Marketisation (extension), The New IQism, Ethnocentric, Ethnocentric curriculum, Model minorities, The foundation stage profile (FSP), Aim Higher initiatives/ programmes Covers the ideas of Troyna and Williams Gillborn, David, Ball, Sewell (as a criticism) Covers criticisms of Gillborn’s arguments Includes answers for MOST activities - NOTE - NO ANSWERS FOR ‘DO NOW’ but can be done on the board with students. Makes some links to the following key terms students should know: Internal vs External factors, Cultural vs Material factors, Social processes, Labelling, Streaming, Self-fulfilling prophecy NOTES: -Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
GCSE Sociology – Introduction to Marxism

GCSE Sociology – Introduction to Marxism

explores capitalism, profit, social class, ownership, interests, structuralism, conflict theories, exploitation, false consciousness and social relations of production as a way to introduce students to the main Marxist views and ideas. Includes answers for main activities Resources can be found at the end of the PPT. Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed) for other exam boards
GCSE Sociology – Introduction to Feminism

GCSE Sociology – Introduction to Feminism

explores sex, gender, gender roles, patriarchy, gender inequality as a way to introduce students to the main feminist views of society and ideas. Includes answers for main activities 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme Resources can be found at the end of the PPT (worksheet is in folder).** Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed) for other exam boards
GCSE Sociology – Introduction to functionalism

GCSE Sociology – Introduction to functionalism

Explores value consensus, social order, biological/ organic analogy, structuralism, consensus theories and social cohesion as way of introducing students to the key main functionalist views and ideas. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme Includes answers for main activities Resources can be found at the end of the PPT. Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed) for other specs
GCSE Sociology - How might sociologists explain behavior?

GCSE Sociology - How might sociologists explain behavior?

Explores, norms, values, culture, socialisation (primary/secondary) and social control, agencies and agents of socialisation and social control as an introduction to Sociology. Also looks at the importance of primary socialisation and the consequences of it inadequately performed. 3 marker with a success criteria and student friendly mark-scheme Resources can be found at the end of the PPT. Answers included for main activities Made to meet the AQA spec but can be used (and edited if needed for other spec)
AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Ethnic diff in achievement (Cultural factors)

AQA A-level Sociology: Education – Ethnic diff in achievement (Cultural factors)

**Detailed student led lesson that introduces students to ethnic differences in achievement and explores how different cultural factors (language, attitudes and values, and parental structure) might cause ethnic differences in achievement. To do this, the lesson explores the following key terms: ethnic group, ethnic differences in achievement, cultural deprivation, compensatory education and makes reference to other key terms students should have previously learnt (restricted code, working-class subculture, meritocracy, internal vs external factors, cultural vs material factors) **Uses and refers to’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITY CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 4 MARKER INCLUDE
AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Parson’s view of the family

AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Parson’s view of the family

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines, analyses and evaluates functionalist Parsons view of the family (functional fit theory) and his functions (mainly stabilisation of adult personalities – NOT primary socialisation). Lesson explores the key terms: Functional fit theory​, Stabilisation of adult personalities (Warm Bath Theory)​, Functional fit theory, Geographic mobility​, Social mobility​, Unit of production​ and Unit of consumption. Lesson makes links to general functionalist key terms and family key terms that students might have previously been taught. Main activity makes reference to AQA A-level Book 1 by Townsend ***** MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDE ANSWERS**** Starter assesses prior learning on family topics: couples, childhood and Murdock’s functions. ***** WORKSHEETS AT THE END OF THE PPT**
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 5 ‘Changing family patterns’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 5 ‘Changing family patterns’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that recaps changing family patterns learnt of Family Topic 5 and the reasons for them. allows students to develop their AO2 (application) and AO3 (analysis) skills by considering the relationship changing family patterns might have with other aspects of the topic, as well as other topic in families and household, such as the domestic division of labour (couples), experiences of childhood (childhood), the characteristic of populations (demography). ***This part of the lesson is very helpful for developing the skills students need for to answer ‘Outline and explain’ 10 markers which requires students to demonstrate the ability to connect two elements, aspects, subtopics, or topics to answer the question. * concludes by requiring students to apply this knowledge to ‘outline and explain’ 10 markers and one item 10 marker.   RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.   ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE
AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 6 ‘Family diversity’ Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Families Topic 6 ‘Family diversity’ Revision lesson

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that aims to recap and consolidate student’s knowledge and understanding of: key sociologists (Parsons, Murray, Chester and Benson, Stacey, Beck, Giddens and more) key terms (Rapoports’ different types of diversity, neo-conventional Pure relationship​​, Risk society​​, negotiated family​​, individualisation thesis​​, Divorce-extended family​​, 'Families of choice’​, Fragmentation and diversity​​, Connected thesis and more) in the family diversity topic of the family unit. the main difference in modernist and postmodernist views of: society, the family AND explanations of family diversity. INCLUDES STUDENT FRIENDLY MARK-SCHEME FOR 10 MARKER ON THIS TOPIC RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. ANSWERS FOR MOST ACTIVITIES (Recap and planning activity) INCLUDED AND CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Class differences in achievement (Labelling)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Class differences in achievement (Labelling)

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand class differences in achievement. Covers the following key terms: Labelling, Self-fulfilling prophecy/Pygmalion effect, the ‘Halo effect’ Covers the following sociologists: Becker, Rosenthal and Jacobson Includes key term and definition sheet needed for the lesson. Includes a discussion activity to promote oracy and engagement includes a 3 marker and detailed scaffolding to help students answer it. Also includes a student-friendly marker for self or peer assessment. ANSWERS FOR MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson. Resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA A-level Sociology: Education - Class differences in achievement (Cultural deprivation)

AQA A-level Sociology: Education - Class differences in achievement (Cultural deprivation)

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that explores collectivism vs individualism, elaborate vs restricted code, subculture, fatalism vs meritocracy, deferred vs immediate gratification, meritocracy, present-time vs future orientated vs compensatory education to enable students to understand the role of cultural deprivation in causing class differences in achievement/ working-class underachievement. Also covers and supports students in answering 4/6 markers using a success criteria and student-friendly mark-schemes. **Cover the following key terms: Compensatory education Meritocracy Cultural deprivation The elaborate code The restricted code Subculture Immediate gratification Deferred gratification Collectivism Individualism Fatalism Present-time orientation Future orientated **Key terms you SHOULD already know that we will cover: •Class differences in achievement •Internal factors •External factors •Material factors •Cultural factors •Norms •Culture •Values •Socialisation •Agents of socialisation **Key sociologists we will cover (at least one from each bullet point): 1.Bernstein 2.Douglas/ Feinstein/ Bernstein and Young 3.Sugarman 4.Keddie (extension) 5.Troyna and Williams (extension) 6.Blackstone and Mortimore(extension) ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES AND EXAM QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED **TEACHING to all activities included **Made for AQA A-level but can be easily used for other specs (just need a different source of information/ textbook) differentiated down for GCSE) lesson ** Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

****Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement and the role of cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. Lastly, to analyse and evaluate the role of different cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. ****Cover the following sociologists: Lupton, Sewell, Clarke, Bhatti, Sugarman, Bernstein   ****Covers the following key terms: Ethnic differences in educational achievement, ethnicity ****Answers to all main activities included ****Key terms students should know Race, Ethnic groups ****Introduces students to the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement. ****Main activity is planned as a carousel activity that allows students to collect information on the cultural factors that might affect different ethnic groups and capture this on a sheet that I printed in A3. ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Class differences in achievement (Banding, Setting and Streaming)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Class differences in achievement (Banding, Setting and Streaming)

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand class differences in achievement (setting and streaming) Covers the following key terms: Banding, Setting, Streaming, Mixed-ability class Covers the following sociologists: Ball Includes a starter activity that recaps content on class difference sin educational achievement that students should have covered so far and answers to these. ANSWERS TO ALL ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes a ‘teaching to all’ activity Includes key term and definition sheet for the lesson Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Explanations of crime (Cohen’s subcultural theory)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Explanations of crime (Cohen’s subcultural theory)

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that helps students understand ‘explanations of crime’ Status frustration, alternative status hierarchy, criminal or deviant subculture, subculture theory. Cohen. Answers to MOST activities included Includes a key term and definition sheet needed for the lesson Covers how to answer 4 marker ‘perspective’ exam question with a success criteria and scaffolding to help students answer it. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT Starter activity gives the option of two 3 markers student can choose to answer and includes a student-friendly mark-scheme for each. These are the same options that can be found in the lesson for Merton’s strain theory (the idea is for student to pick the 3 marker they did not answer last lesson this lesson).
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Feminists’ role of education

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education- Feminists’ role of education

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand Feminists’ role of education. Covers the following key terms: Secondary socialisation, role allocation, meritocracy correspondance principles, specialist skills, universalistic standards, particularistic standards, ascribed status, achieved status, social cohesion, gender differences in subject. Includes a ‘teaching to all’ activity Starter activity enables students to recap the feminist view of society ANSWERS TO MOST activities included Includes an activity that allows students to compare and contrast functionalist, Marxist and feminist views of the role of education Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson
AQA GCSE SOCIOLOGY: Crime and Deviance - The social construction of crime and deviance

AQA GCSE SOCIOLOGY: Crime and Deviance - The social construction of crime and deviance

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand ‘Crime and Deviance - The social construction of crime and deviance’ Cover the following key terms: Crime, Deviance, The social construction of crime and deviance, Master status, Deviant career, Deviant subculture Covers the following sociologists: Becker -Includes a teaching to all activity -Includes a 4 marker ‘perspective’ question with a success criteria and sentence starters for answer -Has two lessons in one. -Includes key term sheet with definitions of key terms covered during the lesson as well as definitions of key terms students should have previously learnt that link to the lesson.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Sources of statistical data on crime

AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Sources of statistical data on crime

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the three main sources of statistical data on crime, how they collect data on crime and the strength and weaknesses of them. Examines the following key terms: Source of statistical data on crime ​ Official (government) crime statistics ​ Reported crime ​ Recorded crime ​ Dark figure of crime ​ The Social Construction of Official Crime statistics​ Victim survey ​ Self-report study Makes links with the following key terms that students should know (mainly if they studied the research methods unit before starting crime: Social construct ​​ Standardise ​​ Quantitative Data​​ Qualitative Data ​​ Validity ​​ Reliability​​ Representative (sample)​​ Generalise ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes key term and definitions sheet for the lesson included The Owens and Woodfield GCSE Sociology textbook is needed for the main activities