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All Therapy Resources

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We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.




We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
SPANISH VERSION - My Calm Down Sandwich - Calm Down Coping Strategies Coping

SPANISH VERSION - My Calm Down Sandwich - Calm Down Coping Strategies Coping

This is a fun, engaging, creative and non-threatening intervention which is great for students to explore calm down strategies. Sandwich ingredients represent the various strategies to support the student to calm down. The following strategies are included: bounding on a ball, playing with play-doh, counting to 10, writing down thoughts, listening to music, stretching, quiet time, drawing, reading, going for a walk, meditation, hugging a favourite toy, having a drink and thinking happy thoughts. There are blank copies of the ingredients for students to write down some calming strategies that they like to use. Laminate and use white board markers for students to write their own calm-down strategies to create their own unique calm down sandwich. This is great for a lunch time individual or group therapy intervention.
Managing My Anger Mini Lesson and Activities |  Anger Management

Managing My Anger Mini Lesson and Activities | Anger Management

This Mini-Lesson utilizes a reflective framework to explore anger. Throughout this mini-lesson students will be requested to reflect on the following topics: What is anger? Difference between anger and aggression Consequences of behaviour Anger Awareness – Exploring Triggers Presentation of Anger including clues and warning signs Thoughts, feelings, - behaviours and physical presentations Costs and Benefits of Anger This is a great resource for students who need to explore and address their anger!
Let's Keep Safe - Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Online Road Personal Safety

Let's Keep Safe - Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Online Road Personal Safety

These worksheets includes 10 Comprehension and Reflection Worksheets to help further your students understanding of key life skills about personal safety. Each page includes a mini-informative narrative about a safety situation. On each page there are three comprehension and reflective questions to help support the student to reflect on the risks, explore decision making, consequences and gain insight into the situation. Each worksheet explores a different scenario where the following safety themes are explored. They include: 1.Safety around appliances 2.Fire safety 3.Safety with medicines 4.Pool safety 5.Keeping secrets – (i.e. - don’t keep secrets) 6.Wearing helmets 7.Water safety 8.Road safety 9.If you get lost, stay where you are! 10.Do not share personal information online Each page can be used as a stand-alone worksheet or as a companion and supplement to your lesson.
Family Tree Project - All About me & my Heritage Project Activity

Family Tree Project - All About me & my Heritage Project Activity

This project is a great way for students to learn about their family heritage and gain a better sense of where they came from. Students are encouraged to create their own family tree and conduct their own research of their family. This resource includes templates, worksheets and all of the resources that is needed to create their own family tree. An example family tree and questions has been included to support children’s understanding of family trees and how different family members relate to each other. This resource includes: What is a family and a family tree? Family Quote Poster Definitions: Heritage, Ancestry, Tradition Exploring Family Trees (hypothetical family tree and questions) Exploring Your Own Family My Family Tree Template My Family Interview Questions Other Questions (you might want to ask family) Create your own Family Tree Templates (tree, leaves, labels, blank templates, family member visuals)
Deep & Meaningful Conversation Starter Cards - Therapy Intervention - Teenagers

Deep & Meaningful Conversation Starter Cards - Therapy Intervention - Teenagers

These cards are a fun way for teenagers to self reflect on the more deeper and meaningful aspects to life from thoughts, feelings, self-care, emotions, friendships, relationships, goals, priorities. They can be powerful and support the student to explore more than just the skin deep conversations that are generally generated. If you are looking for shallow conversation starters…than these are not for you! This is a set of 52 cards and their implementation is as versatile as your imagination. They can be utilized individually, pairs, group or even as a whole class approach. My students love them! They express that these help them to really think about who they are, what they want and what is important to and for them. These cards help develop a growth mindset mentality as opposed to a fixed mindset. They also support students so develop understanding, empathy and compassion for themselves and others.
School Readiness In A Jar - 75 Question Cards - Preschool

School Readiness In A Jar - 75 Question Cards - Preschool

This resource includes 75 Question Cards for little learners to prepare them for school. Simple put each of the cards in a Jar and utilize them as you wish! These are colourful and engaging cards and are versatile! Simply laminate, cut and you can use this resource over and over for years to come! Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you. STORE CREDITS - Did you know…? • Each time you give feedback on a product, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your “My Purchases” page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment. • You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TpT store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Build Your Own Worry Monster Mini-Lesson - Anxiety Fear Activity

Build Your Own Worry Monster Mini-Lesson - Anxiety Fear Activity

This comprehensive resource explores: What is Stress and Anxiety? Types of Normal Stress and High Stress Situations Individual Triggers Physical Symptoms of Anxiety Reflective Activities and Worksheets What is a Worry Monster? Everything you need to build your own “Worry Monster” This intervention helps students personify and project their worries onto their own monster that they create with the therapeutic aim to reflect and gain insight. Although this isn’t a directive/skills-based intervention, this mini-lesson has been successful at supporting students who experience stress and anxiety. This intervention helps to create a sense of personal awareness and insight into their own states of stress and anxiety. The Worry Monster can also act as an outlet so that the Worry Monster can hold onto the stress and anxiety, helping to compartmentalize the stress and anxiety so that the student doesn’t have to. This therapeutic intervention requires the therapist to be very curious and unconditionally accepting of the Worry Monster that the student creates and imagines. Remember the vital role of empathy and at the end of the intervention thank the student for sharing what they would look like as a monster to support integration.
Create Your Own Self Care Smoothie - Creative Therapy Mental Health Lesson

Create Your Own Self Care Smoothie - Creative Therapy Mental Health Lesson

This is a fun, engaging, creative and non-threatening intervention which is great for students to explore emotional regulation, anger management, reflective practice and self care. What to do? 1.Encourage students to explore each of the 24 realistic scenarios on each page and reflect on how that scenario would make them feel. This also encourages empathy, compassion and consideration into the feelings and actions of others as they resonate with each scenario. 2.The next step is for the students to explore the “Self-Care Ingredients” list and tick what self-care strategy they could employ and use for that particular scenario. This helps students to reflect, explore and gain insight into their own feelings and behaviours. 3.Students then put those ingredients into the “blender” which is located on each page to cement the lesson. There are 24 visuals for already developed self-care strategies which students can utilize. There are an addition 12 blank visual cards for students to explore some of their own individual and unique self-care strategies that work for them. 4.Lastly, students can create a name for that particular self-care smoothie. This heightens the learning outcomes and students become more likely to explore and employ these self-care strategies within their everyday life. NOTE – There is a COMPLETED example page so students can see this resource in action!
Winter Color by Affirmation - Mental Health Anxiety Depression Counseling

Winter Color by Affirmation - Mental Health Anxiety Depression Counseling

These winter themed color by positive affirmations are a great creative way to support individuals to change negative self-talk into positive self talk. Individuals are encouraged to repeat each affirmation as they color the corresponding number. There are three mandalas which include: Self-Love Anxiety Depression For each picture, there are unique positive self-talk affirmations. Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! STORE CREDITS - Did you know…? • Each time you give feedback on a product, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your “My Purchases” page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment. • You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TpT store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Behaviour Support: My Emotions Self-Care Workbook Social Emotional Learning

Behaviour Support: My Emotions Self-Care Workbook Social Emotional Learning

Many today suffer with a damaged sense of self. Some individuals have such profound self-esteem deficits that they have internalised the belief that they are bad and that their future is hopeless. The goal of enhancing self-esteem for these students is not an easy one, but it is an important component of any successful treatment program. This workbook is to support students to focus on their strengths and abilities and promote feelings of self-worth. Students will be encouraged to develop the tools to help them focus on their strengths and abilities, promote feelings of self-worth, encourage a more optimistic attitude and install a hope for their future. This is a 43 page workbook around emotional and protective behaviours, highlighting stress and how students can look after themselves. Includes various worksheets, posters and activities to support emotional literacy and development. Throughout this workbook you will explore the following: What is stress? Symptoms of Stress Worksheets and Activities Stress Volcano Metaphor Stress Management Tips Find-A-Word Posters Support System (your helping hand) Poster Find-A-Word Stress Diaries Reflective Questions Gratitude Diaries Creative Intervention – Body Keeps the Score Exploring defining moments in life
Feeling Messages In a Bottle - Awareness, Self Care & Insight

Feeling Messages In a Bottle - Awareness, Self Care & Insight

Many people think of being happy and excited as good emotions and anger and sadness as being bad ones. Because of this, many people spend years trying to repress, block or avoid these emotions. But it is important to know that all emotions are normal. Three are no good or bad feelings or emotions. They are messages. This activity encourages emotional awareness by encouraging individuals to reflect and gain insight into their various emotional states. This resource encourages students to imagine that they are walking along the beach while they are a particular emotional state and they come across a “message in a bottle” which is just perfect for what they need and want while they are in that emotional state. This activity includes the following: About this activity Emotions are not good or bad handout Imagine This… (narrative) The process – What to do Examples of Completed bottles (sadness and anxiety) Bottle and Note templates for the following states (angry, sad, bored, confused, curious, disappointed, embarrassed, grumpy, excited, happy, anxious, proud, scared and shy) "If your feelings had something important to say, what would they tell me.” Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store!


This portfolio is engaging, reflective and thought-provoking. Everything you need to cover this topic is found in this portfolio. It covers everything from what is anxiety, warning signs, triggers, worry scales, questionnaires, learning about our body’s alarm system and flight/fight system, calming and coping strategies, brain dumping your worries, learning what is in and out of your control, crafts and much more! This portfolio has been developed to support children to manage their anxiety and worries, build self-confidence and create a positive thinking framework. This workbook is a must have for any teacher, parent and counsellor as it is jam packed with everything needed to tackle anxiety once and for all in a very trauma-informed and positive behavioural support approach. This portfolio is divided into six individual lessons. You can choose to use each lesson in isolation or scaffold through the lessons one by one. The six lessons include: 1.All About Anxiety What is Anxiety? What does anxiety look and feel like? My anxiety checklist Anxiety Triggers Scale of worry poster (and worksheet) When I feel worried worksheet 2.My Panic Button Your body’s alarm system Anxiety and stress continuum My Panic Button Questionnaire When I feel anxious worksheet Anxiety & panic attacks The differences and symptoms Anxiety and your body Helpful Thoughts 3.Calming Strategies Calming Strategy Cards and Rating Scales Deep Breathing 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique Asking for Help Personal Growth Challenge Gratitude Exercise and my Weekly Health Plan Coping Skills Poster 4.Declutter Your Worries What is a Brain Dump? What to do? Brain Dump your worries When worries pile up Sorting my worries Dump your worries craft Ruminating on your worries 5.My Worry Monster Physical symptoms of anxiety Anxiety triggers Getting to know your worry monster Creating your worry monster Your helping hand Reflective questions Building your own worry monster templates 6.Choosing to Let Go Being the pilot of your worries Your Control Tower (in and out of your control) My worries airplane craft Take off! Taking your worries away! Emergency oxygen mask In and out of your worries (sorting activity) Worry affirmations
Feeling & Behavior Workbook  for LITTLE LEARNERS I School Counseling

Feeling & Behavior Workbook for LITTLE LEARNERS I School Counseling

Mindset is everything! This workbook supports children to develop a growth mindset and learn not to give up. It incorporates reading, expressive writing, critical thinking, reflective insight development while also teaching social and emotional learning and growth mindset skills for little learners. The following 75 page workbook focuses on the following topics to encourage emotional wellbeing and resilience: • Anger management • Anxiety Management • Emotional Regulation • Resilience • Self-Belief and Confidence • Positive Thinking • Relaxation • Social relating • Reflective behaviours • Healthy choices • Coping Skills • Understanding your engine • Problem solving • Isolating and labelling behaviours • Creative Visualisation • Find-a-words and much much more… This feelings and behaviour workbook includes: Introductory ‘about your workbook” – learning about the individual Anger rules – what’s okay/not okay Feeling find-a-word Body Keeps the Score exercise – reflective exercise Volcano anger management exercise and activity Poster – what to do when you feel angry Reflective anger management exercises Star Tips for controlling anger Emotions Poster “printable” Rules to support change – poster Anger Management worksheets Deep breathing exercise Coping skills exercise/activity Understand your Engine – Engine Speeds How I feel Today diary entry Healthy me diary/journal Cool Down Thoughts Poste Problem Solving Reflective Activity – stop and think/choices Knowing you feelings – reflective activity – frustration/happy/angry/mad Helping Hand activity – who to go for support/trust Biggest Hurt and Sadness activity Creative Activity – Make a safe home for your pet Bucket Activity – reflective care SPOTLIGHT activity And much more…. This is a workbook that can be printed and used for all children, including those with behavioural and anger management issues to support behaviour change. This package includes over 36 exercises and activities to do with children, as well as tips and behavioural reinforcer pages. This package has been utilized for all children and has been used within a school setting as part of a “self care” program. This can also be utilized for children with ADHD, intellectual disability, autism and/or developmental delay. Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS!
Child's Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing - Child Protection

Child's Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing - Child Protection

The information contained within this package include specific support strategies to reduce behavioural concerns over time as well as supporting children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. Children’s behaviour does not occur in isolation to the family system; hence a systemic family approach is vital for the development and progress of each individual child. Children change when the relationships around them change. This package includes some general strategies that can be easily implemented within the family home. These strategies and recommendations include: Understanding your children’s behaviour Learnt Behaviour Building Trust with your children Stability and predictability within the home Consistent limits and boundaries Implementing Behavioural Consequences and Positive Reinforcement Fostering Self-Esteem in your children – Why? And How? Encourage Conversation through Active Listening and Empathy and Validation Supporting your child’s mental health (environmental strategies) Encourage a sense of independence and autonomy Encourage Positive Behaviour everyday Acceptance, Understanding and patience WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM THIS REOURCE: This resource is a great handout for parents, carers, Disability Support Workers, Child Protection Workers and anyone who provides support for children who have experienced abuse, trauma and neglect. STORE CREDITS - Did you know…? • Each time you give feedback on a product, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your “My Purchases” page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment. • You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TpT store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Feelings Stick Puppets - Learning about my Feelings and Emotions Craft Activity

Feelings Stick Puppets - Learning about my Feelings and Emotions Craft Activity

This resource is a great addition for exploring emotions and feelings with little learners in a fun, creative and engaging way. This craft activity encourages students to create and make their own feelings stick puppets. This resource includes 10 colour and 10 black and white puppet templates. There are two different versions included. One version includes the word label of each feeling together with the clip art image and the other version displays the clip art only. Included is a Puppet Show Script Narrative that you can read and encourage your students to use the stick puppets while you are telling the story. THE FEELINGS INCLUDED ARE: Brave Confused Embarrassed Angry Exhausted Frustrated Happy Excited Sad Scared Shy Peaceful Check out some of our best sellers below! Don’t forget to follow our store! STORE CREDITS - Did you know…? • Each time you give feedback on a product, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your “My Purchases” page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment. • You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TpT store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 5 of 6 - Safe Sex Practices

Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 5 of 6 - Safe Sex Practices

This lesson has been specifically developed to support students with learning or intellectual difficulties to understand key aspects relating to: SAFE SEX PRACTICES A mini lesson exploring safe sex practices, as well as how to keep yourself and your partner safe from unwanted pregnancies and STD’s. This lesson has been created to include key information in a easy to read manner with visuals to support information retention. Depending on the age, developmental level and key learning needs, Teachers, Parents, School Counsellors and other Allied Health Professionals should use their insight and judgement to determine whether the information contained in this lesson is suitable and appropriate for each individual student. This lesson is built into a scaffold learning system with a total of 6 lessons. You can choose to use this lesson in isolation, however should you with to further build the knowledge around relationships and sexuality, feel free to check out the remainder of the lessons. The lessons include: Personal Body Safety Puberty Special Relationships and Dating Sex and Consent Safe Sex Practices Safety in the Community Feel free to check out the bundle to save on accessing all of the lessons. Please ensure that you are fully aware of the content of the package prior to implementing with children to ensure material covered is suitable and family consent is provided in order to teach children education around these topics.
Feelings Ferris Wheel I Craft Activity I Exploring Emotions Counselling Lesson I

Feelings Ferris Wheel I Craft Activity I Exploring Emotions Counselling Lesson I

In this creative activity students are encouraged to identify their emotions, isolate why they feel that way and explore healthy and constructive ways to manage them is very important. Students are encouraged to create their own “Feelings Ferris Wheel” which includes the different feeling carriages. Just like a Ferris Wheel, our feelings come and go. We won’t feel that way forever. There are no good or bad emotions, but there are good and bad ways of expressing (or acting on these emotions). Learning how to express emotions in acceptable and constructive ways is a separate skill that is built on the foundation of being able to understand emotions. Within this mini-lesson and craft we will explore the following: 1.Emotional Literacy – understanding feelings and emotions 2.Isolate that feeling and attribute where it came from. 3.Identify your individual needs when you feel that way, including coping strategies. In this craft activity, students are encouraged to explore the following emotions: sad, scared, surprised, grumpy, excited, embarrassed, happy, curious, confused, bored, angry, proud and scared. This mini lesson includes the following: FEELINGS FERRIS WHEEL Poster COPING SKILLS Coping with Uncomfortable Feelings Coping Skills Poster My Coping Skills Worksheet EXPLORING EMOTIONAL VOCABULARY Reflective worksheets FERRIS WHEEL CRAFT -Templates and Directions
Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 2 of 6 - Puberty and Body Changes

Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 2 of 6 - Puberty and Body Changes

This lesson has been specifically developed to support students with learning or intellectual difficulties to understand key aspects relating to: PUBERTY A mini-lesson exploring the changes that happens to both boys and girls during puberty as well as answering frequently asked questions that students have during this great time of change. This lesson has been created to include key information in a easy to read manner with visuals to support information retention. Depending on the age, developmental level and key learning needs, Teachers, Parents, School Counsellors and other Allied Health Professionals should use their insight and judgement to determine whether the information contained in this lesson is suitable and appropriate for each individual student. This lesson is built into a scaffold learning system with a total of 6 lessons. You can choose to use this lesson in isolation, however should you with to further build the knowledge around relationships and sexuality, feel free to check out the remainder of the lessons. The lessons include: Personal Body Safety Puberty Special Relationships and Dating Sex and Consent Safe Sex Practices Safety in the Community Feel free to check out the bundle to save on accessing all of the lessons. Please ensure that you are fully aware of the content of the package prior to implementing with children to ensure material covered is suitable and family consent is provided in order to teach children education around these topics.
Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 3 of 6 - Special Relationship and Dating

Relationship and Sexuality - Lesson 3 of 6 - Special Relationship and Dating

This lesson has been specifically developed to support students with learning or intellectual difficulties to understand key aspects relating to: SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS & DATING This lesson explores what are special relationships and dating, the steps we take to date, how to keep yourself safe on dates and your rights and responsibilities. This lesson has been created to include key information in a easy to read manner with visuals to support information retention. Depending on the age, developmental level and key learning needs, Teachers, Parents, School Counsellors and other Allied Health Professionals should use their insight and judgement to determine whether the information contained in this lesson is suitable and appropriate for each individual student. This lesson is built into a scaffold learning system with a total of 6 lessons. You can choose to use this lesson in isolation, however should you with to further build the knowledge around relationships and sexuality, feel free to check out the remainder of the lessons. The lessons include: Personal Body Safety Puberty Special Relationships and Dating Sex and Consent Safe Sex Practices Safety in the Community Feel free to check out the bundle to save on accessing all of the lessons. Please ensure that you are fully aware of the content of the package prior to implementing with children to ensure material covered is suitable and family consent is provided in order to teach children education around these topics.
Beating My Worries Workbook - Anxiety, Confidence Positive Thinking lesson plans

Beating My Worries Workbook - Anxiety, Confidence Positive Thinking lesson plans

This workbook has been developed to support children to manage their anxiety and worries, build self-confidence and create a positive thinking framework. This workbook is a must have for any teacher, parent and counsellor as it is jam packed with everything needed to tackle anxiety once and for all in a very trauma-informed and positive behavioural support approach. This is a 60 page workbook includes: “All about me” reflective activity Why do you feel anxious – learning about your anxiety What is anxiety? – how anxiety can impact you What does it feel like to have anxiety – changes in body, thinking, behaviour What causes anxiety? What you can do when anxious? How do feelings start? And activity. Learning about fight/flight response. Anxiety and your body activity – physical signs Calm thinking patterns Challenging your thoughts diary Calm thinking thermometer Body relaxation techniques and tips Exercise benefits and weekly exercise plan Body cues Visualisation Anxiety observation recording chart Relaxation Game Mix and Match (emotions and body warning signs) Relaxation Activity Sheets Individual and Group Activities And much more… This is a great resource for any individual who experiences anxiety to support them to understand why’s and hows around anxiety and give them the skills to “beat their worries”.