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Polluting the atmosphere
Combustion of alkanes, acid rain & global warning,
Cleaner fuels
Resource to use with AQA Chem 1
Electrochemistry starter
Biological application of electrochemistry
Constructing Redox equations activity
Starter activity for year 13 students practicing constructing half equations and REDOX equations.
Calculating Kc practice questions.
Calculating Kc using quadratic equation.
Planning a Hess' law investigation
Student practice activity .
Complex chemistry activity
Activity that involves transition metal complex and aqueous reactions, Born-Haber cycle, entropy and titration.
Complex ions: Lead poisoning starter
Starter activity that involves application of complex ion chemistry, stereoisomerism, entropy and titration
Year 12 organic mechanisms map
Organic mechanisms map with reagents
Group 7 Redox reaction
Recap/ revision workmat
Organic synthesis
Revision / practice workmats with a focus upon organic chemistry and AQA chemistry paper 2 content. No answers are supplied with these worksheets due to peer assessment revision acitivity.
Students would be asked to create a mark scheme in pairs then peer mark and assess.
Recap / revision lesson.
Revision: Alkenes
Describe E/Z stereoisomerism.
Explain how to use CIP rules to classify an isomer E or Z.
Recall polymerisation of alkenes
Outline the two mechanisms that alkenes undergo and justify why the major product is formed.
Redox equation activity
Structured activity that allows student’s to apply their knowledge and understanding of REDOX chemistry.
Enthalpy of solution
Define enthalpies of solution, hydration and lattice dissociation.
Construct a Hess cycle for an ionic substance being dissolved in a solvent.
Use experimental data, calculations and Hess law to determine an unknown enthalpy change from a class experiment.
Group 7 Halogens
Describe the trend in boiling points and oxidising ability of the halogens.
Predict observations for a displacement reaction between aqueous halogens and aqueous halides.
Construct equations for chlorine disproportion chemistry
Revision lesson to recap naming amines, basicity and synthesis. This resources does not recap zwitterions or amino acids.
Organic synthesis Yr 13
2 x Recap and revision workmats focusing upon organic synthesis and linked A-level content. Please note that No answers are supplied with these worksheets due to peer assessment revision acitivity.
Students would be asked to create a mark scheme in pairs then peer mark and assess.
Synthesis of amines
Revision lesson with a focus upon synthesis of aliphatic and aromatic amines
Recap/revision lesson for calorimetry