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Number Bonds to 10
9 Sheets using representations to help embed number bonds to 10
Ten Frames
Part Wholes
Contains sentence stems
___ and ___ make 10
___ needs ___ make 10

Hungry Caterpillar Symbol Book and Colourful Semantics
SEN friendly Hungry Caterpillar Story printable
Colourful Semantics writing prompts
Puppets- Print, cut and stick to sticks.
Colouring Sheet, Book Marks (Free online, no created by me)

Supertato Year 1
Different activities for Supertato written by Sue Hendra:
Write your own speech bubbles
Think of adjectives for Supertato and Evil Pea
Create your own Villain
Write captions
retell the story - beginning, middle and end
pictures to order
Guided groups targeting specific year 1 writing skills
Phonics CVC writing

Greater than, Less than and Equal To Crocodiles
Grids for teaching greater than, less than and equal to.
Fruits and Vegetable pictorial practice
Empty grids for concrete
Cut and stick activity

Zones of Regulation Bundle
PowerPoint Presentation for teaching about the zones
Different display resources suitable for setting up a zones of regulation station.
Resources suitable for children sharing their zones and prompts for expressing their feelings.

Zones of Regulation Feeling Scale
Print, Cut, Laminate, Hole Punch and thread a bead on to a pipe cleaner. Tie at the back. Children use this to share their zone to help talk about their current emotion.

Number Lines 10 and 20
Black and white number lines to 10 and to 20,
Ideal to be printed in colour and then laminated

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed- Maths Resource
5 little monkeys rhyme with QR code link to song.
Widget song lyrics to read as book. Suggestion: Laminate and use as visual
Counting, number formation, pencil grip, count and colour and ordering picture puzzle activity.

Play Dough Fine Motor Mats
Use play dough and these mats to help with fine motor skills.
Included Shapes and Faces
Print and laminate

Fruit and Veg Threading
Cut, laminate and whole punch fruits and vegetables.
Use string to help with fine motor skills
apple, pear, peas, broccoli, carrot, potato, banana, orange

Brown Bear Brown Bear What Can You See?- Own Version
Use this widgit story to create your own version of the popular story Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see?
Print and colour in each sheet. Put the story in any order.
We used a picture of our class as the children so they are now in the story.