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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Film Techniques

12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Film Techniques

Context: A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 4: “Representations and popular culture texts.” During this unit students learned about Hero and Villain films and how filmmakers use cinematic techniques to portray them and create an intended message. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded reviewing one of the three films shown within the unit. About the PPT: A lesson designed to help prepare students to analyse and evaluate the films they view in class. The lesson begins with an explanation of visual features. There are mini activities where students have to describe things they see in still images or clips e.g. the costumes in the Incredibles film and Spider-Man (2002). Students then learn about non verbal communication including body language and facial expression – they are then shown 4 pictures to describe. They then view a clip from Spider-Man which they will discuss after viewing. This is followed by an introduction to soundtrack (music and sound effects). They watch the trailer for Aquaman and list the sound effects they heard and the types of musical instruments which were featured. They then view a scene from Spider-Man (2002) and do the same. Then students learn about 6 main shot sizes. They then have the opportunity to identify these using stills from Wonder Woman 1 and 2. The next technique is camera angles (eye level, high angle and low angle). This is followed by a checking for understanding activity. Students are then taught about camera movement (panning, tilting, tracking and zooming). They then view clips which exemplify some of these techniques. Next up are editing techniques (montage, transition, simultaneous time, slow motion). These are exemplified via short clips (hyperlinks included in case embedded video does not work). If time, there is also information about traditional language features including characterisation, figurative language and emotive language.
12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Introduction lesson

12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Introduction lesson

Context: A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 4: “Representations and popular culture texts.” During this unit students learned about Hero and Villain films and how filmmakers use cinematic techniques to portray them and create an intended message. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded reviewing one of the three films shown within the unit. About the PPT: the PPT begins with an explanation of the unit and the upcoming assessment. There are some terms for students to add to their glossary and a brainstorming activity to see what films students have seen in recent years which feature heroes / villains. Some sample answers grouped under Marvel, DC and Warner Brothers are provided. Students are introduced to definitions of terms including hero, superhero, anti-hero, antagonist and villain. Students are introduced to the Gallery of Modern Arts which is part of the context for their assessment. They see images of the building and photographs I took in 2017 when I went to a Marvel specific exhibition. This is followed by information about the origins of super heroes (comic books). Specific references are made to Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. There are some clips of early TV and film versions of these characters.
12 Essential English – Unit Plan and Scope and Sequence for IA3 – Pop Culture Presentation

12 Essential English – Unit Plan and Scope and Sequence for IA3 – Pop Culture Presentation

Unit plan designed for a 10-week term of 12 Essential English. It includes a subject description, a description of the unit, a list of unit objectives (from the syllabus), my planned teaching and learning cycle, the unit learning intentions and success criteria, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources. Also included are 3 word documents which I used on my word wall. Film specific language features – shot sizes, camera angles, lighting, colour, non-verbal communication, dialogue, audio, setting, props, costumes, characterisation, camera movement and symbolism. Film specific text structures – plot, character development, flashback, simultaneous time, montage, slow motion, accelerated video, time lapse, superimposition, transition, themes Colours and what they mean – blue, red, white, black, green, yellow, maroon and brown. The learning resources (PPTs, worksheets etc.) for the unit are also available in My Store.
12 Essential English – Unit Plan and Scope and Sequence for IA1 (Persuasive Speech about an issue)

12 Essential English – Unit Plan and Scope and Sequence for IA1 (Persuasive Speech about an issue)

Unit plan designed for a 10-week term of 12 Essential English. It includes a subject description, a description of the unit, a list of unit objectives (from the syllabus), my planned teaching and learning cycle, the unit learning intentions and success criteria, assessment task details and a list of recommended resources. A Scope and Sequence suggesting topics to be covered throughout the term is also included (as taught by me in 2023). The learning resources (PPTs, worksheets etc.) for the unit are also available in My Store.
12 Essential English IA1 - Persuasive Speech writing booklet and PPT

12 Essential English IA1 - Persuasive Speech writing booklet and PPT

A writing booklet which I made to scaffolding the writing portion of the assessment. Tip: I keep these in the classroom so that I have evidence of student work for if they are absent on the due date. I also share this booklet to students electronically on the class One Note for if they would prefer to type into it. A PowerPoint to take students through the first writing session – developing their thesis statement and writing body paragraph 1.
12 Essential English – deconstructing a persuasive speech

12 Essential English – deconstructing a persuasive speech

A PowerPoint taking 12 Essential English students through another exemplar persuasive speech. The lesson begins with a settling activity – there is a jumbled-up list of persuasive techniques, definitions and examples. Students have to match them up correctly. There is a placemat which shows the skill ‘arguing/persuading’ and contains some suggested conjunctions and sentence starters. The parts of the speech and “I can” statements are reviewed. Then students go through a persuasive speech about climate change and consider how it was structured, the language features used and the suggestions made. This is followed by information about the good and bad parts of this exemplar and what they could have improved.
12 Essential English IA1 task handout – persuasive multimodal

12 Essential English IA1 task handout – persuasive multimodal

A PowerPoint taking students through the assessment task (a 4-6 minute multimodal presentation). It includes a list of possible issues under the following categories: environmental issues; human rights issues; mental health issues and cultural / heritage issues. The requirements for filming their speech are included. Information about devices available to film their speeches on are provided. information is also provided about the live presentations and the requirement to submit a recorded draft. The importance of not getting an N is explained. Following this, the criteria is explained (I have turned these into student friendly “I can” statements.) Following this there is an exemplar speech about “Youth Mental Health” to read as a class. Afterwards the various parts of a persuasive speech are explained [thesis > introductions > body paragraphs > conclusion]. Then students are shown the specific structure intended for their 4 body paragraphs. Then they have time to work on their planning booklet. A copy of the “I Can” Statements The planning booklet which students used (it contained research prompts and planning steps before they began writing)
Essential English – Experiences of contemporary Indigenous Australians

Essential English – Experiences of contemporary Indigenous Australians

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PowerPoint which structures the lesson. It begins with a reminder of what we are learning about and persuasive techniques (the P.E.R.S.U.A.D.E Acronym). Students are asked to list some persuasive texts which they encounter in their daily lives. A review of the 3 types of appeal (reason, character and emotion) is included. Following this, students have 4 questions to write down for as they view the “You Can’t Ask That” episode about Indigenous Australians on iView. There are some answers providing on the subsequent slides. There is also a viewing activity (an anti-racism PSA called “The Invisible Discriminator”) which is good for generating discussion. To conclude the lesson, there is a paragraph writing activity for students to write a paragraph a out the social issues which Indigenous Australians experience. I included additional information for if the lesson finished early. It includes information about kinship, the role of elders and texts which are useful for gaining an understanding of Indigenous histories.
Essential English – Learning about deforestation with a focus on palm oil plantations

Essential English – Learning about deforestation with a focus on palm oil plantations

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PPT which structures the lesson. It begins with a cool down viewing activity – an emotive video from Green Peace which showcases the impacts on Orangutan’s. This is followed by some underlined notes for student to copy (a definition of palm oil). There are some pictures to aid visual learners. A brief history of the uses of palm oil through time is provided as well as information about the two types of palm oil (crude oil and kernel oil). The links to deforestation are then explained and images of endangered species are provided. Some other causes of deforestation are shown as well as information about air pollution and soil erosion. There are some short videos from Better Homes and Gardens from when Dr Harry visited organisations which assist with Orangutan conservation. There is also a short video from Behind the News (an Aussie kids TV program). Afterwards students need to read an article called “How the world got hooked on palm oil” and identify & label the persuasive language features within it. Afterwards, some information about suggested solutions are provided along with an explanation of why boycotting palm oil is not the answer. This is followed by a writing activity where students must write a body paragraph about the issue. There are some suggestions of what to include on the slide and some sentence starters. There is also a sample answer paragraph that I wrote to go through with students after they share their answers.
Essential English- Learning about Mental Health, wellness strategies, stress, anxiety and depression

Essential English- Learning about Mental Health, wellness strategies, stress, anxiety and depression

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PPT which structures the lesson. It began with a think, pair, share activity to define mental health. This is followed by some online definitions from the WHO and Beyond Blue & a 2-minute viewing activity. Some information about the benefits of staying well are provided. Students are then to brainstorm some strategies they could use to maintain good mental health. There are some tips that I’ve saved over the years from various places (e.g. Headspace) which I have scanned and use as discussion prompts. Then there is some information about stress and some stress triggers and anxiety and some symptoms of anxiety. There is a visual infographic from Beyond Blue containing statistics about Australians impacted by anxiety or depression. This is followed by a viewing activity about Post Natal depression from ABC iView (an episode from Season 7 of “You Can’t Ask That”).
Essential English – Learning about Alcohol Use Disorder (aka alcoholism)

Essential English – Learning about Alcohol Use Disorder (aka alcoholism)

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PPT which structures the lesson. It began with 10 minutes of silent reading as a settling activity. This is followed by expectations for the viewing activity and a link to the clip on iView (You Can’t Ask That’s Alcohol Episode). Students have 9 questions which they need to listen out for as they view the episode (on PPT but also on a worksheet). After the viewing activity there are some answers which can be used to prompt a discussion. This is followed by information about where students can learn more about this topic if they choose to focus on it for their speech. After this, students are tasked with creating a PSA (public service announcement) poster about alcoholism. There are some prompts on the slide and some examples on the subsequent slides for before students get started. A worksheet with the viewing questions
Essential English – learning about domestic violence

Essential English – learning about domestic violence

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A PPT which structures the lesson. It began with 10 minutes of silent reading as a settling activity. This is followed by a reminder of what social issues are. This is followed by a viewing activity on ABC iView – You Can’t Ask That’s episode on ‘Domestic Violence’ (from series 4). There are 7 questions for students to answer as they watch. This is followed by some slides of research I found. It includes a definition of domestic violence and the types. There is some information about the QLD Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act (2012). Some key points from the Act are included in dot point form. After this students were split into groups and had to design a poster. There were 7 different options. This was followed by some information about conjunctions as a cool down. A worksheet with the viewing questions
Essential English – learning about animal abuse through viewing the 2013 Blackfish Documentary

Essential English – learning about animal abuse through viewing the 2013 Blackfish Documentary

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. A lesson plan – designed for a supervision teacher. A worksheet of viewing questions for while watching the documentary. Lines are provided for students to write their notes on. Tip: If you have a small printing budget, worksheet can be copied and pasted into Class Note book and distributed to students that way.
Essential English – learning about social issues [Juvenile Detention]

Essential English – learning about social issues [Juvenile Detention]

The PowerPoint which guides the lesson. There is a viewing activity from ABC iView about Juvenile detention and some research which I found online. At the end of this PPT are some slides taking students through our school’s oral assessment policy and rules for submitting pre-recorded speeches. A handout which contains two settling activities to use at the beginning of the lesson. Firstly, there is a jumbled-up paragraph about recycling. Students need to read this and number 1-6 the correct order. Secondly, there is a persuasive text about climate change. Students need to identify and label the persuasive language features in this stimulus text. A homework task [retrieval chart] where students are to research juvenile detention (in Australia). A lesson plan – designed for a supervision teacher.
How to write persuasively about a social issue [Fast Fashion] - Essential English

How to write persuasively about a social issue [Fast Fashion] - Essential English

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. The lesson begins with a settling activity where students copy terms into their glossary (inform, describe, explain and persuade). This is followed by a Viewing Activity: How shopping Apps dominate fast fashion and appeal to young people. Students are given some tips for how to reduce their expenditure on new clothes (ideas came from a podcast I listened to.) There was a brainstorming activity (to see what students retained from previous lesson about fast fashion). Students had to draw a table in their books to complete as they watched a report made by the ABC program ‘Foreign Correspondent.’ They had to make a list of environmental impacts and social impacts (impacts on the people). Following this, students learned about 3 types of appeal that they can use in a persuasive speech. We then discussed why teenagers should care about the environment (linking this to values, attitudes and beliefs). Finally, we reviewed the P.E.R.S.U.A.D.E Acronym (which lists 8 different persuasive techniques which students can use in their assessment and in the writing activities in class this term). Then students had to write a TEEEL paragraph about ‘Fast Fashion’ which was both informative and persuasive (to consolidate their knowledge).
Social and Environmental Issues – Fast Fashion [Essential English]

Social and Environmental Issues – Fast Fashion [Essential English]

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded about an issue of their choice. This PowerPoint introduced students to the unit and what the term ‘social issue’ means. Students had to brainstorm some issues and then these were sorted into local, national and international categories. Information was provided about the United Nations as the task for this year was that students would be delivering their speech at a UN youth conference in Brisbane. Following this, students were introduced to their first issue for the term: fast fashion. There was a viewing activity from the ABC. There were underlined notes for students to copy. Information was provided about how to spot a fast fashion brand. Some things to watch out for when purchasing clothes were also provided. There was an opinion piece (text) about fast fashion for students to read and take note of the language features used to position the reader. Finally, some information about fast fashion’s impact on the planet (pollution, water consumption, synthetic microfibres, carbon emissions) is included (via infographics, images and research from websites).
Should there be an Indigenous voice to parliament?

Should there be an Indigenous voice to parliament?

A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 3: “Language that influences.” During this unit students learned how to create and shape perspectives on community, local and global issues in texts. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute persuasive multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded. This PowerPoint introduced students to a First Nations topic - the potential for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament (which was a recommendation in the Uluru statement from the heart). It began with some context about the 2017 convention held at Uluru. It looks at the proposals made. Some information from the Reconciliation Australia website is provided re the need for a First Nations Voice and the need for a referendum to achieve this. The draft referendum question and the wording to be added to the constitution is included. Sourced from https://fromtheheart.com.au/ Information about what the constitution is and its establishment is provided. An ABC news clip from August 2022 when PM Anthony Albanese proposed the referendum is included. Some visuals of the Campaign Slogans are included as well as some quote from respected Indigenous Australians.
Tomorrow When the War Began - Feature Article Assessment

Tomorrow When the War Began - Feature Article Assessment

A copy of the PowerPoint I used to go through the task requirements with the students (10 English, Australia). Students had to write a feature article which focused on the moral/ethical dilemmas in the text. A feature article checklist which was attached to the task sheet so provide feedback to students on missing elements (in response to their drafts) Two exemplar feature articles which can be used in handout lessons or when teaching the feature article genre. A planning document to assist students to draft their own feature article.
Language features and text structures in visual texts (CIA prep - Essential English)

Language features and text structures in visual texts (CIA prep - Essential English)

A resource designed for use with Year 12 Essential English students (Australian curriculum). Students are preparing to sit a response to stimulus exam with one seen source and one unseen source (1 x written and 1 x visual). The document includes a list of language features and text structures commonly found in visual stimulus texts (along with definitions and examples). How I used this in my teaching: I printed a class set of the LF on one colour and the TS on another colour and had them laminated. I hand them out in each lesson when students are analysing texts. I also printed one set in A3 and put them up as posters in the classroom.