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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
How to create a story board

How to create a story board

This PowerPoint includes images of storyboards, an explanation of when in the production a storyboard is drawn. Information about what the storyboard convey and why you make one. It has a video The Killers Mr. Brightside for the children to watch and then an example of how you would storyboard this (using screen captures from the actual video). That way students will see the level of detail required for the written description. Following this, the PowerPoint also explains the rule of thirds and some things to keep in mind when planning your music video with pictures of what to do and what not to do.
Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 1 (the fight scene)

Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 1 (the fight scene)

Context specific information. Questions about the scene (for after acting it out). Things to note about this scene (analysis information). A discussion of the key themes in this scene. A list of monologue ideas for Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio. A YouTube clip from Baz Luhrmann's film (the fight scene) and one from the 2013 film for comparative purposes.
The atomic bombing of hiroshima

The atomic bombing of hiroshima

The significance of the use of atomic bombs during World War II, The contestability surrounding the use of atomic bombs during World War II, The causes and effects of the use of atomic bombs during World War II. The Beginning of the Nuclear Age, why the atomic bomb was developed, how it was tested, why America decided to use it against Japan, why this decision was contested by some scientists, it looks at the discrimination towards victims of the bombing (and how they came to be known as the hibakusha) and President Truman's justification for what he did. This PPT includes extracts from a documentary which recreates the bombing of Hiroshima (using reenactments) and explains the science behind the bomb. It includes images of the destruction to buildings, medical side effects (e.g. cataracts, scarring, radiation, birth defects etc.) It also includes drawings made by survivors depicting the black rain, bodies in the water etc.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Analysing the use of creative writing techniques in Ch 3

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Analysing the use of creative writing techniques in Ch 3

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. PowerPoint 1 ‘Taking a closer look at One Stray Bullet’ - ** Reviewing what happened in the opening of chapter 3 ‘One Stray Bullet.’ This short piece of fiction told from the perspective of Ned’s sister Kate is one of the passages that students can choose for their written literary transformation {imaginative recount / short story}. The focus of this lesson is exploring characterisation (one of the creative writing techniques the author has used effectively in this extract) in order to prepare learners to develop their characters adequately within a small word limit. It includes a highlighting activity (colour coding the action/dialogue/actions/descriptions of the various characters in the passage.) The lesson also provides further historical context into the Fitzpatrick incident. It also includes scaffolding for if they were to re-write the opening of this narrative from the antagonists (Constable Fitzpatrick’s) perspective. There are 8 sentence starters to aid students to begin writing a practice narrative from Fitzpatrick’s perspective. There is a proofreading checklist for students to use after they have written their orientation. This passage can be used to gauge the students current writing abilities. PowerPoint 2 - Developing setting Assessment expectations – what language features students need to use to get a C, B & A. Reviewing key parts of speech that students need to know and use in their short story assessment (adjectives, adverbs, verbs & abstract nouns). Learning how to establish setting in a narrative. Top writing tips with example sentences. The importance of showing not telling. The importance of avoiding cliches. Planning to write a story from Mrs Kelly’s perspective (based on the events in One Stray Bullet). The lesson concludes with a creative writing activity where students write their own description of The Kelly House imagining that they are Ned’s mother.
Macbeth Act 5

Macbeth Act 5

This is a PowerPoint which is useful for teaching the final act of the play. It includes dot-point summaries of each act, key quotes and some historical background into how to attack a castle.
Romeo and Juliet: Act One

Romeo and Juliet: Act One

A PowerPoint designed for a 50 minute lesson which includes summaries of key scenes and important things to note in this act. It also features questions to check for understanding. An updated version of the Act One (Scenes 1-4) PowerPoint for a school with 70 minute lessons. It includes a warm up activity (definitions to copy), extra quotes and questions to check for understand. A lesson plan has also been included. A PowerPoint focusing on the Party Scene (Act One, Scene 5). It begins with a mini lesson on characterisation (with definitions and examples). Subsequently students act out the scene and discuss the perspectives of various characters. Afterwards, we watch the 1997 film version and prepare to explore the balcony scene in a future lesson. A 5 page script for the party scene which has been translated into modern language (more accessible for students). A homework sheet with questions about the party scene (Act 1, Scene 5). A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order. Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Romeo and Juliet: Act Five

Romeo and Juliet: Act Five

A series of resources: a handout which includes the questions on the slide (to be given to students to answer / shared electronically.) The PowerPoint. Some information pertaining to the historical context of the play. A summary of each scene with key quotes and questions. Viewing Act Five, Scene Three (the final act) both Baz Luhrmann film and the 2013 version (for comparative purposes). Important things to note from Act 5. Revision questions. Optional extras for if time: questions about themes. Role play activity. A handout - revision activity - a list of jumbled up events from this act which students have to reorganise into chronological order. An updated PowerPoint which features all of Act 5 (Scenes 1-3). It includes a warm up activity (explaining what a friar is - with notes to copy). Additionally, it features quotes from the play, checking for understanding questions (some to answer in books and some to discuss as a class) & some brain breaks (viewing activities - two excerpts of the play being staged in The Globe Theatre). This lesson is designed to fit into a unit where students must complete an exam where they respond to an essay which argues that Friar Laurence is solely to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Through studying each scene in depth, students should begin to see that a range of other characters could be referenced in their counter argument. Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced).
Deadly Unna: Unit Introduction

Deadly Unna: Unit Introduction

A unit introduction PowerPoint for a unit entitled Literary Representations of Australia. Within this unit, students learn about Australian identity and then consider how this is represented in the novel Deadly Unna? By Phillip Gwynne. The PPT includes an assessment overview, a discussion of what it means to be Australian and how our Australian identity is constructed and defined. Students completed a brainstorming activity based on texts they viewed in the last few weeks of the previous term. A thought-provoking poem entitle ‘How Australian are You’ is included to prompt discussion of the many ways of being Australian and some of the stereotypes which exist about us. This is followed by a think-pair-share activity. Following this, students are introduced to the term representations. They are then shown the first two verses of the Australian national anthem to explore (with 4 questions). This is followed by a paragraph writing task to consolidate what they have learned. If time permits, students are introduced to some critical literacy terms: marginalised and silenced. Students are also talked through the elements of their novel study booklet. Resources designed for 10 English in Queensland, Australia. It is part of a novel study unit which culminates in a 90-minute examination (500 to 800-word essay). Students had 1 week notice of the question and could bring 100 words of notes in with them. Within this unit students explored how an author’s use of language features, images and vocabulary contributed to the representation of themes in the novel. They also gained a deeper understanding of key literary techniques, including (but not limited to) characterisation, plot, and setting.
Deadly Unna: Character Posters

Deadly Unna: Character Posters

A PowerPoint which provides an image and summary for the following characters from Deadly Unna? (pictures taken from the film Aussie Rules). Bob Black aka The Old Man Gwen Black (Blacky’s mum) Gary Black Dumby Red Pickles Coach Robertson aka Arks Tim Black aka Best Team-Man Darcy I printed these up and used them as posters in the classroom.
Analyzing camera, editing and lighting techniques in music videos

Analyzing camera, editing and lighting techniques in music videos

This lesson uses Tenacious D's video 'Tribute' to teach students about various editing / special effects, types of lighting and other elements including shot sizes and angles. After defining these terms, students watch the video and fill in a music video report card (also included) which is a scaffolded way of learning to review a music video.
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Analysing Visual Sources

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Analysing Visual Sources

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). A PowerPoint which begins with a review of primary and secondary sources (with examples). This is followed by an explanation of the cognitive verb ‘analyse’ and a process for analysing. I have provided a list of questions which can be used for analysing visual/written sources and some for analysing artefacts. I have used the C.O.M.A acronym for analysing visuals and provided a list of questions you can ask at each stage (with examples from the Frontier Wars). An opportunity to practice this skill is provided (I do / we do depending of ability of your class). There are also tips for comparing two images. The lesson concludes with a TEEL/PEEL paragraph writing activity. A handout explaining the C.O.M.A acronym and other methods you can use for analysing visuals Updated PPT and Worksheet used for a more interactive (collaborative learning) focused class room. I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.


Three resources for a year 8 history unit. 1) A PowerPoint (with videos) explaining feudalism. 2) A scan from a textbook showing a castle set up 3) a typed excerpt from a textbook explaining feudalism
War poetry - Analysing poems about the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War Two

War poetry - Analysing poems about the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War Two

3 Resources 1) A handout with questions for the three poems in the booklet about the atomic bombing (for students to complete as revision 2) A PowerPoint which first explores survivor's recounts of the bombing. This is to help students to understand how witnessing the bombing would influence the worldview of a person and be able to explain how this would insert subjectivity into poems written by survivors. View an excerpt of a documentary on the atomic bomb (which simulates the blast and includes interviews with survivors – one of which is a poet who will be studied in the next lesson. Students will read the poem 'At the makeshift aid station' together stanza by stanza, taking time to address the questions in the prompts down the side. The significance of the reference to the cherry blossoms will be explained so that students can reflect on the effect of this symbolism. It includes some other discussion questions which will help them to think like they need to for their feature article under exam conditions... 3) A PowerPoint which analyses Takashi Tanemori’s Blades of Grass in a Dreamless Field. Information about the author and something which shaped his belief system (the bushido code). What must be understood about the author in order to best interpret the poem. There are questions, discussion points and other annotations alongside each stanza of the poem.
Australian stereotypes - writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee

Australian stereotypes - writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee

Resource 1: A handout explaining the PEEL paragraph structure with an annotated example paragraph, a list of important vocab words including synonyms for said, a list of linking words and an explanation of what verbs like compare, contrast etc. mean Resource 2: A PowerPoint designed to guide students to writing a paragraph about Crocodile Dundee (after viewing excerpts of the film in previous lessons). It includes a list of Australian stereotypes evident in the film, an explanation of PEEL, sentence starter prompts and an example answer. Subsequently, it includes information about other writing devices including high modality language (with activities to help students identify modality in example sentences). It also touches on linking words (conjunctions).
Crime fiction - short story assessment and scaffold

Crime fiction - short story assessment and scaffold

A PowerPoint which was created to scaffold a short story task where students are required to, "Write an original, imaginative short story that utilises the literary techniques and literary devices that are appropriately employed in a specific crime genre." It also includes a 10-page booklet with similar information if you have students who need to be provided with a hard copy.
NAPLAN Planning resources

NAPLAN Planning resources

5 resources which are useful for teachers who want to prepare their students for NAPLAN. 1) Is a unit outline for a four-week skills focus 2) Minimum standards for NAPLAN year 9 (copied and pasted from the internet) 3) NAPLAN tests teaching ideas (copied and pasted from the internet) 4) A list of things to teach prior to NAPLAN that I compiled 5) A spelling list (24 words per week) of words that have appeared in past NAPLAN tests
The changing roles of women during World War Two

The changing roles of women during World War Two

Women’s work: the changing roles of women in Australia during world war two Key topics: Women’s auxiliaries, Female rates of pay, Pressures on women, the Australian women’s land army and the effects of allowing women to work during the war. There are scanned sources from various textbooks about the land army with questions for students to respond to. One of these sources shows the types of employment available to men and women during the war. Another shows the average wages for an Australian male and female during the war. This campaign was instituted across the allied countries including the USA. The latter sections of the PowerPoint look at one of the most iconic women’s work propaganda campaigns which was launched in America after Pearl Harbor (Rosie the riveter). It explains what a riveter was and looks at two famous propaganda posters which represent 'Rosie.' This PowerPoint also includes a link to a homework document which includes source analysis questions to prepare students for a short response exam. It is also a great way of revising concepts taught in the lesson.