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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Unit Introduction

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Unit Introduction

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). This is a PowerPoint which can be used in the the first few lessons of the term. It is part of a Frontier Wars unit which culminates in a 2 hour examination (short response to stimulus). The first part of this lesson explains what history is (followed up with a clip), an overview of the assessment for the year, goal setting, rules and expectations. This is followed by an introduction to The Frontier Wars including terms to be copied into their glossary. Subsequently, contextual information is provided to set the scene: an explanation of what Indigenous life was like pre-contact, how Indigenous people came to be in Australia, the cultural achievements of Indigenous people, their beliefs about the land, language and learning, social organization, the role of elders, weapons, art, face & body painting. Finally, I explain what other groups the first Australians met before Cook, touch on the colonial mentality of the English and the reasons why BRitain wanted to colonise Australia (a place so far away). I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment

Social and Community Studies - Workplace Rights - Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. A PowerPoint introducing students to key workplace issues - discrimination and harassment. It begins with a defintion of discrimination and adverse action along with an explanation of when discrimination can occur. A review of workplace bullying from the previous lesson. A graphic organiser comparing and contrasting the the roles and responsibilities of the employer and employee in preventing workplace bullying. This is followed by a case study which students read and respond to. There is also a ClickView video which I show a portion of which explains how employers should manage bullying in their business. This is followed by a definition of harassment and examples of the various types of harassment. This is followed by notes, clips and case studies about sexual harassment. Some of these case studies can be assigned for homework depending on the time constraints of your class.
Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History – British first wave feminists – Suffragists & Suffragettes

Feminist Movements - 11 Modern History – British first wave feminists – Suffragists & Suffragettes

A PowerPoint for the first lesson of the term – an introduction to feminism and the4 British suffragettes. It begins with a basic definition of feminism for students to add to their glossary + the class word wall. Students know they need to copy down whatever text is underlined in my slides. It is followed by a clip from Horrible Histories (on ClickView) about the Suffragettes. This is followed by an opportunity to discuss what students already know about this topic. Students are assigned a homework research task – due the following week. There is a clip from the 1964 Mary Poppins film showing Mrs Banks – a 1st wave feminist. The 4 waves of feminism are summarised before zooming in on Britain’s first wave. There is a YouTube video from 1913, when militant suffragette Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under King George V’s racehorse at a major public event. She died of her injuries and became a suffragette martyr. An extract from Mary Wollstonecraft’s influential text A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) is presented and students must summarise the key ideas. Another primary source an extract from The Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791) is provided for comparison. There is information about the hunger strikes which were used as a form of protest & the force feeding methods used by the authorities. There are excerpts of prisoner testimonies. An image of a primary artefact (a hunger strike medal) is displayed. Information about some of the advances women achieved in the early 20th century is provided including information about when British women achieved the vote. The trailer for the 2015 film Suffragette is shown and a synopsis is provided. This lends itself well to a discussion of the personal implications of joining the movement for women at the time. To conclude the lesson, students are encouraged to reflect on their learning and compile their own definition of first wave feminism – with examples. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). Designed as part of a unit entitled Women’s movements since 1893, which has the scope to span from when Women’s suffrage in New Zealand became law to the present. I decided to focus on the Second Wave of Feminism for our assessment (while briefly touching on the other waves of feminism).The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay under exam conditions. As the unit was taught in term 4, it was a shorter, 6 week unit.
11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - The rise of anti-colonialism in Vietnam

11 Modern History - Vietnam Independence Movement - The rise of anti-colonialism in Vietnam

A PowerPoint for use in a 70 minute lesson. It begins with a look at Vietnam’s geographic location and the countries which border it. This information is used to explain which countries have tried to invade Vietnam in the past. This lesson explores questions including: What was Vietnam like under French rule? & Why was communism so attractive to Vietnamese Nationalists? A key historical figure (Ho Chi Minh) is introduced to students and his ideological influences are explained. Afterwards a series of sources about Ho Chi Minh are included along with questions which students can either answer in their books or discuss as a class (teacher discretion). There is information about key events before and during WW2. Students are asked to consider why communism may have been appealing to Vietnamese Nationalists. Some key dates from the Timeline in Hoepper et al’s 1996 textbook ‘Inquiry 2’ are displayed and a range of sources are used to elaborate on these talking points. The term Viet Minh is introduced to students. Information about how this group formed, their attire and who they fought against is outlined. Another figure – Emperor Bao Dai is introduced as he is someone who is likely to come up in student research. A key source – Ho Chi Minh’s speech proclaiming independence on September 2nd, 1945 – is provided for students to read along with a series of short response questions. This is followed by a paragraph writing activity which can be done as a ‘we do’ or a ‘you do’ depending on the ability level of the class. The lesson concludes with some information about the aid the USA provided to French to try to help them regain control of Vietnam after the Second World War. The Battle of Dien is briefly touched upon as well as the Geneva Settlement and the subsequent partitioning of Vietnam into two states. At the conclusion of the lesson, successful students will be able to explain the historical concept of anti-colonialism, key individuals and groups involved in the quest for Vietnam’s independence and the factors and events that influenced them. A handout designed to go with this lesson. It includes some information about Ho Chi Minh and a range of sources about him. For instance, The path which led me to Leninism by Ho Chi Minh – a primary source which outlines his reasons for joining the French Communist Party & his speech proclaiming independence on September 2nd, 1945. The handout includes questions but does not provide space for the answers (to save on printing). **NB: Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the Vietnamese Independence Movement (1945-1975). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. The end of term assessment for this unit was an essay. **
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community -  Inquiry Booklet and PowerPoint Template

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Inquiry Booklet and PowerPoint Template

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. An inquiry booklet which students complete in the early phase of the unit. They then use what they find to write their speech. This booklet includes: a pre quiz (to see what students already know), key terms to be defined and a place to record information about types of street art. It also includes graphic organisers for students to record their analysis of the two artwork (stimulus) they select. Within this organiser is a place to summarise the techniques used by the artist, to record community reviews about the murals and to identify the similarities and differences between these reviews. Finally, there is a reflection section including a SWOT analysis to be completed at the end of the assessment. A template to guide students to structure their PowerPoint presentation
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing a multimodal (body)

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - writing a multimodal (body)

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (although with drafting time it may take a few lessons depending on the needs and abilities of students). A PowerPoint designed to make students aware of what the different cognitive verbs they are being assessed on mean and where they are required for the assessment. It defines the following verbs: describe, explain, compare, contrast, decide and justify. For some of these skills there are sentence starters which students can make a note of. This is followed by some information about how to structure their speech scripts and how to write an effective thesis statement (utilising a street art specific example). After students have planned their thesis statement, there is a recap of the TEEL paragraph structure and specific instructions about content to be covered in body 1. After writing this, there is a slide for editing body 1. This is followed by some sentence starters which can be used for writing body paragraph 2 (same structure as paragraph 1 but about the second artwork). After editing body 2,there are some sentence starters for body 3. Before writing there are two sample 'recommend and justify’ paragraphs for students to read and discuss the strengths and weaknesses. With this feedback fresh in their minds, they can write their final body paragraph and edit it.
Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment Task

Social and Community Studies - Arts & Community - Assessment Task

An assessment piece designed for a Social and Community Studies unit focusing on Street Art. it is an eExtended response to stimulus – multimodal response. The stimulus (examples of street art) are provided to students each year and students select 2 to discuss in their speech. This resource includes: A copy of the task sheet for the unit which includes a suggested structure for the speech and PowerPoint students are required to produce A copy of the stimulus (artworks) provided to students ‘I can’ statements which which break down the criteria into simple terms for students to understand (also assists teachers to mark the assessment with ease) A QCIA cover sheet recommending adjustments to be made and individual learning goals to be assessed for students on a modified program (called QCIA students in QLD) Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources.
10 English: Bias in the news

10 English: Bias in the news

Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources. A PowerPoint designed for use in a 70 minute lesson. The lesson begins with a brainstorming activity where students reflect on the news they have seen recently and make a list of people, issues and events. This is a good prompt for a discussion about topical stories. This is followed by a survey of what category of news e.g. sports, entertainment news, political news etc. It also talks about the frequency of accessing the news and the ways that they engage with the news. Once students are settled introduce the major focus of the lesson: How do journalists / media companies shape our beliefs about / attitudes towards different people? The lesson introduces a key term ‘target audience’ and how this determines what specific news organisations report. Pose the question: Is the news a trustworthy source of information? Introduce terms for students to add to glossary: bias, empowerment, disempowerment Learn some ways that bias is omission, exaggeration, selective statistics, evaluative language and biased language choices Look at some famous people who have been shown positively and negatively in the media (images juxtaposed side by side). Great for discussion Look at an article (about Britney Spears) and how it creates a certain representation of a her through language choices, who is quoted, the balance between facts and opinions, whose views are silenced (omitted) After discussing what they have learned, the lesson ends with a definition of ‘hard news’ and ‘soft news’ and a list of news stories for them to classify into these two categories.
10 English: Text structures of written news articles

10 English: Text structures of written news articles

Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources. A PowerPoint designed for use in a 70 minute lesson. This unit teaches students to be media literate and prepares them to do a speech where they analyse 1 x print news item and 1 x audio visual news item. This lesson focuses on the visual features and text structures of print-based news media texts. It begins with the requirements of news stories and some activities e.g. make a headline from a prompt, read a headline and make it more emotive. This is followed by information about how print based news media is structured (an intro to the inverted pyramid structure). A discussion of layout and reading paths follows. There are images of news stories with the features annotated (e.g. headline, byline, lead, images, captions, pull quotes, columns). Important terms like pull quote, foregrounding, bolded text, text enhancement etc. are explained and examples are provided. There is also an explanation of things to discuss when analysing pictures including colour and the mood evoked by it. There are also some checking for understanding activities which can be done as a class discussion / a written activity depending on the preference of the teacher.
10 English: Language features in the news

10 English: Language features in the news

Part of a set of resources created for a year 10 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources. A PowerPoint designed for use in a 70 minute lesson. This lesson begins by defining what a representation is and why they are so powerful. The variance in portrayals of Meghan Markle and Princess Kate are used to prompt discussion. This is followed by a series of slides about the language features that students can look for when analysing news stories. The slides include definitions and examples. Language features include: similes, metaphors, appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, connotations, emotive language, hyperbole, repetition, inclusive language, omission, groups of three, rhetorical questions, alliteration, idioms and hashtags. The lesson concludes with reading an example article about Novak Djokovic and considering whether it paints him in a positive / negative light. There are a series of questions to help students to analyse this text.
Modern History: Germany after the Treaty of Versailles

Modern History: Germany after the Treaty of Versailles

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in German Nationalism between 1914–1945 (World War I begins –World War II ends). Context: My school runs this program in Alternative Sequence (yr 11 and 12s in together) due to the small size of the school. This lesson was delivered as a 2 hour block during the term 4 exam block to introduce the unit for the following year and to allow year 10s and 11s who would be studying the subject together to meet each other. This resource includes: 1 x PowerPoint 1 x Handout This lesson includes information about: • Revising what we learned about the Treaty of Versailles – what the Big 3 wanted + the key terms of the treaty • Fallout of the Treaty of Versailles (issues with the reparations payments and the war guilt clause)  How to analyse and evaluate visual sources  A visual source analysis activity • Germany becoming a Republic  Goals of the Weimar Republic  Political opposition in the early stages of the Weimar Republic • The Stock Market Crash + Great Depression and how this impacted Germany • The Golden 20s  Problems which still impacted Germany in this period  The emergence of the Nazi party  The 25 points program (1920) + a groupwork task to engage with this source  The Beer Hall Putsch (1923)  Mein Kampf • Hitler’s ideologies, VABs and motives  Anti Semitism  Nationalism  Anti-democracy • Hitler’s Rise to Power The worksheet is designed to be used at key points in the lesson
Chinese Nationalism: Great Leap Forward

Chinese Nationalism: Great Leap Forward

A PowerPoint used to teach students about the Great Leap Forward. It includes notes from textbooks and online sources, viewing activities (propaganda posters, images and videos from YouTube) & different historian’s interpretations of this plan. The homework task is for students to research the ‘Four Pests Campaign’ and create a poster to display on our learning wall. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The end of term assessment for this unit was an Independent Source Investigation. The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the China (1931-1976). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources.
Chinese Nationalism: Hundred Flowers Campaign

Chinese Nationalism: Hundred Flowers Campaign

A PowerPoint used to teach students about the Hundred Flowers Campaign. It includes notes from textbooks and online sources, viewing activities (propaganda posters, images and videos from YouTube) & different historian’s interpretations of this event. The homework task is for students to research the Anti-Rightist campaign and create a poster to display on our learning wall. Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The end of term assessment for this unit was an Independent Source Investigation. The content would also be useful more broadly for students in other states and countries with an interest in the China (1931-1976). The other resources are also available in my store – Aussie_Resources.
Modern History Revision Game - Articulate

Modern History Revision Game - Articulate

A PowerPoint designed to explain the rules of articulate and a slide which displays an articulate style board with Modern History categories (People, Geography, Historical concepts/skills, Events, Random, Groups) A series of cards designed for units taught in Senior Modern History Frontier Wars Russian Revolution Vietnam Independence Movement Waves of Feminism World War Two (the Holocaust) Communist China (Mao) The Cold War Australian experiences in the Vietnam War Scramble for Africa Apartheid in South Africa
Autobiography 'Slave' - Chapter questions and vocabulary list

Autobiography 'Slave' - Chapter questions and vocabulary list

These are the homework resources for a year 12 Authority English unit delivered in Queensland, Australia. The focus for this unit is the comprehensive study of a text that explores a different culture (the autobiography Slave by Mende Nazer). Through examining the autobiographies underlying ideologies and themes, students will be exposed to social and cultural experiences that are far removed from their own. In particular, students will explore the controversial and confrontational issues privileged in the selected text. Engaging with a culturally rich text will allow students to develop empathy and connect other cultural experiences with their own lived experience. Resource 1: List of vocabulary (spelling words) for the term - students are to learn 24 words per week. Resource 2: List of terms that students should know by the end of year 12 which can be used as extension for gifted students. Resource 3: A list of comprehension questions written to assess students knowledge of each chapter of the autobiography. This is a good tool for consolidating knowledge and will be useful revision when they need to develop an idea for their assessment tasks.
Macbeth assessment booklet - legal summation speech

Macbeth assessment booklet - legal summation speech

This is a booklet which scaffolds students to present a legal summation speech prosecuting or defending a character from Macbeth (for murder or regicide). The booklet includes a summary of the play, key legal terminology, a list of persuasive devices students could draw from, a suggested structure, an example introduction, an annotated conclusion and important tips. In Australia this is used in a grade 12 English class.
Macbeth Legal Summation assessment resources

Macbeth Legal Summation assessment resources

5 excellent resources for a Senior Authority English assessment (Australian standards but could be adapted for other countries). Resources include: An assessment task sheet, a PowerPoint explaining the assessment, a scaffolding booklet to assist students with the assessment, a PowerPoint with necessary legal terminology (which also explores how Macbeth is a tragedy and is useful for revision), and a booklet entitled 'Macbeth and the Criminal Code' which lists the various defences you could use for each character as well as possible witnesses.
War Poems

War Poems

Perfect resources for a protest poetry unit. These poems show wars from a range of viewpoints. There are poems about World War 1 and 2, poems for use in ANZAC day ceremonies, one Vietnam war poem. The World War 1 poems include a link to an ABC national radio programme where celebrities have been recorded reading these poems.
Teen Theme - Bullying

Teen Theme - Bullying

Defining bullying and the various types. Info about the emergence of cyber bullying, a novel example - Destroying Avalon (2006) with a summary and key quotes. A list of texts which feature bullying. A few clips from Mean Girls followed by reflection questions, a clip from Glee, The OC and The Breakfast Club followed by reflection questions.
Crime fiction: How to analyse representations of crime

Crime fiction: How to analyse representations of crime

In order to create convincing crime fiction, students need to be able to analyse the portrayal of crime, criminals and the criminal justice system in various modern and canonical texts. This powerpoint goes through some theories of crime and includes some clips from crime films (e.g. Kindergarten Cop, A Time to Kill etc.) that help students understand these. The powerpoint covers info such as the Role of the law in society, the image of the criminal and how these can reflect their theories of human nature, beliefs about the causes of crime and information about how crime is dealt with by society.