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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). A PowerPoint designed to engage students / excite them as they ‘tune in’ to the new unit. It includes: a review of my classroom expectations (as well as the positive and negative consequences). Some interesting facts about Ned Kelly. Some questions about the front and back cover of the novel Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. After getting the students to make predictions about the novel, they complete a K-W-L chart about what they already know about Ned Kelly and what they would like to know. Subsequently we go through what the two assessments for the term will be. We then review some important parts of the novel and how they work (contents, a map of Kelly Country and the Introduction). Some info about the language features in the novel is provided as well as a spelling list of 24 words taken from the novel and ACARA’s English glossary. Students will define these for homework throughout the week. Some extra information is included at the end of the PowerPoint if you happen to finish early. 2)** A handout containing the map, contents, intro and spelling words.**
World War Two - The War in Europe

World War Two - The War in Europe

A PowerPoint which I think History teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. PowerPoint: World War Two in Europe • homework (mini research task) • Nazification of Germany • What role did President Hindenburg play in Hitler’s rise to power? • A few videos (viewing activities) • View a timeline of the road to WW2 (1933-1939) • Learn how to analyse a political cartoon (by the British cartoonist David Low appeared in the Evening Standard newspaper in July 1936.) • Kristallnacht – ‘night of the broken glass’ o Source analysis: A Letter by a Firefighter – Kristallnacht Germany 1938 • World War II in Europe o Holocaust begins o Ghettos including viewing primary footage in A Film Unfinished (2010) o Concentration & Extermination Camps o Change of Tactics: Einsatzgruppen o The ‘Final Solution’ + Wannsee Conference o SS Tactics: Dehumanisation o Dr. Josef Mengele + Medical Experiments o The Gas Chambers + images o Processing the bodies o Was the Final Solution successful? Holocaust Statistics By Country
11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) -  Word Wall

11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - Word Wall

Part of a set of resources created for a year 11 Engineering Skills class in Australia (new syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. This is a word wall designed to be displayed in the classroom as a visual prompt for students during the learning and drafting process. It includes: the names of tools and machines, terms for developing a JSA (Job Safety Analysis), terms for the requirements of a procedural text, verbs and linking words. Provided as both PDF and word file.
11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - draft checklist for photo journal, JSA and technical drawing

11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - draft checklist for photo journal, JSA and technical drawing

Part of a set of resources created for a year 11 Engineering Skills class in Australia (new syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. This is a draft feedback checklist created to aid the teacher to provide consistent feedback to students about their theory in a timely manner. It has comments for the various parts of the assessment - the photo journal, technical drawing, plan of the making, JSA and reflection (analysis of the final product and their own workmanship). This style of feedback is not indicated on the actual draft itself, but as a separate document, which means that the learner has to locate the issues in their draft for correction. A lifesaver for busy teachers!
11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - Tool box analysis scaffold (graphic organiser)

11 Engineering Skills (Metalwork) - Tool box analysis scaffold (graphic organiser)

Part of a set of resources created for a year 11 Engineering Skills class in Australia (new syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. A graphic organiser for helping the students plan to analyse their metal carry-all tool box. As part of dimension 3, students are assessed on their ability to “evaluate industry practices, production processes and products, and make recommendations.” When students evaluate, they test and check industry practices, production processes and their own created products for effectiveness, usability, functionality and suitability for the intended purpose. They also assign merit according to criteria derived from specifications. When students make recommendations, they consider alternatives and suggest ways to improve production processes and products. The graphic organiser provides prompting questions and sentence starters to assist students to plan and write their analysis.
Legal Studies – Australian context –   Contract Law – Research Strategies and Inquiry tips

Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract Law – Research Strategies and Inquiry tips

A resource which I think Legal Studies teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. This is a PPT designed to introduce students to the research expectations for their assessment task. It begins with two viewing activities of scenarios which they could utilise in their report. The first one was where renters discovered their landlord had installed cameras in their residence. The second was a report from A Current Affair about renters choosing to ‘shut up and suffer’ to avoid eviction. It also had information about my computer usage expectations. I then took students through how to conduct a BOOLEAN search and the power of using a search string to refine their searches. I then modelled a search and included screen shots on the PowerPoint to demonstrate my process. I also introduced students to an acronym which can be used to work out of the websites / sources are reliable (CARS – credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, support). I also provided students with a list of useful resources including the State Library of Queensland, RTA website etc.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract Law – Unit Introduction PowerPoint – Key terms

Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract Law – Unit Introduction PowerPoint – Key terms

A resource which I think Legal Studies teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. A PPT designed to introduce 10 Legal studies students to contract law. It begins with some checking for understanding questions (which students either discuss / write down in a warm up – depending on your preference). There is a brief explanation of the two types of civil law (tort law and contract law). Students are to copy the underlined information. This helps students to understand where this branch of law fits into the big picture. Information is provided about contracts and common types of contracts e.g. employment contracts. There is information about how the Rule of Law applies to contract law. The following terms are also explained: express terms and implied terms; verbal contracts and written contracts; terms and conditions. There is a slide to take students through the elements of a legally binding contract (agreement, intention, consideration, capacity and formalities). Information is provided about whether minors (under 18’s) can form legally enforceable contracts. There are some checking for understanding questions. Students are given a few scenarios to read and questions to answer. For the event of fast finishing -there is a video promoting the Fyre festival to watch and see what the event offered. Then there is a 10 minute video about what actually happened. This is good for generating discussion. There is also an example case study from Victoria about hiring a venue for a concert.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract Law – Short term rental viewing and research activity

Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract Law – Short term rental viewing and research activity

A resource which I think Legal Studies teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. This is a fun viewing activity designed to be used at the end of the previous term to introduce students to the idea of short term accommodation (e.g. Air bnb) as the character in the show has issues with hers. I have included a worksheet for watching Season 1, Episode 1 of Fisk (available on iView and Netflix). The work sheet also includes post viewing research activities NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract law – Mobile Phone Contracts

Legal Studies – Australian context – Contract law – Mobile Phone Contracts

A resource which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. This is a booklet designed to be used at the end of previous term to introduce students to contract law with a scenario that might apply to them in the next few years – purchasing a phone under a contract. It includes a reading activity which includes information including a definition of a contract, the elements of a contract, types of contracts, contractual terms, information about breach of contract etc. This is followed by a cloze passage to check for understanding. Then students are provided with information about Telstra upfront mobile phone plans. They need to read the information and select the best option for them. They must then justify why it is a suitable option. They must then read about Telstra’s upgrade and protect package and decide whether they would opt for this when purchasing a phone. This is followed by information about the importance of reading contracts carefully before you sign. This is followed by a cloze passage comprehension activity. To conclude, there is an application form for students to fill in. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
TADPOLE acronym for analysing sources + Pearl Harbor

TADPOLE acronym for analysing sources + Pearl Harbor

A PowerPoint that goes through an acronym which can be used to analyse sources (with specific examples from WW2). This is followed by content knowledge: Japanese Imperialism and the lead-up to Pearl Harbor, The source of US conflict with Japan & Japan's strategy.
Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Evaluating sources (skills based lesson)

Australian Frontier Wars - 11 Modern History - Evaluating sources (skills based lesson)

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). PowerPointand lesson plan. Settling activity - copy the definition of bias. Explain the cognitive verb ‘evaluate’ and review concept of modality. Look at some conjunctions (linking words) which can be used in evaluating paragraphs. Subsequently, the lesson explores how to know if the source is useful before introducing the concept of corroborating sources (with a history skills video to consolidate this learning). Look at a sample exam question and deconstruct it. Then look at how to determine if a source is relevant (look at an example which focuses on origin, perspective, context, audience and motive). Then introduce the T.A.D.P.O.L.E acronym for a deeper level of source analysis. Afterwards, there are sources (about the Myall Creek massacre) for the students to evaluate (I use Gradual Release - we do then you do). Finally there is a PEEL/TEEL paragraph writing activity. T.A.D.P.O.L.E handout with sources about the Myall Creek Massacre for students to analyse. Example evaluating paragraph about the Hornet bank massacre (with labels to show key features). Homework sheet - Sources about the Hornet bank massacre for students to analyse.(answers are included at the base of the PowerPoint). I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations exam revision sheet

Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations exam revision sheet

A resource which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. It is designed to help students revise content for their short response exam. It includes terms to revise and some practice questions. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations scope and sequence

Legal Studies – Australian context – Legal foundations scope and sequence

My school runs a 10 Legal Studies elective designed to give students a taste of Senior Legal Studies. This is a scope and sequence for a unit designed to give students foundational knowledge about Australian law and government. There are 2 lessons a week. Some of these lessons are also available for sale at my store. A resource which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review.
Introduction to feature articles and their components

Introduction to feature articles and their components

A PPT. Defining feature articles and the genre conventions (Language features, generic structure, layout, grammar, vocabulary, expected paragraph length, cohesive ties). The difference between a traditional news story and a feature article. An example satirical feature article with comprehension questions (and annotations). Plus some tips for how to create a killer headline. Handout of satirical feature article A PPT going through a different feature article about parenting called ‘Backfire of the Vanities’ along with a handout of the article and a lesson plan. Handouts about the features of feature articles (and langauge expectation) Scanned feature articles
Legal Studies – Australian context – Introduction to Criminal Law and navigating legal documents

Legal Studies – Australian context – Introduction to Criminal Law and navigating legal documents

A PowerPoint which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. A warm up question for students to answer in paragraph form about the importance of impartiality and fairness in legal trials. This lesson begins by defining criminal law and its purpose. It introduces the main source of laws in QLD – the Criminal Code of 1899. The categories of criminal law are explained – offences against the person; offences against property; drug crime and motor vehicle offences. The different reasons for punishment are explained – retribution; deterrence; rehabilitation; denunciation; community protection. Then students learn how to navigate legal documents and how to read the subsections. This is modelled for students using ‘Wilful Damage’ in the QLD criminal code. Students have to write a summary of what they learn (teaching synthesis skill). Following this, public order offences are explained. A list of illegal activities from the Summary Offences Act (2005) are shown in dot point form. Students then have to look up ‘public nuisance’ and write a summary of what it involves and what the punishment is. The meaning of the term penalty unit is explained. Finally, there is a viewing activity about public nuisance. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Courts within Australia and the adversarial court system

Legal Studies – Australian context – Courts within Australia and the adversarial court system

A match the definitions warm up activity where students have to identify the correct meanings of various cognitive verbs. A PowerPoint which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. I usually get students to copy the underlined text. The lesson then focuses on how the adversarial court system works in comparison to an inquisitorial system. There is an explanation of which section of the constitution provide for the creation of federal courts. There is an explanation of the various types of courts in Australia. The following roles are explained: magistrate, judge, jury, Prosecution, defence, solicitor, barrister, bailiff, interpreter, media, clerk, defendant and witness. Information about specialist courts and tribunals is also provided e.g. the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Unit Introduction

Legal Studies – Australian context – Unit Introduction

A PowerPoint which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. This is the first lesson in a unit designed to introduce student to legal concepts and terms. It begins with an explanation of laws and how they differ from rules and customs. Information about who has authority to make laws in Australia is provided. Students are introduced to an acronym for writing short response questions (as students will sit an exam at the end of the unit). They apply this structure to answer a checking for understanding question. Following this there is information about the two main sources of law in Australia: Statute Law and Common Law. Within this section, students learn terms including: constitution, Bill, amendment, House of Representatives, Senate, fair and reasonable. Also included: two copies of the learning intentions and success criteria for the unit (poster and handout style). NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Australian parliament and the role of MPs

Legal Studies – Australian context – Australian parliament and the role of MPs

A PowerPoint which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. It begins with a quick recap of the two houses of parliament – The House of Representatives (lower house) and The Senate (upper house). Some information about Australia’s mixed system of government is provided. here the terms democracy, representative government, constitutional monarchy and federation are introduced. Next students are introduced to the term MP (short for Members of Parliament). They take notes about what they do. There is a timetable for a typical Monday in parliament house which is used to explain what they do while they are in Canberra. This is followed by an explanation of how MPs are elected. There is a video from the 2022 elections which gives a run down of the main political parties in Australia. Information about backbenchers and their work on committees is provided. This is followed by an explanation of the skills MPs need and a recap of the process for taking a Bill from its initial draft to becoming a law. There are then clips from the news in 2024 showing some topical issues – Tax Cuts and the possibility of removing ‘Negative Gearing.’ The lesson ends with some checking for understanding questions. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.
Legal Studies – Australian context – Viewing Activity episodes 2 and 4 of Ms Represented

Legal Studies – Australian context – Viewing Activity episodes 2 and 4 of Ms Represented

A worksheet which I think Legal Studies / Civics teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. It contains questions for watching episode 2 and 4 of Ms Represented {available on ABC iView and ClickView.} This is intended to introduce student to the concept of representation in government and why it is important to have female politicians. Episode 4 in particular looks at a method which was used to raise the number of females in parliament (quotas). This is a concept that I wanted my students to be familiar with for their exam. It also shows some of the difficulties which female politicians have experienced in the past. NB: My lessons have been designed for use in Australian classrooms and will often feature examples from Queensland legislation.