Hi! These are my A-Level notes, essays and resources I used to sit the 2018 summer exams, in AQA Psychology, AQA Economics and AQA English Literature (achieving A*A*A). Hope you find these useful.
Hi! These are my A-Level notes, essays and resources I used to sit the 2018 summer exams, in AQA Psychology, AQA Economics and AQA English Literature (achieving A*A*A). Hope you find these useful.
AQA Psychology A-level: Research Methods (part 1)
From specification 7181, 7182 - Psychology in context (paper 2) I achieved an A* in Psychology A-level in 2018, across all three papers. I prioritised revision on evaluation, necessary for accessing higher grade!
The basis of experiments
Variables and control
Experimental methods
Experimental design
Non-experimental methods
Sampling techniques
Pilot studies, content analysis and ethical issues
AQA Psychology A-level: Research Methods (part 2)
From specification 7181, 7182 - Psychology in context - paper 2 (I achieved an A* in Psychology A-level in 2018, across all three papers. I prioritised revision on evaluation, necessary for accessing higher grade!)
Reliability and validity - measuring, improving, evaluation
Extraneous variables
Data handling - types of data, presentation/display of data, measures of CT, dispersion and standard deviation
Probability and significance - statistical and inferential tests, type 1 vs type 2 errors
Inferential tests
Features of science, writing the scientific report, peer review and evaluation
AQA Economics A-level: Synoptic (paper 3) preparation questions, specification 7135, 7136
I achieved an A in my Economics a-level in 2018, across all three papers. This document is an example of potential synoptic content, practice exam questions*
Based on brazil synoptic:
Includes example 10 mark, 15 mark and 25 mark planned essay
AQA English Literature A; Love through the ages (7711, 7712) - I sat my a-level exams in June 2018 and achieved an A grade in English Literature
This resource includes a discussion of the theme of tragedy and how it relates to Othello, The Great Gatsby and A Streetcar Named Desire.
It considers
The traditional Aristotelian tragic hero, and characteristics
Gatsby as a tragic hero
Othello as a tragic hero
Blanche DuBois as a tragic heroine
Critical evaluation of Blanche’s heroism
AQA Psychology A-level: Issues and Debates
From specification 7181, 7182 - Issues and options in Psychology - paper 3 (I achieved an A* in Psychology A-level in 2018, across all three papers. I prioritised revision on evaluation, necessary for accessing higher grade!)
Gender and Culture Bias
Free Will and Determinism
Nature-Nurture Debate
Holism and Reductionism
Idiographic and Nomothetic Approach
Ethical Implications of Research
Othello AQA English Literature A; Love through the ages (7711, 7712) - I sat my A-levels in June 2018 and achieved an A grade in English Literature
Here is a list of scholarly criticisms of Othello, great for using in essays to engage in wider debate (and achieve higher band answers). Includes:
Commentary from Godfrey, Leavis, AC Bradley, Samuel Coleridge and various others
Critical approaches; post-colonial, new historicist, feminist, marxist
Analysis of Othello as a protagonist, themes of justice and revenge, marriage and women etc.
For AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Specification points: -
Economic methodology - positive and normative statements
Economic problem - needs, wants, scarcity etc.
Choice and opportunity cost
Economic sectors and units
Factors of production
PPF graphs and explanations of shifts
Consumer behaviour - utility theory, rationality, imperfect/asymmetric information
Behavioural economic theory and economic policies - choice architecture, framing, nudges etc.
Evaluation of behavioural economics
AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Determinants of labour demand, marginal productivity theory, elasticity of demand
Determinants of labour supply
Wage determination in perfect competition, monopsony markets etc.
Role of trade unions and impacts on market structures
National Minimum Wage, impact and evaluation
Discrimination in the labour market - conditions and evaluation
AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Specification to
Measuring productivity, impact of increased productivity
Policies to improve productivity
Specialisation and the division of labour - advantages and disadvantages
Costs of production
Law of diminishing returns, economies of scale, LRAC
Revenue and profit - function of profit
Technological change, creative destruction
Economies and diseconomies of scale (and evaluations)
Minimum efficient scale
AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Difference between income and wealth
Determinants of income inequality and wealth inequality
Measuring inequality - Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient
Evaluation of income and wealth inequality
UK income and wealth statistics
Problem of poverty - relative vs absolute poverty, causes and impact
Policies to alleviate poverty and evaluation
AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Theory of Demand - downward slope curve, exceptions to law of demand
Price elasticity of demand and determinants
Income elasticity of demand and determinants
Cross elasticity of demand and determinants
Theory of Supply
Price elasticity of supply and determinants
Market equilibrium and disequilibrium
AQA Psychology A-level: Cognition and Development
From specification 7181, 7182 - Issues and options in Psychology - paper 3 (I achieved an A* in Psychology A-level in 2018, across all three papers. I prioritised revision on evaluation, necessary for accessing higher grade!)
Piaget’s theory of development, schemas, motivation to learn, assimilation/accomodation and evaluation
4 stages of intellectual development and evaluation of studies
Vygotsky’s theory of development - language, zone of proximal development, scaffolding and evaluation
Baillargeon and infant abilities - violation of expectation research (VOE), physical reasoning and evaluation
Selman’s perspective-taking research, stages of perspective taking and evaluation
Theory of mind - false belief tasks, eyes tasks, biological basis, role in ASD and evaluation
Mirror neuron system - role of mirror neurons, relation to evolution, relation to ASD and evaluation
AQA Economics A-level: Fiscal and supply-side policies, specification 7135, 7136
I achieved an A in Economics A-level in 2018, across all three papers. These notes helped form an understanding of economic theory and a critical evaluation of it*
Fiscal policy
Expansionary vs deflationary fiscal policy
Fiscal stabilisers - automatic vs discretionary
UK data for post-recession fiscal policy
Impact of fiscal policy on macro objectives and aggregate supply (evaluation)
Spending and taxation
Reasons for government spending
Types of taxation; progressive, proportional and regressive
UK data for taxation and evaluation
Arguments for and against indirect taxation (evaluation)
Budget deficit and national debt
Debt vs deficit, types of deficit: cyclical and structural
Factors influencing size of budget deficit, benefits and costs of deficit (evaluation)
Types of national debt - causes and consequences
Supply-side policies
Macro impacts of supply-side policies on growth, inflation, employment and trade
Free market supply side policies vs interventionist supply side policies
Influence of policies on natural rate of unemployment
Evaluation of supply side policies
AQA Economics A-level: Aggregate demand and supply, specification 7135, 7136
Aggregate demand, relationship between price and quantity
Factors influencing AD
Evaluation of consumption, investment, government spending, net exports
Marginal propensity to consume, marginal propensity to save, multiplier and accelerator effect
Short-run aggregate supply and factors influencing SRAS
Long-run aggregate supply and factors influencing LRAS
Keynesian AS curve
Macroeconomic equilibrium - short run, long run and economic shocks
AQA Economics A-level: Financial Markets, specification 7135, 7136
*I achieved an A in my Economics A-level in 2018, across all three papers. These are the notes I used for theory-based learning of the specification
Functions of money and the money supply
The role of financial markets - capital vs money, foreign exchange
Debt vs equity
Market interest rates and bond prices
Commercial vs investment banking - objectives of each
Central banks and monetary policy - contractionary vs inflationary and evaluation
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and considerations - evaluation of the MPC
The transmission mechanism of monetary policy
Bank of England and monetary supply - QE and Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS)
Regulation of financial markets - PRA, FPC, FCA
Why banks fail - moral hazard, liquidity vs capital ratios, systemic risk
Implications of intervention, evaluation of regulation
AQA Economics A-level (specification 7135, 7136)
Types of goods; public, quasi-public and private
Allocation of resources - price mechanism; rationing, signaling, incentive, allocative functions
Market failure - examples and eliminating failures
Merit and demerit goods
Positive and negative externalities in production and consumption
Imperfect and asymmetric information
Monopoly power
Immobility of factors of production
Government intervention - arguments for and against
Methods of intervention; indirect taxes, subsidies, minimum/maximum price, regulation
Cont. information provision, pollution permits etc.
Supply-side intervention - free market vs interventionist policies (and evaluation)
Government failure; causes, examples, overcoming government failure
Competition policy; monopolies, mergers, public ownership
Privatisation and evaluation
Regulation and deregulation
AQ Economics A-level: MACRO Economic performance, specification 7135, 7136
Economic growth
Short run vs long run economic growth, determinants of long run economic growth
Costs and benefits of economic growth, overall sustainability of growth
The economic cycle, trend growth, output gaps and stages
Explanations of cycle: multiplier/accelerator cycle, inventory cycle, asset price bubbles, animal spirits, herding etc.
Definitions of unemployment rate, participation rate and labour force
Measuring unemployment - claimant count vs labour force survey
Types of unemployment - cyclical, structural, frictional, classic, voluntary
Table of cause of unemployment, impact and supply side policies to overcome
Natural rate of unemployment
Costs and benefits of unemployment (evaluation)
Policies to reduce unemployment - demand side vs supply side (and evaluation)
Measuring inflation with CPI, RPI, PPI
Demand-pull inflation vs cost-push inflation, comparison of causes
Quantity theory of money
Impact of commodity prices/global economy
Controlling inflation, demand-side policies vs supply-side policies (and evaluation)
Costs and benefits of inflation (evaluation)
Deflation vs disinflation - benign vs malevolent deflation
Benefits and consequences of deflation
Policies to avoid deflation
Conflicting macroeconomic objectives
Output gaps
Phillips curve - short-run vs long-run and implications for policy makers
NAIRU explained
Overview of potential conflicts arising from economic objectives
AQA Economics A-level: The national and international economy, specification 7135, 7136.
Macroeconomic performance
Government objectives for economic performance
Conflicts in performance - e.g. growth vs inflation
Macroeconomic indicators - GDP, GNP, GNI, CPI, RPI
National income data and evaluation, purchasing power parity
Circular flow of income - leakages, withdrawal and equilibrium
AQA Psychology A-level: Social Influence
From specification 7181, 7182 - Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology (I achieved an A* in Psycholology A-level in 2018, across all three papers)
Includes a lot of evaluation! - AO3 needed for high marks!
Types of conformity - compliance, identification and internalisation
Explanations for conformity - normative and informational social influence
Factors affecting conformity - group size, unanimity, task difficulty and relevant studies
Evaluation of conformity (A03)
Conformity to social roles - Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment and evaluation
Explanations for obedience - Agentic state and legitimacy of authority
Situational variables: proximity, location and uniform
Dispositional explanations - the Authoritarian personality and evaluation
Resistance to social influence and social change
Explanations for resistance - locus of control, social support and evaluation
Role of minority influence - commitment, consistency and flexibility principles and evaluation
Role of social influence in social change, Civil Rights, snowballing effect