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Famous Scientists - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Famous Scientists - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Famous Scientists. Scientists included are: Galileo Galilei Ernest Rutherford Niels Bohr Gregor Mendel Dmitri Mendeleev Robert Hooke Marie Curie Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Louis Pasteur Charles Darwin Carl Linnaeus Nikola Tesla Thomas Edison Answer key included.
Electric Circuits - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Electric Circuits - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Electric Circuits. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Electricity Circuit Conductor Insulator Series Parallel Switch Battery Voltmeter Ammeter Bulb Filament Wire Closed circuit Open circuit Answer key included.
Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi - Crossword Puzzle Activity (Printable)

Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi - Crossword Puzzle Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, and Fungi. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Virus Capsid Bacteria Binary fission Bacteriophages Cyanobacteria Conjugation Protists Paramecium Euglena Algae Fungi Lichen Pathogen Antibiotics Answer key included.
Characteristics of Living Things - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Characteristics of Living Things - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review the Characteristics of Living Things. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Biology Cell Unicellular Multicellular Organism Homeostasis Excretion Reproduction DNA Movement Sensitivity Respiration Growth Nutrition Metabolism Answer key included.
Force and Motion - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Force and Motion - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Force and Motion. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Force Newton Dynamometer Balanced force Unbalanced force Motion Distance Displacement Speed Velocity Inertia Net force Mass Acceleration Gravity Weight Friction Answer key included.
Ecology and Ecosystems - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Ecology and Ecosystems - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Ecology and Ecosystems. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Ecosystem Ecology Abiotic factors Biotic factors Organism Species Population Community Habitat Niche Autotroph Heterotroph Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Decomposer Food chain Answer key included.
Motions of the Earth and the Seasons - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet (Printable)

Motions of the Earth and the Seasons - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Motions of the Earth and the Seasons. The hidden vocabulary words are: Rotation, Revolution, Elliptical, Equator, Equinox, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Perihelion, Aphelion, Year, Day, Seasons, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer Answer key included.
Levels of Organization - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Levels of Organization - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Levels of Organization. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Cell Tissue Organ OrganSystem Organism Unicellular Multicellular Circulatory Respiratory Kidney Muscular Neuron Leaves Xylem Phloem Plant Answer key included.
Earth Science - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Earth Science - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is a fun and perfect way for helping your students review Earth Science. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Fossil Pangaea Atmosphere Climate Weather Greenhouse Effect Global warming Tectonic Plates Continental Drift Earthquake Rock Mineral Volcano Weathering Erosion Deposition Groundwater Answer key included.
Force, Types of Forces - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Force, Types of Forces - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Forces, Types of Forces. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Force, Newton, Contact Force, Noncontact Force, Gravitational Force, Weight, Friction, Air Resistance, Tension Force, Normal Force, Buoyant Force, Electrostatic Force, Magnetic Force, Spring Force, Applied Force Answer key included.
Active and Passive Transport - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Active and Passive Transport - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Active and Passive Transport. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Passive Transport Active Transport Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated Diffusion Exocytosis Endocytosis Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Hypotonic Isotonic Hypertonic Homeostasis ATP Channel Protein Carrier Protein Answer key included.
Human Excretory System - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Human Excretory System - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Human Excretory System. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Excretion Homeostasis Kidney Nephron Ureters Urinary Bladder Urethra Renal Artery Renal Vein Urea Urine Liver Skin Lung Answer key included.
Heat and Temperature - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Heat and Temperature - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Heat and Temperature. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Thermal Energy Temperature Heat Thermometer Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Joule Specific Heat Conduction Convection Radiation Expansion Contraction Insulator Conductor Absolute Zero Answer key included.
Electricity - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Electricity - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Electricity. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Electricity Proton Neutron Electron Conductor Insulator Electroscope Electric Current Resistance Potential difference Ohms Law Voltmeter Ammeter Series Parallel Switch Battery Answer key included.
Classification of Living Things - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Classification of Living Things - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review the Classification of Living Things. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Taxonomy Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Eukarya Animalia Fungi Plantae Homo sapiens Dichotomous key Answer key included.
Properties of Matter - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Properties of Matter - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Properties of Matter. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Chemistry Matter Mass Volume Density Gas Liquid Solid Physical property Chemical property Intensive Extensive Ductility Solubility Conductivity Reactivity Flammability Physical change Chemical change Answer key included.
Weather and Climate - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Weather and Climate - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is the perfect way for helping your students learn and review Weather and Climate. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Weather Climate Thermometer Meteorology Atmosphere Barometer Latitude Humidity Wind vane Air mass Altitude Troposphere Cloud Air pressure Precipitation Climatologist Water cycle Rain Gauge Temperature Answer key included.
Ecological Succession - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

Ecological Succession - Crossword Puzzle Worksheet Activity (Printable)

This crossword puzzle is a fun and perfect way for helping your students review Ecological Succession. The vocabulary words covered in this crossword are: Ecosystem Biotic factors Abiotic factors Ecological succession Primary succession Secondary succession Pioneer species Climax community Lichens Community Habitat Population Niche Biodiversity Answer key included.