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I'm a teacher too. All of these resources are simple and quick to download. They can be stored on a flashdrive, attached to a keyring and then they live in your pocket as easy and as ready to use as a hanky when a sneeze is coming on. Try the Nonsense Rhymes Crosswords. If you like Dr Seuss, you'll love these (and so will your students). The World News Crossword is published every Sunday evening. It's prefect for prompting discussion about current events.




I'm a teacher too. All of these resources are simple and quick to download. They can be stored on a flashdrive, attached to a keyring and then they live in your pocket as easy and as ready to use as a hanky when a sneeze is coming on. Try the Nonsense Rhymes Crosswords. If you like Dr Seuss, you'll love these (and so will your students). The World News Crossword is published every Sunday evening. It's prefect for prompting discussion about current events.
The World News Crossword (June 11th 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 11th 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 11th 2017) is a simple crossword based on last week's news events. This week there are TWO BONUS puzzles (Canada and Brazil). These puzzles are engaging and interesting learning activities. The World News Crossword sparks students to discuss news events around the world. The UK election. The Qatar embargo. A Facebook post in Thailand and a documentary in Cambodia with similar consequences. China's One China Policy and now a One-Dog policy. Solar panels on the Mexico-US wall? Crowdfunding's a good idea - to start up a chocolate factory in New Zealand. Homo sapiens are at least 300,000 years old now, not the 200,000 previously thought, which is nowhere as old as the 115 million year old fossilised mushroom found in Brazil. The News puzzle can be used with young or old students, individually or in small groups, in class or for homework. The three bonus puzzles can be used when substituting for absent colleagues or during rainy lunch times.
The World News Crossword (June 4th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 4th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 4th, 2017) is a pdf document so it's quick and easy to download / save to a flash drive on your keyring. Then you have a simple and very worthwhile lesson activity in your pocket. Brilliant!! The primary puzzle is a crossword based on last week's news events. There are TWO more puzzles: one is all about Japan and the other is all about China. Answers are included. There's anther puzzle, taken from the Climate Change Crosswords booklet, also included.
The World News Crossword (June 18th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 18th, 2017)

This is a one-hour self-contained, informative, and very interesting lesson for students from about 10 years old to way older. It's even good fun to do during staff meetings. Get your department to compete the Maths department. (They're think they're so clever.) It's a pdf, so save it to a flash drive on your keyring and have a brilliant lesson in your pocket to use when a colleague is away sick. What happened in the world last week? A forest fire in Portugal and an apartment building fire in London both killed more than 60 people. Britain's government seemed to be in chaos while the newly-formed party of France's newly-elected president won a landslide in France's parliamentary election. Theresa must feel so jealous. Greece received a bailout payment from the EU and then vetoed an EU statement condemning China's human rights record at the UN. (Seems a little ungrateful.) Mind you, the US president seemed to support the blockade of Qatar but then the US sold billions of dollars worth of fighter jets to Qatar. Climate change affected scientists in Canada's Hudson Bay and seemed to have allowed some new plant life and insect pests to flourish in the Antarctic. And while we're down there, historians discovered a 118-year-old painting of a dead bird. They were excited - historians!! Why were these last week's news stories? What was their wider story? There are THREE bonus crosswords attached to this week's puzzle. I almost forgot - there's fear in France that a severe butter shortage will cause either a shortage of croissants, or a significant price increase. Sacred blue!
The World News Crossword (June 25th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 25th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (June 25th, 2017) is a simple crossword based on last week's news events. This week there are THREE BONUS puzzles that can be saved to a USB drive and stuffed into your pocket ready to be used at a moment's notice. Perfect for emergencies. The World News Crossword prompts students to discuss news events around the world. Brexit. Qatar. The White House. Climate change. The Middle East. The Great Barrier Reef. And maybe they'll ask where Sichuan is. Or where exactly is North Korea. Or perhaps they'll ask why - why is it a big deal that a small rural New Zealand newspaper publish the names of drunk drivers? Or that French bus drivers who aren't allowed to wear shorts chose to wear skirts? And then a group of UK school kids did the same - and how did these stories relate to climate change? The News puzzle can be used with young or old students, individually or in small groups, in class or for homework. The three bonus puzzles can be used when substituting for absent colleagues or during rainy lunch times.
What happened in our world? May 7th, 2017

What happened in our world? May 7th, 2017

This is a simple crossword aiming to encourage students to ask about what's happened in their world during the last week or so. The puzzles are excellent for a lively and informative home room period or even a substitution lesson when the absent colleague hasn't left enough work. You save your precious time and the students get to learn about last week's news events... India launched a communications satellite that may be able to find some rats that drank the banned alcohol. Mark Selby won the world snooker championships and Always Dreaming won the Kentucky Derby and Eliud Kipchoge didn't quite break the 2 hours for the marathon. An Argentinean was rescued from Canadian mountain and an 85 year old Nepali man died on Mount Everest. Wolves returned to Denmark and rhinos returned to Rwanda. The Pope doesn't approve of a bomb being called the mother of all bombs. Bombs were defused in Hannover. France held presidential elections and also passed a law requiring fashion models to produce a medical certificate to prove they're healthy. Schoolgirls were hospitalised after a gas leak in India and some of the more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls were returned by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Of course, this puzzle activity is not about getting the crossword completed correctly. The real goal os to get the students asking about the stories in the news. Why did Nike sponsor the sub 2 hour mile attempt? Why were there bombs in Hannover?Why did Venice ban new fast food outlets? Download and then print the simple and easy to use PDF and save time preparing for the next Economics, Geography, Business, or PSHE lesson. This week, there are 2 BONUS crossword puzzles: one is about Asia's countries and capitals and the other is about Africa. These are handy to print and have ready for emergencies.
The World News Crossword (July 2nd, 2017)

The World News Crossword (July 2nd, 2017)

This eleven-page packet of crosswords begins with a crossword dedicated to last week's world news and the events behind the news. There are several other crosswords that can be used at any time to support lessons or to use in emergencies, or as homework language activities (or in staff meetings). I've found crosswords work well as small group activities, especially the world news crossword, because it generates positive discussions about the world events. Now here's the thing... I know they're good because my students INSIST on getting all the answers and they chatter for the rest of the day about the news events. India's complicated tax system is being replaced by a goods and services tax. That's boring, but the world shortage of a special antibiotic isn't boring. It's potentially very serious. And so is drug-resistance. New Zealand's customs impounded. shipment of Weetabix, possibly because the British Lions beat the All Blacks. But Emirates Team New Zealand won the America's Cup. An Australian boy was flown almost 1000 km because of an accident with fireworks and an eye injury - not the best way fro him to celebrate Northern Territory Day. 60% of British people want to retain EU citizenship and 75% of the world don't have confidence in the US president's leadership skills (and yes, I know, that means 25% do). A study has found that a commercially produced pesticide has a significant harmful effect on bees. The chemical company thinks more research is needed. A study found that immigrant parakeets are liked by the UK public but that they are causing harm. (Guess what? The study's lead researcher was Mr Parrot. Really!!) And yes, the answers are included. There are some crosswords about landmarks or special places in the world... Uluru, The Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge, The Grand Canyon, Banff National Park, The Victoria Falls... and maybe these puzzles will get the students using their smartphones with an atlas or map rather than WhatsApp or FB. There are some Maps crosswords taken from a KS3 Geography booklet that's also available on TES, and a crossword about Climate Change - what causes it, what are the effects, and what can we do about it? So... a crossword all about last week's news and a few other very handy resources to have in your pocket (it's all PDF so you can download it to a USB drive)...
The World News Crossword (November 12th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (November 12th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (November 12th, 2017) is a one-page crossword based on the events of last week's news. The resource includes three more one-page crosswords - on New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. Answers are included. The World News Crossword (November 12th, 2017) is an ideal lesson activity in home room, PSHE, Social Studies, Geography, Economics and SEN lessons. Crosswords challenge students' logic and problem solving skills, research skills, and require neat handwriting. They work well as small group activities or even as homework activities. In this week's puzzle... North Korea’s leader called the US president ‘old’, and so the US president called North Korea’s leader ‘short and fat’. An Australian jockey punched his horse before a race. Japan’s prime minister fell backwards into a bunker while playing golf, an Australian hit a double century in cricket and New Zealand beat France in rugby. And Lewis Hamilton crashed his Mercedes. And Saudi Arabian women will soon be allowed into sports stadiums. Hyderabad banned begging. Uttar Pradesh told Muslim schools to teach English, maths, and science. And in Delhi, a health emergency was declared because of smog. A rocket launch was delayed because a little plane strayed into its air space. And Walt Disney announced three more Star Wars movies will be made. An escaped lynx was killed and a python was found in a drunk German man’s trousers. And zoo staff in Colombia performed root canal surgery on an African elephant.
The World News Crossword (August 13th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (August 13th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (August 13th, 2017) is a simple crossword made up of news events from the last week. New volcanoes discovered in the Antarctic. Less migrants from Libya to Italy in July. A camp built for migrants walking from the US to Canada. Twelve HUGE pipes washed ashore in Norfolk. A Canadian policeman paid for the shirt and tie that a young shoplifter tried to steal for a job interview. The egg scandal spread to 15 EU countries, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Tainted papayas make 100 or so people in the US sick while millions of Yemeni children are suffering from cholera. Train wreck in Egypt. The US president threaten d military intervention in Venezuela. And a Canadian diplomat suffers hearing loss in Cuba because of a sonic weapon. A Danish submarine captain was charged with manslaughter after a Swedish journalist died when the submarine sank. Of course the answers are included. It's an excellent resource for PSHE, Geography, Economics, Social Studies, GATE... There are 3 additional BONUS crossword puzzles - Afghanistan, Albania, and Japan.
Afghanistan to Bhutan - 20 crosswords

Afghanistan to Bhutan - 20 crosswords

Afghanistan to Bhutan - 20 crosswords These are the first twenty countries on an alphabetical journey around the world. Crosswords on each of Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina (and the tango), Armenia, Australia (are there kangaroos on Tasmania?), Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados (do they play cricket in Barbados?), Belarus (does it really mean ‘white Russia’?), Belgium (mmmm, chocolates), Belize, Benin, Bhutan, and of course the solutions. Interesting and engaging group activity material for almost any subject. Supporting literacy, handwriting, research skills, and logic. Or simple homework activities. Or easy but engaging and worthwhile learning material for substitute lessons. BONUS EXTRAs... And there’s more... crosswords on New Zealand, China, United Kingdom, Europe, USA... And a crossword on climate change. And three witty Nonsense Rhymes Crosswords for those who enjoy playing with words and rhymes (these puzzles are excellent for those learning phonemic awareness, for this struggling with handwriting, and for those who like a silly little giggle during staff meetings. (Really!) I hope you enjoy using these crosswords and that your students learn more about their world.
The World News Crossword (July 29th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (July 29th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (July 29th, 2017) is a simple crossword based on last week's news events. But wait! There's more... three more crosswords. There's one about Australia. There's one about the USA. And there's another on countries and their famous landmarks. In last week's news... China's president announced that everyone in the Chinese army has to support the communist party. Over 20,000 people were evacuated because of a fire at a concert in Spain. There were forest fires along the French coast. There was flooding in China and New Zealand and a suspicious water shortage in the Murray-Darling river basin area that the government is investigating. Pakistan's prime minister was made to resign because of dishonest activity revelled in the Panama Papers. North Korea fired another rocket into the Japan Sea. The US Navy fired some rockets near an Iranian ship. And the Sri Lankan navy rescued an elephant that had been swept out to sea. And a few days later they rescued two more. There's a serious international dispute brewing because Gran Canaria imported sand from Western Sahara - the UN has rules about trading with countries that are occupied (Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco). And the Dumbest News Story Ever Award goes to the people in Rotorua (New Zealand) who have imported mud from South Korea and used $NZ100,000 given by government, i.e. the taxpayer, to do so. It's for a festival. It's mud. $100,000 of taxpayer money??? So... a crossword all about last week's news and a few other very handy resources to have in your pocket. It's all one pdf document so it can be downloaded and stored on a flash drive, ready to print and use in a flash!
The World News Crossword (August 6th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (August 6th, 2017)

The World News Crossword (August 6th, 2017) is a simple crossword based on last week’s news events. There are three BONUS crosswords included - all with the answers of course. The resource is a pdf document so it's quick and easy to download and store on a flash drive. What happened in our world last week? The Philippines president called the North Korean leader a ‘chubby fool’ for firing rockets. China and India are involved in a border dispute. An Indian boxer beat a Chinese boxer but offered to give the title back to the Chinese boxer as a peace gesture. GM recalled almost a million trucks. Pearson, the educational publisher announced it would cut 10% of of its jobs. Ethnic violence in the DRC resulted in more than 250 people killed. Australia’s greenhouse emissions rose to their highest level ever. Dutch police arrested criminals who stole iPhones from a moving truck. A heatwave spread across Europe and monsoon flooding killed hundreds of people in India. Police in Sierra Leone banned groups of joggers. It’s not so much what happened but why, and hopefully this is what the students will be talking about as they complete the crossword and go to their next lesson. Why did only two cities apply to host the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics? Why is the Polish government still allowing logging in its ancient forest? Why are George and Amal Clooney helping 3000 Syrian children attend school in Lebanon? And why was Martin Shkreli the most hated man?
The World News Crossword - September 10th, 2017

The World News Crossword - September 10th, 2017

The World News Crossword - September 10th, 2017 is a pdf containing a crossword based on the events in last week's news. There are three more BONUS crosswords based on world geography that can be used at any time - substitute lessons, homework activities, time-out sessions, staff meetings (yes, really). Crosswords are good for encouraging neat handwriting and literacy. These crosswords are good for encouraging research on current world events. More than that, these crosswords will encourage discussions about the stories behind the news events, for example... almost 30,000 weapons were handed in in Australia during an amnesty. A German gun manufacturer promised not to sell weapons into war zones and to corrupt governments. And the UK arms manufacturers reported record profits from soaring sales. The UK government condemned North Korea's missile programme. Irma, Kim Jong-un, and Aung San Suu Kyi... Why was so much news time devoted to a hurricane when an entire ethnic group were being persecuted by the Myanmar military? Previously extinct tigers in Kazakhstan, plastic in the ocean and now in the food chain, and three mega-hurricanes. Are these related? Six farmers in the Amazon were murdered by gangs who want to steal the land to farm palm oil. What's palm oil used for? An artist who donated some of (but not all?) of his prize money because the competition was sponsored by BP (er, why did he enter?) Bad behaviour by German football fans in Prague and 50,000 people protested in London against Brexit.
Geography: Geographical Enquiry Skills

Geography: Geographical Enquiry Skills

Suitable for Key Stage 3 Geography, GCSE/IGCSE, or A Levels/IB Diploma. Bonus puzzles: European capitals, African capitals, Asian capitals. Each crossword makes an excellent group or individual activity and can be used as a revision/reinforcement activity. In-class or for homework. These puzzles are great for stashing away to be used when colleagues are absent. Answers included.
Geography: Map skills

Geography: Map skills

Geography: Map skills A set of TWO crosswords: Map skills 1 and Map skills 2 and TWO bonus puzzles: The India Region and the Australasia Region Suitable for Key Stage 3 Geography, GCSE/IGCSE, or A Levels/IB Diploma. Each crossword makes an excellent group or individual activity and can be used as a revision/reinforcement activity. In-class or for homework. These puzzles are great for stashing away to be used when colleagues are absent. Answers included.
Geography: Weather & Climate Crosswords

Geography: Weather & Climate Crosswords

Geography: Weather & Climate Crosswords A set of TEN crosswords: The Water Cycle, Weather, Rain, Anti-cyclones and Depressions, Climate, and Micro-climates. And Climate Change. Suitable for Key Stage 3 Geography, GCSE/IGCSE, or A Levels/IB Diploma. Each crossword makes an excellent group or individual activity and can be used as a revision/reinforcement activity. In-class or for homework. These puzzles are great for stashing away to be used when colleagues are absent. Answers included.
Geography: Tectonic Processes Crosswords

Geography: Tectonic Processes Crosswords

Geography: Tectonic Processes Crosswords The Earth, Boundaries, Volcanoes, Eathquakes and 3 bonus puzzles (USA & Canada, Central America, South America). Suitable for Key Stage 3 Geography, GCSE/IGCSE, or A Levels/IB Diploma. Each crossword makes an excellent group or individual activity and can be used as a revision/reinforcement activity. In-class or for homework. These puzzles are great for stashing away to be used when colleagues are absent. Answers included.
The World News Crossword  (May 21st 2017)

The World News Crossword (May 21st 2017)

The World News Crossword (May 21st 2017) is a simple crossword based on last week's news events. This week there are THREE BONUS puzzles (The Mighty Mississippi, USA's states, and a puzzle all about Climate Change). These puzzles are engaging and interesting learning activities. The World News Crossword enthuses students to discuss news events around the world. The US president met Turkey's president and it didn't go so well. The US president then flew to Saudi Arabia where he'll attend a meeting also attended by a leader wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. Why did North Korea's leader fire another missile? The leader in the Philippines banned cigarette smoking in public. France inaugurated its president and he flew first to meet Germany's chancellor and then to meet French troops in Africa. And Ukraine's president banned the country's two most popular social media sites. The News puzzle can be used with young or old students, individually or in small groups, in class or for homework. The three bonus puzzles can be used when substituting for absent colleagues or during rainy lunch times.
What happened in our world? March 6th, 2016

What happened in our world? March 6th, 2016

What happened in our world? March 6th, 2016 is a crossword based on last week's news events. In this week's puzzle… The ceasefire in Syria is holding. Russia might be up to something with regards to the refugee situation in Germany. British people are applying for Irish passports. FIFA's gone hi-tech. The tsunami warning buoys didn't shout out anything when the earthquake struck. An Australian won one of the world boxing titles. South African gold miners won compensation for lung diseases. And police cracked down on protestors in Istanbul. As a bonus, there's a crossword asking students to name the country in which a city is located. These are simple crosswords aiming to make our students talk about what's happening in their world, why it's happening, to whom - and where. Use the crosswords in your home-room class, in subject lessons, in substitution lessons, in lunchtime or after school clubs, in the time-out room, or even in the staffroom (or even in a staff meeting if you dare). Keep the comments coming in - we love to hear how the crosswords are being used in your school.
What happened in our world? March 13th, 2016

What happened in our world? March 13th, 2016

What happened in our world? March 13th, 2016 is a crossword based on last week's news events. In this week's puzzle… Maria Sharapova aced by Porsche but not by chocolate. Skiers killed in Italy and tourists killed in Ivory Coast. Japan remembers the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. The South Korean who is challenging the go in google. Two French teenagers arrested on terrorism charges and a Danish woman charged with people trafficking - for giving some Syrians a ride in her car. As a bonus, there's a crossword asking students to name the country in which some news events occurred. These are simple crosswords aiming to make our students talk about what's happening in their world, why it's happening, to whom - and where. Use the crosswords in your home-room class, in subject lessons, in substitution lessons, in lunchtime or after school clubs, in the time-out room, or even in the staffroom (or even in a staff meeting if you dare). Keep the comments coming in - we love to hear how the crosswords are being used by you and your students.
What happened in our world? June 6th, 2016

What happened in our world? June 6th, 2016

What happened in our world? June 6th, 2016 is a crossword based on last week's news events. It's a pdf document so it's simple and quick to download and print. And the answers are included in the same file. In this week's puzzle… Novak beat Murray and Garbine beat Serena in France. Japanese officials raided Suzuki. Mitsubishi apologised for using Chinese workers in wartime. The Tokyo Governor apologised for lavish spending. And the lost Japanese boy was found safe and well. A huge storm attacked Australia's east coast and sharks attacked the west coast. Where should Nikola Tesla's remains be held? (It's a 'current' and 'alternating' debate in Serbia.) A monkey robbed a jewellery store in India and a Delhi hospital was busted for a kidney transplant racket. A concert in Germany was cancelled because of bad weather and the Seine rose 6.5 metres above normal. (By the way, if you dip your feet in the Seine and then take them out, were you temporarily insane?) These are simple crosswords aiming to encourage our students to ask about what's happening in their world. Why did it happen and where? And most importantly, who are the people affected? Use the crossword in your home-room class, in subject lessons, in substitution lessons, in lunchtime or after school clubs, in the time-out room, or even in the staffroom (during a staff meeting if you dare). You can 'follow' us to receive an email when a new puzzle is uploaded. But you can also just check every Sunday night or Monday morning.