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Revise Science

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Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.




Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.
KS3 DNA, continuous and discontinuous variation revision mat

KS3 DNA, continuous and discontinuous variation revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "DNA" and "Continuous and discontinuous variation". Includes revision on DNA, continuous variation, discontinuous variation, environmental and genetic characteristics, and number of chromosomes. Includes completed revision mat.
KS3 Rock cycle revision mat

KS3 Rock cycle revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "rock cycle". Includes revision the rock cycle, different forms of weathering, acid rain and the structure of the Earth. Includes completed revision mat.
KS3 Cells and respiration revision mat

KS3 Cells and respiration revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic "cells and respiration". Includes revision on cells, organelles, anaerobic and aerobic respiration and microscopes. Contains a completed mat.
KS3 Separating mixtures revision mat

KS3 Separating mixtures revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic “Separating mixtures”. Includes revision the purity, chromatography, filtration, evaporation, dissolving and distillation. Includes completed revision mat and PDF copy.
KS3 Acids and alkalis revision mat

KS3 Acids and alkalis revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "acids and alkalis". Includes revision the pH scale, neutralisation experiments, neutralisation salt equations and indicators. Includes completed revision mat.
Sex Determination

Sex Determination

Lesson for sex determination containing a Powerpoint and a worksheet that is half a side of A4. Another copy of the worksheet is provided with scaffolding for lower ability students. The lesson includes instructions on how to use a Punnet square. The worksheet is for applying the knowledge using an alien scenario using different letters for sex chromosomes. Also included is a mini book which makes a good revision tool once completed. AQA Science Trilogy exam starting 2018 - B6
KS3 Speed revision mat

KS3 Speed revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic “Speed”. Includes two pages of revision on calculating speed/distance/time, drawing/interpreting speed/distance/time graphs and calculating relative motion. Includes answers and a PDF copy.


Lesson for inheritance containing a powerpoint, a worksheet, worksheet answers and celebrity genetics cards. The powerpoint allows students to discuss the different genetic traits they have as well as instructions on how to draw Punnet squares. The celebrity genetics cards allow students to pick a pair of celebrities to hypothetically have a baby and to predict their traits. AQA Science Trilogy exam starting 2018 - B6
KS3 Atoms, elements and compounds revision mat

KS3 Atoms, elements and compounds revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic “Atoms, elements and compounds”. Includes two pages of revision on the differences between atoms, elements and compounds, using the periodic table and naming compounds. Includes answers and a PDF copy.
Structure of DNA

Structure of DNA

Lesson for structure of DNA containing a Powerpoint and two worksheets that are half a side of A4 each. The lesson includes instructions for making sweetie DNA and DNA extraction of fruit. The two worksheets are to be used with the activities. The lesson also includes advantages and disadvantages of the human genome project. AQA Science Trilogy exam starting 2018 - B6
Types of bonding comparison

Types of bonding comparison

A comparison between the three types of bonding; ionic, covalent and metallic. Covalent is split into the two branches of simple covalent and giant covalent. Compares heat conductivity, electric conductivity, melting point, description and diagram for all types of bonding.
KS3 Gravity revision mat

KS3 Gravity revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic “Gravity”. Includes two pages of revision on the difference between mass and weight and using the formula to calculate weight. Includes answers and a PDF copy.
AQA Unit 6 Biology only topics  (separates)

AQA Unit 6 Biology only topics (separates)

A two page revision mat with answers for AQA Biology separate science. Contains the unit 6 topics that appear on the Biology ONLY paper. **Does not include everything from unit 6 and this material will not appear on the trilogy or synergy papers. ** Topics include DNA structure, theories of evolution, speciation, advantages/disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction, cloning and Mendelian genetics.
Nervous system revision mat - AQA GCSE Biology Paper 2

Nervous system revision mat - AQA GCSE Biology Paper 2

Comes as a powerpoint file as well as PDF copies. This makes a concise revision sheet for the nervous system including questions on reflexes, synapses, the eye, the brain, thermoregulation and the required practical. The first page is Combined Science content only. The revision mat is three pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed.
GCSE Biology revision mat - The heart

GCSE Biology revision mat - The heart

*The image preview for the word version is not working correctly, however opening it the document appears normal, but I have also added a PDF version for ease of mind* A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW. This makes a concise revision sheet for the heart and blood. It includes questions on heart structure, blood vessels, blood components, CHD, pacemakers and artificial valves. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed.
GCSE Biology revision mat - The digestive system

GCSE Biology revision mat - The digestive system

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW. This makes a concise revision sheet for the digestive system and the enzymes in the digestive system. It includes questions on digestive system anatomy, the functions of organs, food tests, bile and enzymes of the digestive system. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy.