Business and finance

Business ownership mini case studies
Four mini case studies with questions.
Case study one - sole trader versus partnership
Case study two - partnership
Case study three - private limited company
Case study four - public limited company
Ideal for class activity or could be set as homework.

External economies of scale case study
Case Study on UK’s Motorsport Valley including questions on external and internal economies of scale.
Written for ncfe technical award level 1/2 business and enterprise but suitable for any introduction to external economies of scale.
Suitable for class activity or could be set for homework

Business aims and objectives mini case studies
Two business aims and objectives mini case studies including questions.
Written for ncfe technical award level 1/2 business and enterprise but suitable for any course discussing business aims and objectives. Mini study one is about setting aims and objectives and the second one about achieving them.
Suitable for class activity or could be set for homework.

Entrepreneurs motivations case study
Case study focusing on entrepreneurs motivations. Designed for ncfe level 1/2 technical award in business and entreprise but suitable for any course looking at what motivates entrepreneurs.
Questions included at the end.

Internal influences KO NCFE
Knowledge organiser created for LO4 Internal influences of NCFE level 1/2 technical award in Business and Enterprise. It covers customer service, internal influences and internal challenges. Separated into clear sections so students can revise different segments. Includes greyed out areas for additional topics.

External influences KO NCFE
Knowledge organiser created for LO5 Entrepreneurship of NCFE level 1/2 technical award in Business and Enterprise. It covers external influences and external challenges of growth. Separated into clear sections so students can revise different segments. Includes greyed out areas for additional topics.

Entrepreneurship KO NCFE
Knowledge organiser created for LO1 Entrepreneurship of NCFE level 1/2 technical award in Business and Enterprise. It covers entrepreneurs, aims and objectives, structures and stakeholder engagement. Separated into clear sections so students can revise different segments. Includes greyed out areas for additional topics.

Marketing Mix KO NCFE
Knowledge organiser created for LO2 Marketing Mix of NCFE level 1/2 technical award in Business and Enterprise. It covers the marketing mix, market research and market types. Separated into clear sections so students can revise different segments. Includes greyed out areas for additional topics.

Economies of scale Tom's cola case study
A case study introducing the concept of economies of scale (purchasing). Includes questions that require calculations of revenue, profit, costs and thinking through why larger firms have lower costs. Extension question included.
Answers included.