I have ten years experience as an HLTA in a primary school, primarily working with Year 6. Over the years, I have created a bank of resources which I hope may prove useful to others as time savers.
I have ten years experience as an HLTA in a primary school, primarily working with Year 6. Over the years, I have created a bank of resources which I hope may prove useful to others as time savers.
Great descriptive/creative writing example paragraph - using dragons as the subject matter.
Can be used to introduce a descriptive writing activity for pupils.
Also included is a word bank to generate ideas.
Key features include: examples of creative language choices/vocabulary in order to create mood/atmosphere/setting of a dragon leaving its lair to hunt.
Illustrates expaned noun phrases/adverbials/varied sentence structures.
Suitable for KS2.
Download to access full paragraph and word bank. Contained in zip file.
**This resource is also available at following link as a Powerpoint **:
Further descriptive paragraphs can be found at following:
Erupting Volcano:
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12960494 (word doc)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12984370 (powerpoint)
Abandoned House in Forest:
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12960501 (word doc)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12978017 (powerpoint)
Also, a resource with ideas of how to make descriptive/creative writing more exciting using figurative language:
KS2 Descriptive Writing Paragraph– Abandoned House
Creative/descriptive writing example.
Key Features:
Modelling creative language choices/figurative language; kS2 grammatical features such as embedded clauses; varied sentence starters and structures; fronted adverbials; expanded noun phrases.
Used when working with small groups of Year 6 pupils tasked with writing their own short narrative paragraph(s).
Suitable for KS2.
This resource is also available as a powerpoint:
Further descriptive paragraphs can be found at following:
Erupting Volcano:
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12960494 (word doc)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12984370 (powerpoint)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12959414 (word doc)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12959437 (powerpoint)
Also, a resource with ideas of how to make descriptive/creative writing more exciting using figurative language:
KS2 Descriptive Writing Paragraph -Volcano Eruption
Creative/descriptive writing example.
Key Features:
Modelling creative language choices/figurative language; kS2 grammatical features such as varied sentence starters and structures; fronted adverbials; expanded noun phrases; varied punctuation.
Used when working with small groups of Year 6 pupils tasked with writing their own short narrative paragraph(s).
Suitable for KS2.
This resource is also available as a Powerpoint:
Further descriptive paragraphs can be found at following:
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12959414 (word doc)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12959437 (ppwerpoint)
KS2 Descriptive Writing Paragraph – Abandoned House in Forest:
Same paragraph as a powerpoint
Also, a resource with ideas of how to make descriptive/creative writing more exciting using figurative language:
Funchristmas activity for whole class. Can they use the code on each page to work out the punch lines for some fun, silly Christmassy jokes.
Simple alphabetical code used.
Good starter/ice breaker activity for the whole class.
Suitable for KS2 and upper KS1
Here is a simple quick to make Easter Egg cross stitch patterns - to use with KS2 pupils, although it may also be suitable for upper years of KS1.
The colour cross stitch pattern chart is on a pdf. The eggs can be completed in any colour. Pictures and patterns are a guide only.
This has coloured crosses. Each cross is equal to one cross stitch.
I have also included some basic cross stitch information/instructions.
Would be great to use as front of a Handmade Easter Card or as a lovely framed picture!
Finished size of each egg: approx: 5cm x 4cm on 6 count binca. If stitched on 14 count aida, the finished picture will be smaller.
The pattern is stitched on 6 count binca material using 6 strands of stranded cotton and a blunt tapestry needle.
Here are some further easy to make cross stitch patterns for binca cross stitch fabric. Pictures can be stitched on aida fabric also, but the finished pictures would be smaller:
‘Dream, Hope, Believe, Achieve’ Positive Mind Set Cross Stitch:
Christmas Tree Quick Make - Ideal for Card Making:
Bees - single Bee and ‘Bee Happy’ picture:
Poppy Cross Stitch - Easy make pattern:
Collection of Mini Cross Stitch Motifs:
Easter Fun Facts Powerpoint/Wordsearch/Word Unscramble Game. KS1/KS2 can be found here:
Here is a simple quick to make Christmas Tree cross stitch pattern - to use with KS2 pupils, although it may also be suitable for upper years of KS1.
The colour cross stitch pattern chart is on a pdf.
This has coloured crosses. Each cross is equal to one cross stitch.
I have also included some basic cross stitch information/instructions.
Would be great to use as front of a Handmade Christmas Card!
Finished size: approx: 3" x 2"
The pattern is stitched on 6 count binca material using 6 strands of stranded cotton and a blunt tapestry needle.
Here are some further links for other fun, simple cross stitch designs on binca:
(All patterns can be stitched on aida fabric but note that the finished design will be smaller)
Easy Easter Egg designs:
Easy Poppy Cross Stitch design:
Single Bee and ‘Bee Happy’ Logo designs:
Collection (20) of mini cross stitch motifs:
Positive Mind Set Design - ‘Dream, Hope, Believe, Achieve’:
KS2 Year 6 Sats
Reading Comprehension – ‘Retrieval’ / ‘Word Meaning in Context’ /Summary Practice - with suggested answers.
The questions that follow the short fiction extract from ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl:
2a = to give or explain the meaning of words in context.
2b = retrieve and record information or identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
2c = to summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
They are straightforward SATS style questions.
Resource uploaded as pdf and word document
Easter Fun Facts Powerpoint
Easter words Unscramble activity
Easter Wordsearch
Suitable for Lower KS2 and Upper KS1
Fun activities for Easter.
A fun Easter egg cross stitch pattern (for binca or aida) can be found here - great for making Easter cards:
Some fun facts and information about the history of Halloween and the traditions that we continue today, including trick or treating and pumpkin carving - with appropriate safety notes on these activities.
Suitable for Upper Years KS1 and KS2.
Presented as both Powerpoint and PDF for ease of access.
Fun Christmas wordsearch for KS2 (and Upper KS1)
Based on the film ‘Elf’ with Buddy the Elf.
Great Christmas activity for end of term.
Resource loaded as powerpoint and pdf for ease of use.
Fill in the missing words activity with word bank on each page - for KS2
Using an edited version of classic poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ by Clement C.Moore.
Resource given as PDF and Powerpoint for ease of access.
PLEASE NOTE: THE BOXES** DO** ALIGN ON SHEETS WHEN DOWNLOADED, the preview picture of the powerpoint look askew but they are not on the resource. Thank you.
Fill in the missing words activity with word bank on each page - for KS2
Using short extracts from two Christmassy stories - ‘The Grinch’ and ‘Polar Express’
Resource given as PDF and Powerpoint for ease of access.
PLEASE NOTE: THE BOXES** DO** ALIGN ON SHEETS WHEN DOWNLOADED, the preview picture of the powerpoint look askew but they are not on the resource. Thank you.