Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience.
My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
Former Head of PE in secondary school in the North of England with 10+ years teaching experience.
My resources tend to be classroom based lessons for the GCSE PE course and form time resources when the register is done and everyone is staring at me expecting interesting and informative action!
I created this resource for my form a few years ago for a bit of fun and it turned into quite an event. I've added to it by creating a true or false quiz for a bit of fun and context to give the students some ideas.
As well as being a bit of a lark, it actually gives students an opportunity to get creative, to do some research and to spread the word about the plight of one of our most entertaining but also threatened animals.
All feedback is gratefully received, whether positive or developmental.
6 rounds of 39 questions all about the past season and the history of the EPL.
Questions vary from multiple choice, match ups and straight forward questions.
No matter how knowledgeable your students are, they'll be challenged and even if they have no interest in sport whatsoever, they'll still be able to participate fully and enjoy the quiz.
This is ideal for the start of the new school year.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, positive or developmental.
Get ready for the end of term with fun resources to fill in those crazy times that senior leadership schedule but then don't actually plan for! You know what I mean.
Anyway, rant over. Fun quiz about the year we're about to leave behind, a Christmas quiz and a New Year target setting exercise to satiate those senior leaders and convince them that goal setting is the sole route to success!
Sorry, ranting again.
This is a series of quizzes that can be used at any time, they are not date/occasion specific.
There are over 400 questions on a variety of topics ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. There is a mixture of multiple choice, match-ups, true/false and regular questions.
Also included are two football activities, one is a workbook where students are asked to create their own club from scratch and the other is a predictions worksheet for the upcoming Premier League season.
Finally, there is a values based activity to help you and your students get to know each other.
Individually, these items have been selling at a combined total of £13.50.