Revision notes on multilingualism and multiculturalism in Spain (linked to peaceful coexistence); ways to promote "la convivencia escolar", including the context of Hispanic students in the USA,etc. There is also a section on threats to peaceful coexistence, such as ciberislamophobia, separatism, ETA and corruption.
I have included some notes on the gypsies in Spain, slightly altered from what I included in the notes for "El racismo". This is so that students can make the conexion between both themes.
Happy teaching and learning!
A set of 10 cards touching upon a variety of sub-topics including Toledo as a a city of three cultures, Lavapiés (a suburb in Madrid) as an example of a successful diverse quarter , the santería, threats to social coexistence, etc. Many cards have links to newspaper articles that students can read to prepare the card or for extension reading. This is followed by general questions that allow students to reflect on knowledge of the world around them as well as that of the Hispanic world. The game consists of a serious of statements that students have to place the context for and analyse.
I have also published revision notes for this topic.
Happy teaching and learning,
Updated 30.08.18 to include Catalonia’s referendum and Pedro Sánchez. This is a very dense topic so I have created a set of concise notes to help students digest key information. As part of the notes, there is a brief summary of films about the war and key dictators in Latinoamerica. The notes would be useful to prepare speaking cards, as a starting point for the IRP or for backgroud knowledge of some cultural topics (El Laberinto, for example). They are also useful for end of unit revision or final exams.
The format is deliberately simple to aid adaptation.
Your comments are always welcome.
Happy teaching and learning!
This compilation of cards includes sub-themes such as the exile of children during the Civil War, bringing down Franco's statues, the economic boom during Franco times, Letizia as a plebeian, etc., in one word, as much variety as possible, all within range! The general questions are followed by a selection of photographs to be used as preparation for presentations, or as a starting point for the IRP. I feel at this point of the course, students should be able to work from visual stimuli on their own!
I have also published a set of revision notes to accompany the cards (if you deem it necessary).
Please leave a comment if you purchase this resource. Your feedback is very helpful to me.
Happy teaching and learning! Blanca
Here is a set of revision notes on the topic of young people, including cutting-edge areas such as the NINIS in Latinoamerica, differences between young people in Spain and Latinoamerica, examples of activism, values and ways of entertainment... These should help for students to make their own revision cards, as a means to revise key concepts an ideas, to prepare speaking cards, as a springboard for the preparation of the IRP. The format is deliberately simple, so that it can be easily adapted.
Any comments welcome. Happy teaching and learning, Blanca.
A set of cutting edge cards including the campaign "No nos vamos, nos echan", the SISI and recent protests in Venezuela. Many cards have links so that students can read widely about the topic or use the card as a springboard to prepare their individual presentations.
The type of questions mirror those of the exam (this has been extensively researched before producing them by looking at the range of questions in French and German exams too).
The game should help with improvisation and to explore different points, a skill much needed in speaking and writing.
I have also published revision notes that can be useful to prepare the cards.
Happy teaching and learning, Blanca
Translation from English into Spanish on this theme. The translation adds up to key points useful for revision/essay writing. I made this resource with the help of the Hodder publication on the film (an excellent film guide, by the way!). Happy teaching and learning, Blanca.
As promised, here are the revision notes for this topic. Useful to prepare speaking cards, revise concepts, ideas, cultural information, etc. I have included notes on racism against indigenous people, the homeless and gypsies too, apart from the obvious. Also, examples of racist language, campaigns, etc. It seems to me that AQA could have labelled this topic better, for example "hate crime" as it is wider than just hate against "race".
Happy teaching and learning, Blanca.
This is my 18-19 Scheme of Work for the first year of the new A level Spanish (from 2016). I enclose the document I give students too.
I have also published the second year for free in TES.
The grade boundaries breakdown is based on the 2018 exams.
Please note I teach the book in the first year, to tie it up with the theme of gender equality.
A comprehensive set of speaking cards focusing on cutting-edge areas of this topic. It includes cards on racist expressions in Spanish, islamofobia, aporofobia, racism against indigenous people in Peru, etc. They can be used in class, prepared for homework or as a mock exam.
The revision notes for this topic can help students to prepare these cards.
The general questions are for pair work, to prepare a presentation or for mock exams. I have included questions on Trump and his immigration policies which are seen as racist by many. At the end, there is a game to challenge students and help them with spontaneous talk.
Thanks to all for your continuous support. Happy learning. Blanca
UPDATED This is my 2018-19scheme of work for the second year of the AL Spanish.
Please note that I do the film the second year, to tie it with the topic of Monarquías y Dictaduras.
I also enclose the booklet I give the students (Programme of Study).
The grade boundaries breakdown is based on the 2018 exams.
You will find useful resources to teach the course in my shop, such as original and provoking speaking cards, general questions and very useful revision notes.
Happy teaching!
A simple classroom activity that can be done at the beginning of the course in GCSE or AL1, to revise the present tense. Play the PPP (timed) and make your students write the correct verb. For more able students, I make them write a sentence using topic-specific vocabulary.
I have created this resource inspired and with kind permission of shara_nuku, who is selling PPPs with drills for all the other tenses. See her wonderful shop in TES, it is ACE!
Enjoy the teaching and learning,
These notes are a comprehensive summary of the topic, and they can be used to support the speaking cards (my collection or others), to revise the unit, for self and independent study. They include cutting edge aspects of the topic, such as "La Bestia" and Trump's proposals for tougher laws to curb illegal inmigration.
If you find these notes useful, please visit my shop for other batches on different units.
Your feedback is really appreciated either here or at
Happy teaching and learning, Blanca.
This is a new set of cards for the topic of La inmigración, for the new AQA (slightly different to the old one in content!). The cards touch upon long lasting issues such as "La fuga de cerebros" as well as more recent aspects, such as Trump's proposals to deal with illegal inmigration in the USA. The questions are followed by general questions and a game to improve improvisation and fluency (with instructions).
You can also purchase the revision notes in my shop.They will be useful to prepare the cards.
If you like this series, please visit my shop as I have published sets of cards, questions, games AND REVISION notes for each of the AL1 units too.
PLEASE leave a review, your feedback is very important to me. Happy teaching and learning, Blanca
This is the last set of revision notes for the new A Level. It is meant to be a resumé as you can imagine, since the "patrimonio" is such a vast topic. However, I hope that it give grounds for the students to prepare speaking cards, to revise vocabulary and provide some ideas for the individual research project.
I will also be publishing revision notes for the second year of the A Level, so please visit my shop again. And if you have missed it, I have an invaluable collection of speaking cards mirrowing the exam. These are also available in TES as cheap as £2 per unit or purchased for the year at £10.
If you enjoy my resources, please encourage your colleagues to support me. Many thanks for all your comments. Happy teaching and learning. Blanca.
Here is the fifth instalment of revision notes for you and for your students! They are quite comprehensive but I enclose the word version if you want to cut/adapt, etc. These notes can be used to prepare speaking cards (plenty of information on cultural aspects plus opinions on such topics as bullfighting and the regional languages), for revision before mocks, for end of unit revision, etc.
I hope you find them useful and your students too.
Please visit my shop to buy more revision notes and the infamous speaking cards (they are selling like hot cakes!). The prices of my resources are deliberately low so that they don't dig a hole in your pocket!
Thanks for supporting my work. Any comments are welcome to this site or
Happy teaching and learning. Blanca
Here is a plan that I gave my students to write an essay on Adela. This is a model question for the new A Levels and I am teaching " La Casa de Bernarda Alba" in the first year. You can use it to help weak students, for peer writing, to write your own essay, etc.
I hope it is useful.
Please browse through my resources in TES for speaking cards and revision notes for the new A Level. I am sure you will find something useful for you and for your students.