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I am an experienced Physics teacher who enjoys creating resource that engage students to do their best in Physics. I also create chemistry and Biology resources. I like active lessons with differentiation so all my resources are differentiated. All my resources are non-specialist friendly.




I am an experienced Physics teacher who enjoys creating resource that engage students to do their best in Physics. I also create chemistry and Biology resources. I like active lessons with differentiation so all my resources are differentiated. All my resources are non-specialist friendly.
Nuclear decay equations

Nuclear decay equations

GCSE 9-1 COMBINED AND PHYSICS Worksheet which allows student to practicse decay equations and visually see the decay. Exam questions with markscheme included with higher stretch qusetion. MARKSCHEME ATTACHED.
Force and extension GCSE 9-1

Force and extension GCSE 9-1

GCSE 9-1 Combined Science and GCSE 9-1 Physics The resources is designed to help structure the required practical to allow students to collect and record data and analyse it. I have included a graded task. Teachers can tick as the practical tasks are completed. I have also included a support worksheet to go alongside the practical. Table of results and set up is given. Exam questions with markcheme given. updated Nov 2023
Electrolysis Worksheet

Electrolysis Worksheet

GCSE 9-1 Electrolysis Aqueous revision worksheet Markschmeme included. Ideal for remote learning - students can work along and do practise of electrolysis. It included exam question for assessment.
Type of nuclear radiation

Type of nuclear radiation

GCSE 9-1 Physics and Combined science This worksheet is pass mat style can be used as revision or as live resource while teaching. The circus activities contains posters to display and students to collect information. I have added SEN/EAL and lower demand activity - card sort Exam questions and markscheme included
Electrical resistance equation R=V/I

Electrical resistance equation R=V/I

GCSE 9-1 Physics electricity and GCSE combined science The worksheet allows students to practise R=v/I equation and includes exam practise. This worksheet is part of a complete lesson which is uploaded on my tes ’ GCSE resistance’ which has powerpoint. Markscheme for this coming soon.
Nuclear irradiation Outstanding lesson

Nuclear irradiation Outstanding lesson

GCSE 9-1 COMBINED AND PHYSICS LESSON This is an interactive lesson with circus activity. The exam questions are differentiated. You can also display fruits and dummy medical equipment on the tables to add more engaging factor.
Fleming's left hand rule worksheet

Fleming's left hand rule worksheet

GCSE 9-1 Physics and Combined Science Electromagnetism Flemings left hand rule practise questions. Answers are included. easy and higher worksheet Diagrams taken from past paper questions
Elastic energy Outstanding lesson

Elastic energy Outstanding lesson

GCSE PHYSICS AND COMBINED SCIENCE 9-1 elastic potential energy calculation is required by all students. The resoruces contains : 1.Powerpoint with starter, practice questions and mini-plenary to check student progress 2.Worksheets for classroom : Lower demand and Higher demand and support on calculating Elastic potential energy formula. 3.Exam questions with markschemes for peer marking 4.extension question for more able. I have also included optional lesson on finding stored energy in a spring in the lab.
Pressure in gas

Pressure in gas

This lesson is on GCSE particle model of matter on gases exerting pressure. The powerpoint and worksheet
Forces :  Gears and levers

Forces : Gears and levers

GCSE 9-1 Physics Forces - Gears and levers This lesson covers How to calculate gear ratio and turning effect of gears. 1.Lesson powerpoint with worked examples 2.Worksheets - differentiated 3.Stretch - literacy task for higher ability students looking to see real life application of this topic. 4. Hands on tasks to build gear systems - exemplars given and templates provided. 5. Exam questions
series and parallel circuits GCSE

series and parallel circuits GCSE

GCSE 9-1 Combined and Triple. Woeksheet with with GCSE 9-1 Series circuit practise questions. Perfect for revision before an exam. These worksheets give practise on circuits and of equation R=V/I and series and parallel circuit rules. I have used exam questions and markscheme is included.
resistance GCSE 9-1

resistance GCSE 9-1

GCSE 9-1 ELECTRICIAL RESISTANCE COMBINED AND PHYSICS. This resource contains : powerpoint, exam questions, markschemes, worksheet.