Business and finance

Stakeholders - full lesson - cover lesson - with case study and answers
Full lesson on stakeholders created in Canva for PowerPoint.
Ideal for a cover lesson or lesson on Stakeholders

Excel and Publisher Mini Project - Great Cover lesson - 4 lessons of work
Mini Project surrounding the opening of a new resteraunt
Students need to create, Publisher documents (menus/flyers/business cards etc and a spreadsheet with basic formulas and formatting
There is also some internet research required.
I have done this a few times with my classes and they always enjoy it - theres about 4 lessons worth of work - so great to leave as cover work too.

Tatti Lashes - Business Case Study - Celebrity - Cover Lesson - One Off
Whole lesson,
Video on Tatti Lashes
How celebrities helped to build the brand
Finishes with students having to come up with their own product idea.
Great for a one off cover lesson

Business Cover Lesson 2024 - Advertising - The Apprentice - 2 hours of work
50 minute video to watch as a class or individually looking at advertising and branding of new electric cars
Task - students will then use the next hour to create their own advertising campaign

Vue Case Study - Training and Development Staff
Case study looking at the process of training and development at Vue cinemas, with a task for students

Business - Training and Management Lesson - with extra Vue case study
Whole lesson created in Canva including features, advantages and disadvantages of:
Corporate training schemes
Work based qualifications
Followed by exam style questions
Also includes a case study on Vue and their training and management schemes.

2024 Business Cover Lesson Christmas - New Food Product Challenge
Students are shown a number of the top 2024 Christmas food items and then have to create their own unique product
What is the Unique Selling Point
Target market
Ingredients of product
Description of the item
Images to show the design
Name of the Item

Cover Lesson - Business Studies - Suppliers - Playstation, Tesco, Childs Farm
Great cover lesson
Includes - supplies, how businesses should choose them.
Supply Chain - What happened to Childs Farm when they got too much positive feedback on social media (video)
Quiz to check understanding
Task - Looking for Internal and External factors that could affect the supply chain.

Christmas Activities - ICT Business Studies - one off lessons fun activities
3 Activities with PowerPoint and templates

Business - Which is more quiz and why?
Will take 30mins- an hour
I have used this with every year group I teach from 11-18 and it works with all.
After this students can recreate their own similar quiz with their own questions
Gets students answering the question of WHY?

Christmas Business Studies Bundle
5 Seperate Business Studies lessons all fun for Christmas - Can also be adapted for Valentines, Easter etc

2024 Business Valentines Day - Quiz and Disney Product
Mini Valentines day quiz followed by a task that would take one lesson - so great to use as a one off / cover lesson as well.

Higher Business Management SQA Assignment
This student help guide gets pupils started with the SQA Scottish Higher Business Assignment. It gives them ideas for topics and guidance with examples of how to gain full marks on this assessment.

Btec Level 3 Business - Unit 19 Pitching a new business - full unit
Full unit,
6 powerpoints (3hours each)
scheme of learning