
AQA Summer 2022 Biology P1 (foundation)
A summary guide on the content changes to the summer 2022 AQA Combined Science Exams. This is for Biology paper 1. Includes all of the spec left in the exams with revision priorities for each and required practical activities. Each section contains a link to Youtube, BBC Bitesize and the National Oak Academy so can be shared as a digital resource.

Sampling techniques
Full lesson resource covering all aspects of plant sampling techniques including an example quadrat activity if outdoor resources are limited. Suitable for AQA specification and others.

BTEC Applied Science Unit 3 - F Plants
This is the full unit for Applied Science BTEC Level 3 Unit 3. This covers all aspects of learning aim F - Plants and their Environment. Closely follows the outline of the specification and covers all aspects. Differentiated and varied tasks using a range of activities.

L3 BTEC Unit 3 - Enzymes in Action
A full set of lesson PowerPoint slides containing all information needed for Applied Science BTEC Level 3 - unit 3 science investigation skills. This is all for learning aim E - Enzymes in Action. These have been edited and put together from various resources found over the years but in one place!
Activities contained within the slides and ends with students completing an activity where they plan an investigation for another group to follow. This helps support unit 6 and any IA tasks if taken as part of the IBCP.